Wolf RPG
and none will shed a tear for the love no longer here - Printable Version

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and none will shed a tear for the love no longer here - Caiaphas - February 01, 2015

for @crimson fury or perhaps gunnar?

She kept moving -- she had awaited night's descent and when it came she fluttered into the darkness like a specter unleashed -- fierce yellow eyes as round and illuminant as the distant moon.

Now her hunger could be ignored no longer -- it overtook her in the manner of a accursed shade, raw and feral. Slithering forwards in the bent tussocks where the snow sheathed her approach the wretch planted herself downwards, crawling on her stomach. Out in the fen a singular doe, irradiated by moonlight, grazed quiet.

RE: and none will shed a tear for the love no longer here - Crimson Fury - February 01, 2015

Fury was walking, every so often you'd hear him snicker or see him twitch. He was trying to learn to survive yet again in another wild world. He had his pack, if you could call the rag tag bunch that. But right now he was just intent to go about on his own. He walked along and saw another dog, crouched down. He couldn't see her from very far away, but he followed behind her. He stopped moving and just watched for a moment. Fighting to curb the snickers that came forth from his maw.

It looked as if she was hunting, and she was a strange looking betch. He tilted his head in curiosity. Watching hoping ot learn a thing or two about the way she hunted.

RE: and none will shed a tear for the love no longer here - Caiaphas - February 01, 2015

She watched, bent to the cold ground -- her fur dusted with snow. The doe remained watchful, a slender pipe-like ear swerving as it looked about. Caiaphas' breath froze -- she watched wide-eyed and unwilling as the doe stood still and then swung its willowy frame sideways and bounded headlong into the snowdrifted rushes.

Caiaphas cursed her luck heavily -- her hateful gaze cast about to bescry the source of her dinner's sudden disappearance. And then she saw it -- this stupid, mangy cur red of fur with a woefully abruptly shaped muzzle. Prepared to spew bile upon this unknown deliquent, she rose. She would have continued her bristling approach were it not for the sundry scents that assailed her nostrils -- this little cur was not alone.

RE: and none will shed a tear for the love no longer here - Crimson Fury - February 01, 2015

Crimson didn't approach, didn't say a word. He just stood stupidly as snickers assailed him ever so often. His right eye twitched and he licked his muzzle slowly. He shifted his weight as she weighed him with her gaze. What a gaze it was, it was strangely enlightening. He snickered again, and his right leg spasmed.

He tilted his head and gave her a strange look. Hello....snicker..... Then he grew quiet. Well as quiet as he could become for the way he was. he snorted softly to himself, as he chuckled more. He allowed one tail wag. He tossed his head patience beginning to wane.

RE: and none will shed a tear for the love no longer here - Caiaphas - February 01, 2015

The headstrong lass, usually contorted by her own impulsion, was at a loss. This was not a wolf -- it was not even a coyote -- and as she inspected its twitching frame, something seemed incredibly off about the animal.

The spasms did not alarm her -- not even the ripple of snickers beset on his wretched head bothered her -- what alarmed her most was the strangeness that embodied him -- as if some malign star kept him. This was not the benevolent work of the gods, nor was it the wrought fiber of the wilderness. Something had bent and sharpened and dulled this creature.

She did not want to advance any further, but curiosity compelled her. "What are you doing?" She inquired, standing a distance away as if afraid he carried some sort of malaise.

For all she knew, he did.

RE: and none will shed a tear for the love no longer here - Crimson Fury - February 01, 2015

Crimson did not mind her staring. He simply stared back, not bothered by social etiquette. Granted he didn't even really know social ettiquette of his wild brethren. He supposed if he dug dip he could find some instinct that long lay dormant, but he didn't really feel like digging deep.

Snicker, snort toss head. Standin'...twitch...snicker... Whaddya...snicker...doin?" He moved forward a little bit, but not by work of his own. The spasms in his body propelling him forward. He looked at her with brown eyes, wondering and curious. She was a strange looking dog wasn't she. You're a strange lookin' dog.

RE: and none will shed a tear for the love no longer here - Caiaphas - February 01, 2015

The shudders that seized his body were not unlike Cthulhu's, who Caiaphas assumed had succumbed to the fierce will of the wild. As he staggered forwards the thickness of her winter coat doubled, hackles stiff and raised as she watched him with suspicion in her hawk-yellow eyes.

He smelled strange, but not sick -- Caiaphas had all assortment of inquiries to press unto him, none of which found assignment on her slack tongue. She arched her back, her tail raised -- for a moment, the wretch looked like a phantom cat skeletal and sleek with menace. "Dog?" She hissed, the diction strange on her tongue -- "You're a funny looking wolf."

RE: and none will shed a tear for the love no longer here - Crimson Fury - February 23, 2015

I'm so sorry boys were sick then i was sick and then birthdays :( and my leaders got precedence over the other charries

Crimson continued to shake as he looked at her, snickering in tandem with the shakes. Occasionally he'd have his eyes roll, and snort softly as he moved his body back and forth in place. Tail twitching behind him, and deep breathing.

He laughed harder, Ain't...snicker....wolf.....mutt. He chuckled and giggled and twitched all around.

Her arch caused him to laugh harder, she was comical this one. She looked a bit like a kitty cat, so he spoke softly here...snicker....kitty...kitty....snort...snicker...

RE: and none will shed a tear for the love no longer here - Caiaphas - February 24, 2015

no worries! take your time and hope everyone feels better

A dubious aspect shaded Caiaphas' countenance as she watched the wretched thing shiver -- she had witnessed many horrors, though none so curious as the dog before her. Many deranged animals she had met, every one cut of a different cloth -- but this one was of a fabric she had never encountered before.

Her ears flipped forwards in incredulous disbelief as he called her a cat -- she had never been likened to one before and it insulted her sensibilities. She felt the moniker unfair, despite the fact she resembled one in every aspect except for feline grace -- that she woefully lacked in spades.

"You're weird."The Siren Queen finally uttered, her gaze sweeping across the dog's trembling form as she awaited some sort of giggle-ridden reply.