Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera high alert - Printable Version

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high alert - FitzDutiful - February 02, 2015

FitzDutiful was on high alert. Ever since the rumours of unwelcome canines had found their way into his ears he had been doing double time on his rounds of the pack borders. He had so much to worry that the thoughts of leaving the Caldera had promptly sped away.

Fox was getting close to her due date, things were okay with Raissa and, now with this potential threat on the horizon, the Caldera needed every wolf to pull their weight. Their lives probably did depend on it.

An unfamiliar scent found its way into the air that FitzDutiful was breathing, causing him to freeze as he tried to discern where it was coming from. Was this one these intruders? On high alert he stalked his way down the border patrol route he was taking towards the stench of unfamiliarity.