Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest My feet know the path of life - Printable Version

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My feet know the path of life - Minion - February 02, 2015

Once the van crashed, Minion had left it all behind... Well, as far as behind he could physically put it. He had left all of the other dogs, struck out on his own. But, even as he put distance between them, the effects of being in the Lab traveled with him. Minion had not an ounce of care for others, nor for what he was currently doing. What was Minion currently doing? He was traveling. He didn't know where to, but he didn't need to know.

At this point in his life, Minion's instincts ruled over him. When he got thirsty, he searched for water. When he got hungry, he searched for carcasses of anything. If something moved in front of him, he would try to eat it, but often failed. He had been lucky so far. His nose and feet had led him to a deer carcass with scraps of meat still on it. When he was done, not a single strip of meat was left.

Besides that, Minion slept and walked. Currently, he was in a forest. His mind was occupied with not walking into trees as he trekked south. Occasionally, unwelcome reminders of the pain in his foot and on his cheek would surface, but they would be quickly suppressed.

RE: My feet know the path of life - Roadkill - February 04, 2015

Roadkill didn't like forests. She hadn't often been in 'em, besides that one time when a genuine human tried to make her believe he'd take care of her. He took her to the forest every day, made her feel alive, he did, until one day, he just stopped moving. It was the only good human she'd ever had, and blimey, even he had just left her after a couple of weeks, maybe months, leaving her in the mitts of the rest of the world's no-good humans again. Even the forest-human hadn't been good. Forests just reminded her of what she could've had, if forest-human hadn't left her.

After a moment of thoughtful ear-scratching, Roadkill set out into the forest. Bred to hunt and trained to fight, Roadkill was quickly distracted by a passing rabbit. She set off to a brisk gallop after it, all the while barking madly — even though there was no human nor other dogs nearby to catch her lead and join her in the hunt — and chased it down.

Right in front of her, Roadkill saw the appearance of another dog, and her rabbit headed straight for him. Might've seen the chap on the truck, might not've... Intent on taking her kill, Roadkill chased it towards the other dog. She prefered not to share, considering meals were scarce as were, but half a rabbit was better 'n none, she reckoned, so she instinctively barked, hoping the other guy was bright enough to catch on and grab the rabbit by the neck.

RE: My feet know the path of life - Bazi - February 06, 2015

Bazi could scarcely believe what she was seeing. Was it a fox? It was small and stumpy, with floppy ears and a thin, pointed tail. A caricature of a wolf etched into the sand by a blind toad.

Bazi had seen a more traditional-looking maybe-wolf disappear into Blackfoot Forest some time prior, and when the beagle followed her nose into the darkness, the wolf followed. Slowly, and at a distance, creeping silently after whatever the thing was that had taken up residence. The scent it left in its wake was familiar. Sour. Unpleasant.

Suddenly, there was a whole lot of noise. Bazi ducked down behind some conveniently placed shrubbery and waited, holding her breath. Every sensible thought in her head screamed at her to leave and summon the pack, but she stubbornly refused to obey. What harm could that yappy little thing do to a wolf?

Feel free to skip me if the dogs don't notice Bazi, I will be creepin'. >:]

RE: My feet know the path of life - Minion - February 07, 2015

Minion's head turned as movement caught his eye. Before he even knew what he was doing, he had bent down to bite the creature. His teeth instinctively found a place around the rabbit's neck, resulting in the sickening crunch of breaking bones and warm blood pooling into his mouth as it fell limp.

Letting it drop on the ground, Minion looked around. His eyes fell upon a fellow dog. He stood frozen as realization dawned on him. He had to make a choice. A life devoid of choices didn't prepare you for making decisions. Should he share the meal, give it all to her, or keep it all for himself?

One last possible choice popped into his head; instead of thinking about food, he thought about life and death. Maybe he could ask the dog to kill him and put an end to this horrible world.

RE: My feet know the path of life - Roadkill - February 09, 2015

It seemed she was lucky; the other dog caught the rabbit and snapped its neck. Roadkill was glad, for she could've lost the prey, but she also realised it meant that the other dog would want her to share. Still, half a rabbit was better 'n no rabbit, she reckoned, so Roadkill walked up to the other dog to collect her prize.

He just stood there, staring blankly ahead as though he was making decisions in his head. Roadkill stopped, having seen this look before; even though she'd be willing to find fight for her food, she thought it safer to snap the other dog out of this trance first. "Oi! You okay, mate?" She tilted her head and looked at him, then at the rabbit. "I reckon we share, eh?" In case he was trying to make that decision in his head presently; she'd make it easy for him, then.

RE: My feet know the path of life - Minion - February 09, 2015

Once the dog broke his trance, Minion realized that she had come closer, and was completely disrespecting the idea of personal space. Even though most dogs wouldn't consider the space between them short enough to be considered an evasion, Minion wasn't like most dogs. He awkwardly shuffled about a foot away. Then, he had to answer a question. What did this dog expect of him?! "Sure..." Minion quietly said. He would also leave splitting up the rabbit to her.

His previous suicidal thought flitted through his mind once more. But this time, he voiced it. "Would you like to kill me?" Not only was the question unexpected and awkward, but his voice sounded weird and scratchy from not being in use for so long.

RE: My feet know the path of life - Roadkill - February 10, 2015

Still completely unaware of being watched at all, Roadkill stared at the other dog. He seemed kind of dumb in the head, considering how long it took him to answer the question. Roadkill considered greatly to just take the rabbit for herself, considering the other dog was useless anyway and it'd probably be easy to take it from him.

Just as Roadkill took the rabbit in her mouth and felt the sweet victory of the hunt trickle down her mouth in the form of warm blood, he said something else. Not bothering to share, since he did not seem too bothered for food (and she could always give him what was left, anyway), Roadkill tore off a piece of the rabbit and stared quizzically at the other dog.

"'Scuse me, wot?" She tilted her head and stared at him. Roadkill had never heard a dog say something like that before. Her life had always been about survival, so for a dog to propose another dog kill them, well, it was just plain wrong. "Why'd you say somethin' like that? What is the matter with you?! We fight to survive 'n you just want to give it all up like that, mate?" she replied snarkily, not even bothering to answer the question or go into detail, or even shoot a question back (why came to mind).

RE: My feet know the path of life - Minion - February 13, 2015

The other dog picking up the rabbit went unnoticed. Even when she responded Minion failed to notice, due to his lack of observing skills. At the very least, he answered her questions in his head. He said something like that because he meant it. Nothing was the matter with him. He hadn't exactly ever fought to survive out here. In the labs? Yes. Here? No.

When Minion was in the lab, he looked forward to escape. He looked forward to going back to a place like where he was born. But, what as the point of it if his siblings weren't with him? They were dead. His mother could be out there somewhere, but she had abandoned him. With no place to go, the Teekon Wilds seemed just as worse as the labs. In the labs, he hadn't had any options. Here Minion had some options, but none would lead him to the happiness he had once experienced as a pup. His family was gone, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Out here, life was like in the labs. Everything blurred together as things became a routine. In the labs, it had been eat, experiment, sleep. Out here, it was eat when you found food, possibly find an useless stranger, walk, and sleep. While Minion didn't have to deal with the pain of the experiments, he had to deal with the pain of trying to survive. Hunger, injuries, and fear. Why wouldn't he want to die to put it behind him. At least then he might be able to see his siblings in the place dogs went to after they died.'

Minion gazed blankly at her for a moment longer. Then, without a word, he just got to his feet and started to walk away. If she wasn't going to help him, why bother? Little did he know he was walking towards the place a wolf was hidden.

RE: My feet know the path of life - Roadkill - February 17, 2015

I'm popping out of this thread, unless something notable happens to draw her back, since Roadkill would really just leave, but you can continue this, @Bazi and @Minion :)

The other dog just stared blankly at Roadkill, seeming not to care about a word she said. Roadkill scoffed as he turned and left. "Bloody rude folk..." muttered the mangled beagle and she grabbed the rabbit. The other dog didn't care for it and she needed it to survive, so she figured she may 's well take it with her. Better to eat it and not starve than to give up on life like this sad fellow.

Roadkill was far beyond the point in her life where she wanted to help other dogs. Maybe at one point in her life she would've turned 'round and helped this fellow see the light in life, help him recover and share her food with him. Not now, though. Now, she just wanted to live, and if there were other dogs worth living by, then sure, but if they were just pathetic and whiny, she'd leave 'em be.

With those thoughts Roadkill, holding the rabbit between clenched teeth, walked off to eat her rabbit in a quieter spot with less depressing losers 'round.