Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest City nights - Printable Version

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City nights - Sweet Tooth IA - February 03, 2015

As the Saluki mix's hunger grew, and her lack of success in finding anything edible persisted, she was beginning to second guess her idea that this place was any better than the lab. It was the desperation of hunger that made her even consider wishing she were back there, she knew, but she wasn't a dog that was fond of the idea of starving to death.

A grimace upon her ugly muzzle, the bony figure entered Blackfoot forest alone, hoping the trees would hold something. Instinct said the chances were higher, and she followed their whispers. She had split from the main group, her desire to stay destroyed when Dog Meat had sent up the call for aid in battle. Immediately paranoia had kicked in, and convinced that it was a rise to eliminate competition by drawing her into the grasp of one of the wild creatures she had scented so prevalently, she refused. Even if it wasn't a trap, she had no desire to risk her neck by jumping into some other dog's fray.

It was coming to the point, though, where she would need to risk scavenging. If these larger, wild cousins of theirs had better luck hunting, then perhaps food could be found near them. If she was smart about it, maybe she could skim some and leave with none the wiser.

RE: City nights - Junkyard Dog - February 04, 2015

Thanks for starting!

Still shaken by the battle, Junkyard Dog had remained silent, yet watchful. It was, in part, her fault. Not only because of her simple presence, but also due to her piss poor performance as a guard. Her watch had failed, plain and simple, and she had risked them all. It was this knowledge, paired with the sense of impending doom that had dogged her since the crash, that had driven her to misery. Though she would hardly let it show in her demeanor, she was afraid.


Perhaps that was it. Tired. Tired, though she cleaned her wounds with the diligence of a survivor. Tired, though she followed among the group as she always would.

She was wary, still, of the wolves. Their encounter had shaken her beyond the knowledge of her own failure. They were powerful, and their numbers were great. Alone, none of them stood a chance. So when she saw the sighthound delve into the dark of the forest, she followed. In a fight, she knew she could do little to protect the dog, but there is a safety in numbers, and two dogs are less likely to get attacked than one.

So Junkyard Dog trotted after Sweet Tooth, barking to catch her attention once they were both in the trees. "Dog," she called, "I will come."

RE: City nights - Sweet Tooth IA - February 05, 2015

When the other followed, stating that she would come, her initial reaction was to refuse. She had no desire to remain with the group any longer, the protection of numbers having been deemed not worth the danger of trust and the requirement of shared resources. She was a dog who trusted none, not even the pack, for letting down her guard would invite advantage to be taken of her. It was a lesson begun in her youth and one the tests done on her has only cemented further. Now she could not even always trust the whispers of her own mind.

Yet Junkyard Dog was only one, and a capable one. The Saluki found she did not have the energy to argue either, and in her fickle mind elected to say nothing instead, opinion shifting as easily as a breeze.

"I hope to hunt." She had not a lot of faith, but to survive she must eat, and so she had little choice. "I do not know how it will go." The scents here were strange, overpowering, and made it next to impossible to seek out anything in particular. Used to the sanitary, still air of the lab and the stifled emptiness that accompanied, she did not know that she would ever readjust. As a sighthound, though, scent was not a sense she relied on much. Perhaps something could be scared up if they only were lucky enough to cross paths.

RE: City nights - Junkyard Dog - February 06, 2015

There was no question of loyalty in Junkyard Dog's heart. She was never meant to be a leader, but she was perfectly suited to be a follower. And follow she had, right into the thick of danger. Not once had she questioned Dogmeat's wisdom, as that was how she preferred to act. Stealing was easy, comfortable. It had how she had once made her living, after there was no Man to feed her daily. Stealing from the wolves, though not wise, seemed to her the only logical course, and those that still held onto dreams of hunting and providing for themselves were foolish in her mind.

The sighthound revealed her intentions, unproductive yet innocent in Junkyard Dog's opinion, but at least the dog was doing her best.

"I will come," Junkyard Dog told her. There was no question there, just a statement. She would go, dogging the Saluki's path with diligence. Again, two were better than one, and though Junkyard Dog thought she was useless as a hunter, she might yet surprise herself.

RE: City nights - Sweet Tooth IA - February 12, 2015

sorry dear! If you like I can try to be quicker or we can wrap this! My muse for her is running real dry :(

The Saluki had considered theft, true, but still the risk did not seem worth it. If she was sure to pass undetected, perhaps, but if not how could she hope to face the predator when she could not even outwit the prey?

The dog was not a loquacious sort but Sweet Tooth didn't mind silence. She had been in silence most of her time at the lab, her voice even failing from disuse at times. Her cagemates hadn't been worth the breath and she knew not to form bonds. Many dogs would disappear, only to be replaced later. She was better off sticking to herself, as usual.

Even here, the others were her competition, not her friends. They had their use for protection, so temporary alliance could be struck, but she'd pick herself every time.

No prey was apparent, but she headed into the denser brush, instinct telling her that was where such creatures would be should they exist.