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Sheepeater Cliff Dark Gems and Black Jewels - Printable Version

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Dark Gems and Black Jewels - Meldresi - February 03, 2015

Meldresi was far from Blackfeather, but the priestess needed it. She needed a small, one day vacation from her femanding and constantly squabbling pups, her healing warriors, the darkness. Sometimes she needed a bit of sunshine on her fur; it was healthier.

She went to the sunkissed cliffs away from her dark crevice of the world. When she arrived at a particularly heated stone, the woman stretched herself luxuriously out, moaning softly in the pleasure of releasing the built up tension of her body. When her stretch reached it's peak and her muscles quickly recoiled, Meldresi looked at her belly. It was plumper than before she had given birth, without the addition of pups in her womb of course. She was a bit larger than she would like to be, but she had to admit that she was padded in all the right places.

Meldresi did not have a high libido, as compared to other wolves she knew, but she knew how to use her own sexuality to gain the favors of others. She had seen the men of her pack, of which there were many, sneaking a peek at her. But the priestess hadn't minded, for only one wolf had truly shown his favor, and that display of admiration had beget her trio of miscreants.

But she stopped worrying about that for now. Now, the priestess shut her jewel-like eyes, humming softly in appreciation of the warmth beaming onto her from the sky, lighting up her dark side like gems in the brightness.

RE: Dark Gems and Black Jewels - Scarlett - February 04, 2015

I couldn't help myself. Mel wants sunshine.. she will get sunshine! Haha. Keeping it vague what happened in the Kove/Bane thread

Scarlett was on her way back to Duskfire after her encounter with Bane. She wasn't sure if she liked to see that male again, he was really scary. Still she wasn't a girl that would get her friends in trouble. Or at least she didn't want to. Scarlett never wanted to offend any one which is why she stayed a mile from BFW border. Apparently that wasn't far enough either. How come there was always something that interrupted her time with Kove. One time a murderous mountain lion attacked them and then other time it was Kove's pack member who hadn't been pleased with her.

She pushed it away for now. She really liked Kove but she also had other things to worry about. Scarlett found that Adlartok could manage a day on his own but she liked to be back later this night so he wouldn't feel abandoned. That poor child shouldn't have been attacked. Scarlett still couldn't wrap her mind around it. On top of that Néa was still missing, which probably meant that she was dead. A soft sigh left her lips. Hopefully everything would calm down on their glacier which, ironically, could be slippery at times.

The albino was by the mountain range by now. She was used to climbing hills due to living by a glacier. Her small yet powerful body easily climbed her way up. Scarlett always liked to get to higher grounds so she could map out territories. As a naturalist it was good to know where other packs could be found and which borders shouldn't be crossed. It also helped with her cartography and sense of direction. Once she reached the top she realized she wasn't alone. A black female was lounging in the rays of the sun. "Would you mind if I joined you?," Scarlett asked kindly to the stranger.

She probably had hints of Kove's scent in her fur with their interaction, maybe even a bit of Bane. The wind then pushed the scent of the female to her nose. Immediately she froze. She smelled of that scary guy Bane and like Kove had. She was in their pack. Uh oh. Just stay calm, she told herself. "If you do mind, I will be traveling further.."

RE: Dark Gems and Black Jewels - Meldresi - February 05, 2015

Meldresi blinked awake, her dark indigo eyes dulled by momentary slumber. In front of her, a white female asked if she could join her in the sunlight. The dark femme was going to let the peculiar looking she-wolf share in the sun with her, noting her red eyes with interest before opening her maw to answer. But she didn't get the chance.

The wind turned in the favor of the albino, blowing Meldresi's scent towards her. At any other time Meldresi would not have dismissed it so, but right now she was relaxing. She had nothing to fear from such a girl. But the girl in question had a peculiar response to her scent.

Just as she had asked to be invited to share a space with her, she instantly begged her pardon to leave. That got Meldresi curious. She found her chance to speak now, and used that chance to ask her a question. "Oh come now, you've only just asked to sit by me and now you're leaving? I do not smell bad, do I?" she chuckled, hoping the joke would disarm the albino.

RE: Dark Gems and Black Jewels - Scarlett - February 06, 2015

Now I want them to be friends, haha

Scarlett was sure that she would be send away by the black female. The dark one's eyes were beautiful. Scarlett always wanted blue eyes like that. But she was stuck with the weird and scary red ones. Maybe this female was like Kove. Kove was in Blackfeather and wasn't maliciously mean like rumors said. That white one with the pale eyes was scary though. But, Scarlett started to reason, he was probably defending his lands. Her pack would try and do that too, although, maybe not chase away someone's friend. Kove was a good friend of hers.

The white girl was taken back by the words of the darker female. "Ehm-- Well No you do not, technically," Scarlett spoke thoughtfully. "But your scent is one that I want to be respectful towards," the female added wisely. Slowly the female trotted closer and sat down on the peak. She had a normal distance from the female now. A soft smile tugged on her pale lips when she saw the land stretch out in front of her. Scarlett could see where she had been and how she got here. It was a beautiful sight, and it reminded her of the glacier lookout.

She didn't get that the alpha of Blackfeather was joking. She was extremely lucky to have the priestress joking while she interrupted her slumber. If only the pale female knew how lucky she was. Normally Scarlett would try and chat, but with Mr. Bane so fresh in mind it gave her chills. She wouldn't want to offend any of those wolves.

RE: Dark Gems and Black Jewels - Meldresi - February 08, 2015

Her words continued to intrigue her, and it made Meldresi wonder. How did she come to know her scent? Now that she was getting traces of the albino's smell wafting towards her, she found that the female did not belong to any of these southern packs. She smelled of the north, of ice and pines.

"May I presume that you know of my pack?" she asked, her eyes becoming quizzical. If she knew her pack's scent then she had to have met one of her warriors or lurked past their borders. You don't know a scent from rumors.

RE: Dark Gems and Black Jewels - Scarlett - February 09, 2015

Scarlett sat on the peak, looking over the lands below. She mentally noted where Blackfeather was. It seemed easy enough. The pale girl turned her head towards the darker one. "I do know your pack," she confirmed with a few quick nods. She wouldn't know if it was wise to tell this female that she really liked Kove. He was so handsome and strong. His voice was so deep and husky. Her thoughts started to dream again. Scarlett quickly stopped that and cleared her throat.

"I know Kove. He helped me find my way and the other time we met he saved me from a vicious cougar! I met Crescendo on the other side of the mountain range. He was.. very forward..," Scarlett explained. "And today... I met Mr. Bane.. and well you," she mumbled. "Your.. pack..? Oh-- You must be.. Ah..."

RE: Dark Gems and Black Jewels - Meldresi - February 16, 2015

It seems that Scarlett had met more than a few wolves from her pack. Most of the males that made up her ranks had come into contact with the albino. But the way that the younger female blinked wistfully made Meldresi suspicious. It was obviously the look of a girl in love. She could not mistake that look at all. But who would Scarlett fall in love with out of her wolves? Not Bane, not Crescendo, definitely not Grimnir. Kove?

The priestess leaned heavily on that notion, that this girl had fallen in love with Kove. He was the most sane out of them all, though he was ruthless and fiercely loyal. From the albino's description of her relationship with the copper-eyed male, Meldresi had a strong feeling that this girl had a crush. She wondered if Kove reciprocated the emotions. "Indeed, I am the alpha of Blackfeather Woods. My name is Meldresi Melonii." She introduced herself at last. "And yours is?"

RE: Dark Gems and Black Jewels - Scarlett - February 16, 2015

Scarlett would have broken out a sweat if she could sweat. A soft pant came from her lips when she realized it was the priestess she heard about. She tried to be neutral. That would solve it. She hoped. "Well nice to meet you Meldresi Melonii," she returned, trying to steady her voice. If she screwed this up she could forget being with Kove, ever. Her red eyes were battered up into the black queen's eyes, but definitely not in a dominant way. "I'm Scarlett, Just.. Scarlett." She wasn't allowed to have her pack's last name being such an abomination. Frankly she didn't even want their last name.

Soon her red eyes fell to her paws for am moment. "I didn't want to disturb you," she added. A breeze made a whiff of Meldresi's scent come to Scarlett's direction. Instantly she lit up more. "Pups?," she spoke her thought out loud. Then she saw the teats between her dark fur. "Do you like being a mother? I bet you do! I can't wait to have my own one day," she whispered and then smiled, almost adorably.

RE: Dark Gems and Black Jewels - Meldresi - February 17, 2015

"Same to you, Scarlett." She smiled politely to the albino after they had exchanged names. The girl had not given her last name, which made Meldresi wonder if she didn't have one, or had given it up. Surnames were attached to familial ties, after all. Perhaps this girl was shunned by her family, or they did something so horrible that she no longer wanted relations with them. It was possible.

Meldresi chuckled at Scarlett's enthusiasm over children. It countered her own thoughts on children before she had them. The priestess was indifferent to them, and reluctantly let herself become pregnant, but her emotions changed after they were born. "It is stressful, but worthwhile." She said wistfully, recalling the adorable nature of her sons and daughter. How they brightened up the dark forest.

RE: Dark Gems and Black Jewels - Scarlett - February 18, 2015

Scarlett nodded softly and then looked out to the scenery below. The clouds were still away from the sun warming their furry bodies all nice and good. Scarlett liked the warmth in this winter. Even though winter was better for her to hunt she liked summer. It made everything feel so bright and fuzzy. Th pale female's ear turned towards the dark one that now talked. She slowly smiled. "You can gush about them, you know? I won't blame you," she chuckled softly feeling more relaxed since the female didn't show any hint of aggression.

If Scarlett would have babies she would tell everyone about them, probably. She would probably annoy the hell out of people. Now she pictured herself walking with balls of fluff by her side. She would teach them all the great things and yes, it would be perfect.

RE: Dark Gems and Black Jewels - Meldresi - February 21, 2015

Meldresi chuckled softly. She had never gushed about her children. She was not one of the overbearing and spoiling mothers. Meldresi was quiet with her pride, but it was evident. Speaking about them, especially to an unknown female, was something unfamiliar. But she could give it a try. "Gush? Well, I suppose I can to that." Meldresi's ear twitched, as she thought of where to start.

"There are three of them. Two boys and a girl, Damien, Cicero, and Potema. Damien's the biggest and most aggressive of the trio, but he is also very lazy. All he does is sleep." Meldresi smirked, knowing that he was most likely laying in her den right now, snoring his head off. "Then there is Cicero. He is a bit strange, but I have to admit, I adore him. He is always laughing at something, even when his brother wrestles with him, he is still giggling. And finally there is Potema. She is quiet, but very adventurous and insightful. She might follow after me and become a healer one day. Or maybe she will go the opposite direction and be a warrior instead. I would not be surprised."

RE: Dark Gems and Black Jewels - Scarlett - February 22, 2015

Scarlett liked that she got the dark female to chuckle and agree to talk about her babies. Always a soft spot, pups. Especially with mothers, sometimes fathers too. Her red eyes stayed on the blue eyed female. Scarlett bobbed her head, wanting Meldresi to continue. Scarlett melted at their descriptions. Yes, even Scarlett thought that a lazy yet aggressive pup was super cute. "They sound so lovely," she returned. "I see you are a proud mother. I bet they will be amazing new recruits for yours pack."

Scarlett wished that she could meet them, but there was no way she would ever enter that dark forest. "Thank you for your time. Maybe one day we will see each other again. I should head back to my Glacier if I want to return to my little injured patient in time." The albino got to her feet, feeling surprisingly happy that she had such a comfortable chat with someone so ... impressive.

RE: Dark Gems and Black Jewels - Meldresi - February 23, 2015

Meldresi felt the pride she had for her children surge again when Scarlett praised her and her children. It was vanity that she had not felt in a long time, and she reveled in the moment until it subsided. "Thank you," Meldresi smiled gently.

Scarlett was ready to leave, and Meldresi did not stop her. But, despite the pleasant conversation they shared, she found herself absorbing the information Scarlett slipped to her. She came from 'the Glacier' and had a 'patient'. The alpha did not inquire any further about that, and simply said "Fair travels." as a farewell, before resting her head on her paws and resuming the nap she began before.