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Shadow Hearts Colored in Blue - Printable Version

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Shadow Hearts Colored in Blue - Sen - February 04, 2015

I've been meaning to get Sen to converse with some Blackfeather wolves, so viola. Some small injuries welcome if she gets on your nerves. :)

Two of her travels hadn't landed her at Greatwater Lake. Twice she'd seen the dark forest casting it's shadows from afar now, and yet she'd somehow managed to refrain from getting closer to it. Well, one of the two times she'd managed to stay away. This time, however, Sen found herself steadily walking towards the mysterious forest, her steps lacking hesitation and caution. The scent of a border traveled on the air, making it clear to her that a pack had claimed the woods. It was disappointing, as she'd been looking to enter and explore. The thought of simply walking in anyways had crossed her mind—several times, actually—but she was not a fool of any sort. Not crossing into a claimed territory had been the main lesson drilled into her when she was younger, and while she respected those words, they weren't enough to prevent the shadowed wolf from getting closer. Closer than necessary, probably, but she didn't care, as her attention was on the forest itself more than what might lurk within it's many shadows.

While her body had wished to take her much farther, Sen refrained from doing so and stopped about a quarter of a mile away. From there she began to walk the perimeter of the area, her amber eyes not leaving the shaded forest for even a second. Like the night, it seemed to call to her, as most dark things did. She was comfortable when walking in shadows, as they seemed to wrap around her and move with her as a second skin. At night, Sen would become one with the shadows, her form moving through each one with ease, as if they were carrying out a dance shared only between them and herself. It was not the night's hour now, though, which aggravated the arrogant woman. To her, it was unfair that the woods got to keep all of the shadows even in the realm of the day,while she was left out in the sun. Still, the sooty lupine would not allow for herself to get swept into them and trespass. Without her knowledge, though, her legs carried her closer to the border to get a better look into it. She had yet to cross into the territory, nor did she plan to, but the call of the darkness was as tempting as ever. “The shadows must all gather here during the day...”

RE: Shadow Hearts Colored in Blue - Kadence - February 04, 2015

It had only been a short time since the war with the Creek wolves and the Blackfeather's were on high alert. Kadence padded along the border, far enough away from the edge of the forest to be submerged in the shadows and invisible to the prying eyes that might lurk just out of the darkness. Her bright yellow eyes scanned the undergrowth and her nose was lifted to detect the faintest bit of enemy scent. After a little bit, her nose did pick up an unfamiliar wolf scent and her hackles raised, her lips pulling back to reveal her deadly teeth. The only good thing about the scent was that it was definitely not a Creek wolf.

She stalked forward, tracking the scent until she spotted a black wolf standing on the border, looking in with curious eyes. Kadence noticed that they were almost identical, both with obsidian fur and glowing yellow eyes. The only difference between the two females were the shiver inducing scars the younger girl possessed.

The young assassin cocked her head to the side and smirked at the oblivious female. This could be fun indeed.

"What are you doing so close to the borders?" she asked, her voice flitting through the air with an eerie sound.

RE: Shadow Hearts Colored in Blue - Sen - February 05, 2015

The whispering voices that seemed to live and come from the shadows had made her unable to hear any approaching steps. It was only out of luck that the call of the darkness seized to whisper to her just when the new wolf began to speak. To any other wolf, the voice may seem eerie or even frightening, but Sen was not one to be so easily spooked. Her head turned towards the sound, her outward expression seemingly bored, but a glint of amusement danced behind her bright eyes. She took in the appearance of the other, her mind pointing out similarities before anything else. They were both shrouded in pelts the color of a raven's feathers, though the others was marked with scars and Sen held a small white patch upon her chest. When her optics moved to meet that of the other, she grinned at the glow they held. They reminded her of a glowfly's light, despite being yellow instead of a green color. The outward similarities made Sen wonder if they were close to the same on the inside as well.

“Are you blind? Incapable of seeing what I'm doing with your own two eyes? Must suck to be impaired,” the soot colored woman said, not caring about how her words might effect the other. “If you must know, though, I'm here simply to get a closer look.” She had been drawn to the forest by her fascination, but it was a different kind from the one that had drawn her to the Glacier. The Glacier reminded her of home, of a place she could live on with ease. The Woods, however, reminded her of a distant memory, one of which she had no recollection of. Just fragments drifting through her mind, nothing more nor less than that.

RE: Shadow Hearts Colored in Blue - Kadence - February 05, 2015

Kadence cocked her head at the woman, her eyes sparkling with dark amusement that seemed too old for her young age. If this fool thought she could come her, blatantly disrespect one of its most highly honored warriors and make it back without a scratch, she was sadly mistaken. This was not a place to be taken lightly and neither were the wolves that called it home.

"At least I'm not mentally disabled, as you seem to be." she hummed as she glance over the she wolf with obvious contempt. "I'm going to be nice and ask you to leave. So please, leave." she said, her voice emotionless and cold. If this she-wolf knew what was good for her, she would get her ass outa there like it was on fire. If she decided to be an ignorant fool, Kadence would have to teach her a lesson or two on respect.

RE: Shadow Hearts Colored in Blue - Sen - February 06, 2015

The comment sent her way did nothing but boost Sen's desire to continue on with speaking to the other dark figure. Such words were enough to make her grin widen, essentially flashing her ivories for a second before she returned it to her regular one. It was clear the yellow-eyed being was serious when she asked—or, rather, commanded—for the obsidian woman to leave, though she couldn't care any less than she did. The other could provide her with some fun, as had been discovered with her retort towards the mention of being blind, and Sen wasn't one to drop something like that so quickly. It would be foolish to toss away a perfectly good opportunity, and she was not a fool when it came to things involving her personal enjoyment.

“What if I do not want to leave?” Her inquiry held the questioning tone, as it should, but held a trace of a challenge deep beneath it. “Maybe I want to stay here and continue to examine the land. What then, hm?” Sen had grown up being taught to respect pack borders, and to never go near or cross one if she valued her life. The lesson had stuck with her during her travels, more or less, but once she'd joined a pack it seemed to grow dim in her mind. She wanted to know of all the other packs she'd missed, to see what excitements they held and secrets they kept hidden. The consequences that could result from her actions hardly ever crossed her mind, however, and so she continued to stand her ground even when threats were dealt.

RE: Shadow Hearts Colored in Blue - Kadence - February 06, 2015

Kadence tilted her head and examined the female as a grin crossed her nosey face. She was a stubborn one, that was for sure. At least she had the decency to stay out of pack territory. If she had been inside the border at the time Kadence found her then she would have been in huge trouble. So as long as she stayed outside, Kadence didn't have time to deal with something as petty as a sightseer.

"Well I suppose you can continue to stand there and look like an idiot for a bit. Just as long as you don't cross the border, you're not really worth my time." she responded, her voice carefree and full of contempt.

The blackfeather woods must be quite famous if so many wolves felt the need to come and lurk at their borders and on some occasions, cross them. But hopefully the wolves of the Creek had spread the word of what happened to them when they tried to interfere with the blackfeathers. Then no one would want to mess with their borders.

RE: Shadow Hearts Colored in Blue - Sen - February 06, 2015

The words should have effected Sen in one way or another, but she was too caught up in her own mind to take hold of them completely. “Aw, now that's a bit harsh,” she voiced, tail swaying in a motion similar to that of a cat. “How about I cross over, and then you give me a tour to make up for such a rude comment?” The dark wolf was acting foolish outwardly, but within she knew what she was doing. She was working to gauge just how far she could go with the other female before consequences were delivered. Things like yelling and maybe even more was easy to handle, but the woman was a bit inexperienced when it came to fighting. She could, if only to save her own hide, but her movements were far less graceful than how they could be. Knowing exactly what she was capable never stopped her from pressing all the wrong buttons of others, though, and it wasn't about to start now.

“C'mon, Scar-Face,” Sen mused, once again poking fun at the appearance of another by giving them a name of sorts. 'Cinnamon Stick' and 'Patches' had been decent, but she found herself liking the newest addition to her list of names for others. It fit her well, too, with the cicatrix on her face. “Could be fun seeing what lurks in there up close.”

RE: Shadow Hearts Colored in Blue - Kadence - February 06, 2015

Kadence locked her gaze with the other females and smirked. Sure, this was getting under her skin a bit, but deep down she knew that she was better than that and she wouldn't let such petty insults bug her. She would keep her cool no matter what this snot-bag threw at her.

"Alright, then. Go ahead, step across the border." she encouraged, motioning with her paw. She'd like to see this bitch try. The two last times a wolf had stepped inside had not ended well for either of them.

The first wolf to come into Blackfeather territory, Star a Swiftcurrent wolf, ended up being captured and held in the tunnels in horrible conditions. Later when her pack came to retrieve her, they got their asses kicked and their Alpha almost died. The second wolf was not so lucky. She had been chased down and killed in a horrible, bloody way by Bane and the rest of the dark brotherhood. If this idiot thought she could just waltz in here, then she would have to face the consequences.

RE: Shadow Hearts Colored in Blue - Sen - February 06, 2015

Being the creature of arrogance an cockiness that she is, Sen smirked, as if to say she was really going to do it. Her amber gaze locked onto the yellow one, not daring to look away as she carried herself forward and closer to the border. As she watched the other, her front paw raised into the air, and then she placed it down on the other side of the border. It was a small motion, but held significance to it. On any other day, with any other wolf, she would not have acted in such a foolish manner. She would have simply gotten bored and walked away, then forced the experience from her mind soon after. “Scar-Face” was different, though, as her appearance and responses were somewhat similar to the raven woman herself. In interested her more than anything else so far, and made her all the more determined to get as far under her skin as she could go. Whether she left with some injuries or not didn't bother her, just as long as she'd be given the satisfaction of having weaseled her way under the skin of another being.

“Is this the part where you try to attack me? Maybe chase me around a bit?” It was nothing more than a game to the immature girl, and one she was bent on coming out as the winner of. Though, in truth, no one could truly win such a game, but Sen didn't see it that way. It was a game like any other, and could hold both a winner and a loser, and with her mindset it was no surprise that she believed she would end up as the winner. “Start the tour, Scar-Face.” Like a puppy who knew it was about to be chastised, her muscles bunched up and prepared to send her off running, in the hopes of being chased. She hadn't had a good round of chase it what felt like ages, and was eager to get the game started.

I swear, if Sen were a human, she wouldn't have been punched in the face long ago. She's such a bugger.

RE: Shadow Hearts Colored in Blue - Kadence - February 06, 2015

Would you be okay with her being taken captive??

She watched as the idiot stepped inside the border, one little pawstep that was basically signing her own death certificate. Instead of getting up and rushing to attack, Kadence simply blinked at the woman, her eyes giving way nothing of her plans. She got up and started to pad into the territory, stopping after a couple steps and looking back the trespasser. "You coming or not?" she asked rather rudely, before turning and continuing on.

Her plan was to get the bitch far enough into the territory that she had not hopes of escape, and then she would attack. Drag her to the ground and hold her there before calling for her packmates. Then they would take her to the tunnels, the same tunnels where they held Star. If her pack cared enough about her, then the Blackfeather's could use that to their advantage.

RE: Shadow Hearts Colored in Blue - Sen - February 06, 2015

I'll have to say no this time around, but I'm sure Sen will be back at another time. I don't think her absence would be noticed at the moment since she mentioned she was going off to explore, anyways. xD
Want to finish up within the next post or so? c:

Saying she was shocked wouldn't even begin to cover it. It appeared as if Sen really was going to get that tour she wanted, but the disappointment of no chase was enough to snap her to her senses momentarily. It was quite obvious the other had something up her sleeve, as why else would a proud member of a pack actually lead an outsider in? With a mental shake of her head, she cleared away any and all thoughts of finding the place interesting. It was tough, but she managed to put her want to explore behind her long enough for the more serious version of Sen to take over. Most of the time, she acted as a fool in order to try and get under the skins of those she met, but walking right into a trap wasn't something she was too interested in doing.

“Hm, I recall something I must do,” she informed the other, taking a step back so her paw was no longer over the border. “I will have to take you up on the tour another time, if you don't mind.” If she minded, well, the option to run was still there. Sen had spent a lot of time running, and had no problem doing it again. If the other gave chase, that is. At this point, she wasn't overly sure on what she should expect from the other shadowed lupine.

RE: Shadow Hearts Colored in Blue - Kadence - February 06, 2015

Sure :) ty for the thread, last post for me

Kadence was satisfied when the wolfess finally came to her senses and suddenly had somewhere else to be. It would have been fun to have another prisoner, but it was better all together if she decided to just leave them alone. She turned and walked back to the border so that she was face to face with the now nervous looking female.

"Pity, our tour would've been fun." she said smirking. "Now hurry along." she finished, the smirk slipping from her face to be replaced with a look of complete and deadly seriousness, the hint of a snarl showing she wouldn't be afraid to make her.

RE: Shadow Hearts Colored in Blue - Sen - February 06, 2015

Thank you, too, for the thread. It was fun. c:

As the other turned to approach her, a smirk appearing on her face, Sen couldn't help but grin. If she thought it was the last of her, then the scarred being was sadly mistaken. She would return, eventually, and hopefully with a better opportunity to explore the land. “Yeah, yeah,” he voiced, taking a few steps backwards before turning around. She took a few steps forward, but then stopped to look back over at the other wolf. “I'll probably be back, you know.” It was not a warning, but a simple comment. The shadows of the forest were bound to call her name at other times, and ignoring them would just be a rude thing to do.

With her tail still swaying like a cat behind her, Sen returned to her walk away from the back's land, intent on looking at some more places while she was still in the area. “Keep a lookout for me next time you're out. I enjoyed our time.” Her head did not turn as she spoke, which left the grin plastered on her face to her own knowledge only. That was how she continued, too, until she was far from the woman's line of sight, and off to see other things.