Wolf RPG
Otter Creek dream in red - Printable Version

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dream in red - Amekaze - February 04, 2015

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

From her perch on the mountainside, there was sometimes a disconnect from the flatlands below. But, things had been peaceful there. Not.. particularly difficult. Outside of a few previously-pledged wolves going missing, she had little to be overly concerned with. She felt suspicious, though -- would it last?

Unlike her outriding members, her paws rarely took to the lands below, but on this day, she struck out for her own gains and explorations. Just to see for herself for a bit. Usually when she did go out, she could find something to entertain herself with.

In time she welcomed the night's shadows and kept her forward momentum even without distinct to keep her going. As was typical, her path found the rim of the large lake, then eventually a creek that fed into it. She scoped deeper into the thickening woods at its edge and only slivers of the almost-full moon's light reached her fur to dapple it in glow.

There would be no returning her nose to the mountain tonight. Instead, she casually attached herself to an evidently-traveled trail. Hunt, or be hunted.

RE: dream in red - Caiaphas - February 04, 2015

this may mess up my timeline a lil but idgaf... can we backdate to yesterday if that is ok?? HI!!!!

She had left Jack's company feeling most bemused -- she found birds to be strange company, if any company at all -- and the notion that the carried their own squabble in the pale skies above delighted her. If the dark-plumed wretched engaged in war overhead, it meant those that were felled by beak or talon would plummet to nourish any scavenger below. She would have to pay closer attention to her Sequoia forest, and tend to any avian rebellion she overheard.

Caiaphas was not expecting to revisit the company of another, but when she came across a prowling wolf her curiosity overtook her. For this wolf, unmistakably, carried the same heady scent Rain had possessed the day she had been flung from Ankyra's cliffs. The night, with its radiant and bulbous moon low-hanging, was still young yet and she had no intention of hailing Amekaze. For now, she would study this dark and predatory creature -- and maybe even heckle her if she managed to seize any quarry between her hunting jaws.

RE: dream in red - Amekaze - February 06, 2015

HELLO!!! yes that is fine my timelines are pretty irrelevant rn
<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

She found a suiting stride and a low-slung nose caught better hints the further she moved. The trail warmed and something else prickled her fur while she went, but it was not the focus. With the chance of prey, no matter how meager here in the depths of winter, it necessitated the most of her attention.

Jogging on, she soon spied the raccoon's motion in the forested underbrush. On the small side of average, yet not quite scrawny, but it was warm food nonetheless. She sprung ahead to pursue before it could take to the trees, which it did attempt; though, her teeth were quick to prevent this.

Of course, the masked mammal gave an ugly squeal that went echoing into the dark -- just to make sure that all eyes in the forest would be her way. It scratched back at her muzzle, so she gave it a clench and a shake, then dropped it at her paws to writhe it out to the end. Then, listening and now extending her perception beyond the hunt itself, she licked her jaws.

RE: dream in red - Caiaphas - February 06, 2015

As the urchin lurked closer, it became apparent the darker and larger wolf's attention was divested in quarry other than herself. Perceiving this as an opportunity to steal closer undetected, Caiaphas slithered under the cover of the night's shade -- her pearly pelt and darker head for once working in her favor in the quietly lit snow.

The huntress was quick, quicker than Caiaphas -- she struggled to keep up while remaining undetected. As Amekaze lashed and seized her prey in her jaws, Caiaphas tensed, hulking in the shadows like some ghoul reunited with darkness.

It was not until Amekaze dropped the writhing thing to the ground did Caiaphas elect to make her move -- and she did so with a most expedient purpose. Lunging quick from the brushes the waif tried to bullrush the darker wolf, hoping to seize the struggling raccoon in her jaws in her surprise launch. If Amekaze was quick to detect her location she would gallop past, giving the animal a wide berth -- but if her approach had the benefit of surprise on her side, the little wretch would try her best to seize the raccoon and run quick as her flat-boned limbs could carry her.

RE: dream in red - Amekaze - February 13, 2015

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

Suspicious, especially after stealing a second to listen, she knew she was not alone. Somewhere, there was something. Not to say this was any sort of surprise; she would have gone to investigate such a screech too. Ears quivered and she exhaled a measured breath over the stilling body of her quarry. She decided to not stay here, so curved her neck downward to retrieve the raccoon and take it elsewhere. Preferably a place where she couldn't feel unseen eyes on her.

Yet before her teeth could touch the furs, something approached, and fast. Her furs prickled in unease and she found a silvered streak upon her, prompting her to plant a foot on the carcass. Within that instant, she was barring teeth and lunging them for the creature's darkened head when she swept closest to her. Surprised to find this was a wolf, although hardly, Ame loosed a snarl -- challenging her to try it again, or worse.

RE: dream in red - Caiaphas - February 16, 2015

The dark shade was privy to Caiaphas' scheme -- and she rebuked Caiaphas' advance with hooked teeth the wretch had no intention of being introduced to. Amekaze's teeth snapped and Caiaphas felt the wisp of cold air press against her bristled fur too close for comfort. With a shriek of delight she sprung back in the manner of a deranged gemsbok, crowing loudly as she hastily beat her retreat.

But she was not done -- the blood that pounded to her brain, laced with poisonous adrenaline, urged her to continue. With a skulk she trotted low to the ground around the dark phantom, her feral eyes intensely laid upon the felled beast. If she could not outwardly force Amekaze's hand into relinquishing her meal, perhaps she could harass her until the female relented.

RE: dream in red - Amekaze - February 22, 2015

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

The glimpse she got was fleeting, and provided few answers. It was a strange looking creature, and a scent wholly unfamiliar as well, but at the least she could quickly understand the purpose here: nothing but trouble.

Her dark ears swung forward aggressively at the goblin of a canine (even with the urge to slick them back at the horrid noise it made), and teeth barred, she hunkered low over the carcass with a paw still firmly planted on the cooling meat. She would guard the meal no matter how meager and how underwhelming her hunger actually was. Plus, perhaps this would be some entertainment to go with her snack.

Watching, daring, she lowered her muzzle and tore a hunk apart. The scent of blood renewed and she swallowed it almost-whole, bristling in full now as she did. She'd eat what she could before she would be forced to take real action against the pest.

RE: dream in red - Caiaphas - February 24, 2015

feel free to bite/hurt phas.. i thought it would be cool to play her the way a coyote would in the wild

Caiaphas crept about Amekaze, her posture bent as she slithered in circles around the formidable wolf. Had Amekaze had company flanking her, the salt-wretch would have quickly abandoned her cause -- as it was, the female was alone. This made Caiaphas bold -- brazen, even.

She was so hungry -- so dreadfully hungry -- and as she circled she whimpered and whined and uttered all manner of heinous noises to announce the grumbling presence that grew in her craw. As Amekaze hunkered down to bite the flesh of her meal Caiaphas flew forwards with several shrieking yips, jabbing in the manner of a boxer hoping to confuse its adversary. She fully expected the volley to be returned full-fire by an arsenal of jagged teeth -- but if she was lucky, hopefully she could unsettle the black huntress enough to force her to relocate somewhere more.. peaceable.