Wolf RPG
Ankyra Sound they'd find us in a week [PACKTIVITY] - Printable Version

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they'd find us in a week [PACKTIVITY] - Caiaphas - February 05, 2015

so i enjoy playing out the playful side of wolves... and wolves do often play after feeding... this is a non-mandatory PACKTIVITY for all, set at the rendezvous right after their successful hunt. NO post order! 3 posts from everyone and you are eligible for +20 EXP.

It was with high spirits that Caiaphas romped back from their cache, her belly full of seal and her heart elated. Their success bringing down the seal meant that they were well fed for at least the next week -- and slowly, surely, their cache had been blooming.

As the rest of the wolves filed onto the well-trampled rendezvous site, Caiaphas watched each of them slyly. Some had settled down to clean their bloodied paws -- others had curled into fluffy balls along the soft snow. With a mischievous glint to her yellow gaze, Caiaphas slid past the small group. Without warning she whirled around, both limbs thrown up in the air in a playbow before she barreled back into the group with her head inverted grossly and a stupid grin plastered across her muzzle.

RE: they'd find us in a week [PACKTIVITY] - Kevlyn - February 08, 2015

Kevlyn was one of those who'd fed fervently when the females had their fill, and tromped back to their territory's heart with his belly practically swaying beneath him. The youth grew taller and leaner by the day, but his voracious appetite suggested he wouldn't stay that way forever. When the group wordlessly reached their destination, the consort slumped to the sand and began diligently picking grains from the fur sprouting around his toes with grunts of displeasure.

Gods, how he hated being filthy.

He would've spent hours doing this menial task, but his attention was drawn upward by the slap of forearms upon the damp sand. His ears shifted forward as Caiaphas bowed at the head of the group, then charged directly into them. This sight triggered an instinctual response which had the youth on his feet and racing after her, engaging her in the play she practically begged for. His manner was clearly submissive, his legs ready to send him downward if the occasion called for it or if a female took offense to his actions, but with Caiaphas at the helm of their pack, he needn't worry about these things.

RE: they'd find us in a week [PACKTIVITY] - RIP Spyridon - February 09, 2015

The wounded bull had fed them well, and Spyridon had thanked the sea with each morsel that slid down his throat. She had been testing them, this much he knew, and he was glad that She had found them worthy of her cause. Had he the capacity for it, Spyridon would have swelled with pride at the pack's budding ranks, especially Kevlyn. The boy had proven himself worth time and time again, and Spyro knew it reflected on his performance as well. There had still been no sign of Larus, but he also knew that Caiaphas would not let him be gone without a fight.

When the queen donned her playful stance, the Epivitoras watched as Kevlyn took off toward her. The consort of Hippo Tang Cove did not smile often, but the corners of his mouth were currently upturned as he watched with a bemused look upon his face. He was not quite ready to jump in unprovoked, but he would entertain himself with the view for the time being.

RE: they'd find us in a week [PACKTIVITY] - Caiaphas - February 10, 2015

O MG WE GOT A SPYROSMILE!!!! chelsie hope you don't mind a mild pp of kev here?? pm me if you want me to change it!!

With her jowls fluttering in rapid gasps, the shrieking siren stole among them, galloping about like a flapping fish aghast. Anyone borne of decorum or status would have been mortified by her display -- but not Caiaphas.

Kevlyn's attendance only further fueled her ambition to look like an absolute idiot -- he was all legs as he galloped after her. Caiaphas whirled about rather clumsily to meet him, issuing a soft growl and a playbow -- but her movement was slow and as he chased after her he was upon her before she knew it. For a moment it was an entanglement of legs and fur, but with a burst she scrambled upright and galloped towards Spyridon, hoping to give him a swift nip on his rump before galloping wildly off like some drunken rogue.

RE: they'd find us in a week [PACKTIVITY] - Wynter Wolf - February 10, 2015

Wynter had eaten her fill, and had layed down licking her muzzle getting any last reminents of her meal off her face. She watched as Caiaphas began to run around encouraging other wolves to join in. Kevlyn happily agreed as he had hopped up and was now chasing Caiaphas around. It seemed for a moment they had collided and was just a jumble of legs and fur but Caiaphas quickly recovered and began galloping towards the male she had come to know as Spyridon he seemed to have a small smile on his face. Which she had never seen before for Spyridon had always seemed grumpy. Wynter also smiled slightly it had been a while since she had seen pack play or even participated in. The idea entertained her. She stood up,stretched and began to trot over to join in on the fun.

RE: they'd find us in a week [PACKTIVITY] - Caiaphas - February 12, 2015

A game had the potential to be wildly uncoordinated, and as an unpredictable entity, it seemed only natural the frenetic Siren Queen turned her attention to Wynter. With an impish yip she flew past Spyridon hurriedly -- he was a big wolf and she had no deathwish -- but Wynter.. Wynter was much closer to her size, and thus, a suitable 'playversary'.

Scampering wildly in the hopes to shake Kevlyn, Caiaphas frolicked up to Wynter with a playbow before dropping her weight and wheeling back upon Kevlyn. If the youth had chased her she would likely collide into him -- if he had given her a wide berth the wraith would be free to continue her tormenting.

RE: they'd find us in a week [PACKTIVITY] - Wynter Wolf - February 12, 2015

Out of the blue Wynter watched Caiaphas change course and immediately come bounding towards her. Caiaphas bowed in play and Wynter did the same. Then Wynter with a playful look in her eye began to gallop away from Caiaphas in the hops she would chase, she hoped that she would not trip over anything this time for that meant she would be caught. She ran and ran looking behind her occasionally to see if they were following. She hoped if they were she had enough strength to run for a while and not get caught. She glanced over to see Spyridon still laying down but decided he would join if he wished. She didn't want to provoke him for he would definitely be faster than her.

RE: they'd find us in a week [PACKTIVITY] - RIP Spyridon - February 13, 2015

The queen's nip was met with an air snap in her direction, though his tail wagged and his eyes twinkled as he did so. Spyro had sprung to his feet now, and upon noting that Caiaphas was attempting to shake Kevlyn from her heels, he moved toward the younger boy, hoping to knock him down (in the friendliest way, of course)! The spawn may as well have been his own, considering Spyridon and Caiaphas had raised him here since he was but a young thing, and he did not think the stolen child would protest too much.

RE: they'd find us in a week [PACKTIVITY] - Kevlyn - February 19, 2015

You guys can keep skipping over me if I'm being slow!

The last thing Kevlyn expected was for Caiaphas to drop her chest to the sand, so he was still running full-tilt when he smashed right into her. He practically flipped over the siren queen and slammed into the sand on his back, yipping in surprise as the wily female darted away to harass the others. For a while he wiggled and struggled in the sand, tossing his head side to side in an excited way, and then finally Kevlyn's feet found their way beneath him. He rose, shook himself—nasty sand, swore his mind—and then resumed his chase of the pack's queen.

By now, Wynter had joined in the game. Kevlyn feigned a playful lunge at Caiaphas as she bowed for the other female, but then turned as though to joust briefly with Wynter. However, before he managed to make a single move, he was rolling in the sand again, this time with an equally playful Spyridon on top of him.

Growling amiably, the youth pressed a forepaw against the elder male's chest and shoved hard, but he was still too little and too weak to budge the large Epivitoras. He whipped his head to the side and made an effort to grasp Spyridon's wrist in his jaws with every intention of slobbering all over it, hopefully grossing his mentor out in the process (and, of course, he had to prevent himself from shuddering at his own nastiness).

RE: they'd find us in a week [PACKTIVITY] - Caiaphas - February 24, 2015

i will archive this shortly -- if anyone else wants to post please do so! i will probably give it until the 26th :)

As the other joined in Caiaphas felt instinct overcome her -- if a playful one. Kevlyn was quick to recover, though his new tormentor descended upon him in the form of Spyridon. Caiaphas had little time to watch -- she was preoccupied with Wynter, who had just scooted out of her reach.

With a playful growl and an amused twinkle to her gaze Caiaphas clambered past Spyridon and Kevlyn, throwing herself into a graceless gallop after the quick agouti. A few playful nips were delivered in Wynter's direction, but Caiaphas felt her strength waning. She was thrilled to find a new playmate in the agouti recruit, and after a few rounds of playful tussles the salted Queen slipped to the ground wildly panting with pale foam ringing the corners of her open mouth.

RE: they'd find us in a week [PACKTIVITY] - Wynter Wolf - February 24, 2015

Wynter watched as Spyridon and Kevlyn had a tussel as she ran. She noticed the queen seemed to be getting a little tired so Wynter slowed and tussled a few more times with the queen before she took decided she had had enough play for today. She was happy with her new home. She still dwelled on the memories of her previous pack and wondered had anyone survived or was she the last one left. She shrugged of the thoughts and lay down in the sunlight.

ooc/ Over and out :P

RE: they'd find us in a week [PACKTIVITY] - RIP Spyridon - February 26, 2015

*squeezes a last post in here*

Spyridon continued to push and pull playfully with Kevlyn, eyes alight with a fire he had not known was there. This joyful playtime was something he missed in these darker times, and it was a shame that they hadn't had more of it. The Epivitoras romped roughly with the younger consort, though he allowed Kevlyn enough leeway so he would not be completely overthrown by his larger counterpart.

When Caiaphas and the other he did not know personally made their way to the sidelines, Spyro gave Kevlyn one final round before bounding away, coming down with a hard crash into the ground and rolling onto his back to lay sprawled amongst his pack-mates.