Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain Echoes of those before - Printable Version

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Echoes of those before - Tempest - February 05, 2015

The peppered fae was gaining strength, her wounds healing to scars. Travel weary, Tempest had reached the base of the vast mountain and looking for the base camp she had agreed upon with @Fitzdutiful. The kind male had asked her to join his new pack, and she had accepted. The only problem was finding it. The base of the mountain was craggy and rocky, with small caves and strange looking boulders every few meters. The limp body of the large hare in her jaws was getting heavy after hours of dragging it through the barren landscape.

Cold and aching, tempest finally chose one of the smaller caves and slipped in, dragging the carcass behind her. Surprisingly, the small entrance opened up into a roomy inner chamber, an underground stream trickling along the back wall, behind some stalactites and stalagmites. The rest of the cave was smooth, a large dent in the ground near the back the only thing marring the almost perfect level floor. Add some furs, and this would make a beautiful den, she thought happily. She drank from the small stream gurgling happily at the back of the cave, dropping the rabbit beside it. She turned and stretched out leisurely at the entrance. Her eyes peered over the landscape, searching for signs of life.

RE: Echoes of those before - Bindi - February 05, 2015

Lol the way things are going, Bindi is going to have no friends in this new pack.

After meeting with Fitz, Bindi set off to find and claim a den before all the good ones were gone. She had her old den, but it was beginning to smell so the female decided she wanted a new one, one fit for a queen. She had spotted a cave that looked appealing and along with it a female. She wasn't sure if this female was one of her soon to become packmates, so she set out to confront her.

When reaching the cave entrance, she saw a nice plump hare, and the female stretching her legs like she owned the place. Ha, I'm not about to let this bitch take MY new den, Bindi thought to herself before opening her big mouth. "Well, well, well...hello there. It seems you have found a nice cave here" Bindi said with a smirk growing on her face. The obsidian wolfess didn't know the female yet, so she played nice, for now.

RE: Echoes of those before - Raissa - February 05, 2015

Imma join too :D can I pretend that this is after the whole catfight thing with Raissa and Bindi??

Though she and Fitz shared a den, Raissa thought it would be fun to go out and see what the other options were, just so she knew that there would be enough for when their pack started to grow in size. Her paws brought her along the base of the mountain where she spotted a cave that two wolves had gathered at. Wondering if either of them where ones she hadn't met, she walked towards them.

Apon arriving at the mouth of the cave, Raissa recognized one of the wolves, Bindi, but the other was a mystery to her. Playing the role of good soon to be beta, Raissa slipped a smile on her face as she greeted the pair.

"Hi, I don't think we've met before. I'm Raissa." she directed her friendly greeting to the new female.

RE: Echoes of those before - Tempest - February 05, 2015

The dark figure materialized out of the gloom and marched straight toward Tempest. A note of fear hit her until she realized the newcomer was female, and smelled slightly like Fitz. "Yes, it's make a great den." she said proudly, if a little uncertainly. What did she mean by that offhand comment? Maybe nothing. "You're one of Fitz's recruits too, aren't you?" she asked her. She was still uncertain to the fae's actions. Who began a meeting with 'Nice cave you got there'? Well, she seemed friendly enough. Tempest pulled herself into a sitting position, her scars sting slightly as she did so.

Soon another wolf appeared, this one with with a friendlier introduction. Tempest smiled. "I'm Tempest. I think I've seen you around the Caladera before, but I don't know your name." Fitz's scent was heavy on this fae, and Tempest guessed she was close to him. "I'm glad to know I'm not lost." she paused before continuing. "Fitz is great. He was so kind after I was attacked." she looked into the eyes of the second fae. "If you're close to him, you're lucky." she smiled again.

RE: Echoes of those before - Bindi - February 05, 2015

I don't mind, but the catfight thread is predated and this one is not, I think.

She watched as the female said about how the cave would make a lovely den. "Yes, I bet it will" Bindi answered, and was about to add a sly comment about it not being Tempest den but her own, when she was cut of by a question. The female asked if she was another one of Fitz recruits. "Yes I am, and I'm guessing you are too" she asked curiously, remembering that was her whole reasoning for coming up here.

It was then she was greeted by yet another female, Raissa. She bobbled her head it a polite manner to greet her, but quickly turned her focus back to the strange female, as she had nothing to say to the tri-colored wolfess. With focus back on the new female, she listened closely in hopes she would learn her name.

With her luck she learned the her name was Tempest, and that she was attacked. Curse you kind side of me the obsidian female mentally yelled at herself. It was in Bindi's nature to help/be kind to injured and young wolves, and she already knew she was going to let Tempest have the cave. She then let out a chuckle when Tempest said that Raissa was lucky if she was close to Fitz. "Ohh... she's close, but who knows for how long" she teased, before looking outside the cave and admiring the view.

RE: Echoes of those before - Raissa - February 05, 2015

Okay, then I think I will leave it out :)

Raissa thought about Bindi's comment for a mere couple seconds before dismissing it as words that just didn't come out quite right. She turned her gaze from the dark wolfess and back to Tempest who had mentioned getting attacked and how Fitz had been a good help. She smiled at the thought that so many already respected him. She knew he was a keeper, no matter what others(*cough cough* Bindi) said.

"Oh my gosh, you were attack?! I really hope you heal quickly!" she said honestly, noticing the way Tempest had winced when she tried to sit up. Her heart ached for her as she already considered the wolves of the new pack her family. "Yeah, we're all pretty lucky to have Fitz." she said smiling, casting an odd glance at Bindi.

RE: Echoes of those before - Tempest - February 05, 2015

Tempest responded with a grin at Raissa. "Thanks. Most my injuries should heal completely soon. Except for this one." She twisted her shoulder so the spiraling mark was visible. She hoped the faes, who she already felt a strange kinship with, weren't too horrified by the carefully marked scar. her green eyes hovered anxiously on theirs, waiting for their reaction. She didn't feel like blurting out the whole sickening story of a dark father and his daughter.

In the back of her mind, she wondered how different her life would have been if her father were a different wolf. Perhaps her sibling would still be alive. Maybe her mother would still love him, and she could have grown up in a real pack, not a group of coyotes. She would have never been scarred. and her father would protect her from the horrors and dangers of the world, instead of being one.

RE: Echoes of those before - Bindi - February 05, 2015

As she attempted to ignore Raissa awkward stare and her comment that could so easily be used against her, Bindi watched as Tempest turned to showed her scar. Feeling her natural protectiveness for injured wolves take over, the obsidian female made her way to Tempest's unharmed shoulder, and gave it a slight nudge.

"I'm sorry that happened to you" she said honestly as a wave of sad and horrible memories washed over her. "I really hate seeing wolves in physical pain" she added before letting out a sign. Damn this wolf really brought the mood down she thought in her mind. Looking over to the tri-colored female a slight smile crawled up on her face "I might even feel slightly bad if you were injured" she said trying to lift the mood. To be honest Bindi knew she would feel bad, her first real encounter with Raissa wasn't the best, but she didn't hate the wolfess.

RE: Echoes of those before - Raissa - February 05, 2015

She felt similar protectiveness of Tempest when she showed her scar and sympathy filled her eyes. "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always available." she offered in a kind voice. This was her new family and she would do what ever she could to protect it.

The charcoal wolfess words made Raissa whip around from facing Tempest to glaring at her. First the cryptic statement about her relationship with Fitz, then the suggestion that she didn't care about Raissa's wellbeing? Did something happen that she was totally unaware of that made this woman dislike her so much?

"What, is your problem?!" she asked incredulously. This was supposed to be about meeting her new packmates, not taking hate comments from some bitch she barely even knew.

RE: Echoes of those before - Tempest - February 05, 2015

The air turned tense as Raissa and the black wolf stared at each other. Tempest burst out"Come inside! I've got rabbit." she didn't want a full fight to break out now, so perhaps the offer of a meal would stop them for now. She stood and backed into the den, hoping the two would follow. No one could refuse the offer of a free meal, could they?

RE: Echoes of those before - Bindi - February 05, 2015

"I don't have a problem with you, it's just unless your injured, I don't care as much. So.. I was simply stating that right, now at this moment, I don't care as much for you as I do her " she said using her muzzle to point in the direction of Tempest.

It was then Tempest offered up a rabbit to share, but three wolves would destroy that thing, and not get much off of it. Besides she had to go find a new den, since she gave this one up, thanks to her soft side. "You guys can share it, I'm going to go look for a den" she stated with a bored tone. Exiting the cave, Bindi gave a glimps around her shoulder saying "maybe we can hunt together, or something, but anyways see you guys around" before leaving the cave entirely.

RE: Echoes of those before - Raissa - February 05, 2015

awe u stole my thunder :( jk jk

The dark she wolf explained that she was going to go find a den and let them have the rabbit before slipping out of the cave entirely, leaving Raissa and Tempest alone. With the rabbit of course.

Even though she had to admit that she was a bit hungry, she couldn't eat someone else's well deserved food, especially when that someone was injured! Then an idea struck her. She had recently started a cache not five minutes from here and yesterday she had absentmindedly added two squirrels to it.

"Hey you know what? I actually have a squirrel I can go get. That way you can have the rabbit. You caught it, you deserve it. When I was injured, I didn't hunt for my self so that's pretty awesome that you did." she smiled kindly before slipping out of the cave as well only to come back ten minutes later with a limp squirrel dangling from her jaws.

She lay down near Tempest and smiled. "Here, I'll eat with you."

RE: Echoes of those before - Tempest - February 08, 2015

Tempest grinned at Raissa, and a few moments past in silence as she inhaled the rabbit. Finally full, Tempest lay on her stomach in a sphinx like posture. she pushed the scraggly carcass to the side and sighed contently. "So, will you be Alpha alongside Fitz?" she asked curiously. She expected her to be, for as far as she knew that if your mate was alpha, you automatically were to. She wondered is this would be any different.

Secretly, Tempest longed for the beta position. Elwood and Finley had always been kind and supportive, and she wanted to do the same. However, before the idea was possible Tempest would have to work over a few kinks in her character. A dislike for males, for instant. She told herself it was stupid, that not every male would be like the ones she had bad encounters with. She was...working on it.

RE: Echoes of those before - Raissa - February 08, 2015

I wish she could be, but one of my other characters is taking an alpha position so I can't :(

They ate in a comfortable silence until finally, when they were both stuffed and happy, they lay on their stomachs. Raissa liked Tempest, having this meal with her and hopefully talking for a bit afterwards was fun. At her question she shook her head. In most cases, if your mate was an alpha, you were too, but since she would most likely be pregnant soon, Raissa didn't really want to take on too much responsibility. She would be pretty pre occupied with her pups for a while and she wouldn't want to make the pack suffer because of that.

"No actually. I'm hoping to have pups soon and I want to be able to focus mostly on them, so I am just hoping to take the beta position." she explained, completely unaware of Tempest's wish to take be the beta female.