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Blackfeather Woods One more female to encounter [Mature] - Printable Version

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One more female to encounter [Mature] - Burke - February 06, 2015

I had some free time, @Tanith :D

After his encounter with Crëyr the large male made his way back to the pack grounds. So much for venturing outside Black Feather territory. Even though he did have fun it was far more fun if something actually happened. For now, Burke had brought home quite a lot of meat. Other pack members would be pleased. Briefly he wondered if he should go after the gamekeeper trade. He already obtained that one before, at this other pack. Burke rather liked to be an outrider or counselor. His charcoal body moved into the dark forest. Ah, home.

The tank of a male walked to one of the nearest caches to place the dead foxes he killed down with the other meat. He dragged one away from the pile to eat himself. Burke was hungry after all this walking and verbalizing sparring with the light grey female. In a frustrated manner the large wolf opened up his meal. He feasted on the organs first before starting with the muscles and other flesh.

RE: One more female to encounter - Tanith - February 08, 2015

Tanith was new to the pack, having just been accepted by the Alphess and she was keen to explore her new home as soon as possible, as well as meet some of her new packmates. She wondered, if there would be any interesting wolves around, too bad she could not kill her packmates. Even if they pissed her off. It would probably not end well, in fact, it would probably end either with her being chased out half dead or her body in mangled pieces in the woods.

No thank you. She was still young and she still had so much wolves to meet...

The scent of male and prey drew her towards the scent, Tanith stood from a distance as the large wolf feasted on fox. A gleam entered her turquoise eyes as she strode towards the food and Burke, her hips swaying as she did so, her tongue reaching out to lick her lips. "Hello there, I haven't seen you before,"

RE: One more female to encounter - Burke - February 08, 2015

Burke ripped a piece of flesh of the fox before looking up at the voice that entered. Slowly the large grey looked up to see a hip swaying female walk closer. His blue eyes scanned over her, his docked tail held high. The tank of a male let the female come to him since he wasn't that willing to leave his fox yet. Maybe this female wasn't even interesting enough. But with the way she carried herself Burke was definitely interested.

He licked his red muzzle clean. "Obviously I've been here longer than you,' he pointed out but then bobbed his head in greeting. A charming smile came onto his lips. Another female well well. "Did Meldresi recently accept you?," he wondered with a hum on his lips. The female was far younger than him, like most females. Burke didn't care much about that. If he wanted a female as his own he would just claim her, no matter what age.

RE: One more female to encounter - Tanith - February 08, 2015

Tanith tilted her head slightly and returned his greeting with a similar smile, "Yeah, Meldresi accepted me not long ago," she replied with another bright smile and took another few steps forward, hips swaying as she moved, her tail wagging. "Nice foxes you got there, you're a brilliant warrior aren't you?". She took another step forward, turquoise eyes gleaming as she dipped her head.

"Name's Tanith. Whats yours, sir?"

RE: One more female to encounter - Burke - February 08, 2015

The large male eyed at the light colored female. She had hints of golden in her fur. Burke had to admit it was nice compared to all the black and white coats in this pack. It was all so monochrome and colorless. "Well congratulations then," he spoke with a bob of his head. Slowly a more arrogant and amused smirk came onto his lips. The girl was praising him. How nice. Burke had to admit he liked that.

"Thank you. I got them today when they attacked another female. Turns out she wasn't that grateful for me saving her. I should have added that she-wolf to our caches of food,' he spoke more towards himself than to the female. His head tipped a bit at the 'sir'. Well that sounded very respectful. He decided he liked her and show her the same respect. "Burke. Burke Sebastian Rochester. I don't know if I should address you with 'young lady' or not. It makes me sound like a dad, doesn't it?," he then questioned more genuinely friendly now. "Lady T, perhaps?"

RE: One more female to encounter - Tanith - February 09, 2015

"Thank you. I got them today when they attacked another female. Turns out she wasn't that grateful for me saving her. I should have added that she-wolf to our caches of food," Tanith laughed softly, and smiled. "Sad, some wolves do not know how to appreciate others right?" With that, she took another step forward until they were nearly face to face. "Nice meeting you Burke, though it could be nicer," she flashed him a wink. Turquoise eyes twinkled brightly when he spoke once more.

"Just Tanith is fine," she breathed, tail wagging behind her back before she lay down, exposing the whole of her underside to him. Even her privates were visible, not that she cared at the moment. After all, she was merely relaxing and relaxing was not against the law the last time she checked. Not that she followed laws or rules for that matter.

RE: One more female to encounter - Burke - February 09, 2015

Burke looked over the girl and squinted his eyes. Was she trying to play him or was she really agreeing with the older grey. The masked wolf watched the female come closer to him. His ears popped up with interest. Okay, she was really close? Then his nose rose up arrogantly. "You are right. They don't. And to thinkI even offered that female my services," he stated. "So ungrateful. Females should be lucky if I offer them my services."

Burke then nodded. "Tanith it is then," he turned. The male was a bit surprised when the female laid down submissively, showing off everything she got. Burke blinked but was immediately interested. He was a male after all. With all these hormones in the air he wanted some for himself too. He moved his muzzle down and nosed through her soft fur on her belly without even asking.

RE: One more female to encounter - Tanith - February 10, 2015

An amused look flitted through her turquoise eyes as Burke lifted his nose and spoke, saying that he offered the female his 'services' and that she was ungrateful and females should be lucky if he offered them his services. Tanith frowned slightly then and spoke, "Not all females like to be fucked by a random stranger even if the random stranger saved them. Besides, not all females are whores and some females would like to have their first time with like, their boyfriend or something," Tanith shrugged. After all, she had her first time already.

When Burke gazed down at her body and then leaned downwards and touched his muzzle on her soft belly fur, Tanith squirmed, her eyes heating up slightly and she flashed the older male a grin. "What is it?" she said seductively.

RE: One more female to encounter - Burke - February 10, 2015

Burke looked at his packmemeber who gave a perspective of the other gender. So female didn't always wanted to be fucked? How could it be that all the females in his previous pack would let him without a struggle? Even lone wolves often let him in fear probably. He did not have much luck in Teekon as of now. The male snorted. Females and their stupid wants. "I am not boyfriend material," he returned. "Still it is still worth to try if I get something out of it."

The large male glanced briefly at the younger girl. One brow raised. "Do you always display yourself like this for other males?," he wondered with a smirk on his lips. The male's tongue moved over her belly, licking through the fur since she seemed to like his nose being there.

RE: One more female to encounter - Tanith - February 10, 2015

Tanith grinned, a half smirk crossing her features, "Guess we're fit for each other huh, cause I ain't girlfriend material either," she said with a half shrug. Or as much of a shrug as she could do, lying down. No, the pretty little girl who looked innocent and nice was not innocent at all, committing murder since she was a child, assassinating others using sly methods. Innocent was the last word to describe the Blackfeather girl. What she said about not being girlfriend material, however, was true. She did not think she would be able to dedicate herself to someone, or love them for that matter. The closest thing to a boyfriend she once had was a fucking partner, a literal fucking partner, but she killed him soon after their fifth or sixth encounter so...

"Do you always display yourself like this for other males?," Tanith merely smiled, "I don't purposely display myself like this, I usually relax lying down and well, truthfully, I don't give a shit about what others think." Hell, her actually giving a shit for something outside of pack life would probably be a miracle.

Burke switched from using his nose to using his tongue and he continued to slowly lick her belly fur, she twitched, slowly getting heated up. She met Burke's gaze and slowly moved her tail so it touched her opening, while she attempted to shift so the male would move downwards. A soft moan left the female's lips as Burke licked.

RE: One more female to encounter - Burke - February 10, 2015

Burke let out a soft growl, but it was used in a content way. You could say it was a heavy version of a purr? The older wolf kinda liked that this female wasn't all fluff and rainbows. Surely that was what you expected from a Blackfeather wolf. But seeing Kadence and Crescendo all over each other made him a bit annoyed. Not that he didn't have it but because it was.. just annoying.

The larger male smirked when he noticed how the female liked his licking. He pulled back at the moan and slyly smirked more broadly. "Well I take it as a compliment that you can be so relaxed in my presence," the larger wolf pointed out. Eventually the large male sat down, as he did his well filled sheath was more on display. One of the light spots on his brow raised challengingly. "I had a few females but they probably let me because they were scared. The downside they also let my brother take them. I still don't know which of all their pups are mine. I'm not too bothered, though. I left that life."

Burke then moved his muzzle down. "Does one female your size can hold a tank build like me?,' he wondered, casually glancing over her frame. Maybe they could not form a mate like bond but a hey-you-are-ok-lets-hook-up- type of bond. Burke liked that thought.

RE: One more female to encounter - Tanith - February 10, 2015

As the moan left her lips, Burke withdrew and smirked which drew an eyeroll from the agouti female. "I'm an actor, Burke. But I'll admit I was genuinely relaxed this time," Tanith squirmed on the ground, gazing up at the older male, half amused that he was teasing her and half frustrated that he left her like this. But when the greyscale male sat down, the female's eyes were immediately drawn to the thing between his legs, sure, it wasn't fully on display yet. Since he was sitting down, but it was pretty much visible. She licked her lips.

When the older male spoke again, Tanith looked up and met his blue gaze with her own turquoise which were now darkened with lust. "Scared huh? Pathetic." she said, her mind only half on the subject Burke was talking about. "I had a fucking partner once, but I killed him a few days after we started our contract, he was too crap," she grinned. "Perhaps you'll be better?" the female smirked, this time she was challenging him.

The older male moved his muzzle down and asked if a female her size could could up someone like him. Usually, if she was clear headed, she would have made Burke take his words back but with her hazy mind, she merely bared her fangs playfully. "This is a disguise, I am much stronger than you think." She continued lying on her back, giving him a full view.

RE: One more female to encounter - Burke - February 10, 2015

Burke returned her that smirk. An actress well that should be interesting. As long as she wasn't a dramatic fool he would be good. But by what he had seen now Burke was certain that the female was not. Burke studied her. He was getting a bit by bit more interested in this female and what she had to tell him. The older male definitely saw her lick her lips. He wasn't sure if she did that in submission or not.

"Very," he pointed out. "I feel like they all just wanted babies." The masked male listened to her story. The male had been very bad in pleasing the lady. What a hilariously shameful way to go. Killed by a female because the sex was not good. It made Burke grin. "I can assure you that I am well known on this subject. Although sometimes my size bothers some smaller females." It had really happened. A smaller female that whined the whole time. She wasn't strong enough to lift Burke and while he tied to her she whined and whimpered how much it hurt. Not the most fond memory he had. "Well maybe I like to test that theory," he murmured lowly.

RE: One more female to encounter - Tanith - February 10, 2015

Tanith grinned when Burke said he felt they all just wanted babies, for some reason, she found it funny when females wanted to have kids. She didn't know why, it was just funny to her. "I can assure you that I am well known on this subject. Although sometimes my size bothers some smaller females." The agouti female cocked an eyebrow at that, "I see, great to know you aren't like the crap male who tried to earn my favor by fucking me. That wasn't the problem, really, the problem was he did not know how to fuck." Honestly, that boy was stupid, he knew she was a killer yet he still tried to get on her good side by offering to please her. But he was not a good assassin or pupil or good at sex so she decided to end his life. Simple, really.

"Well maybe I like to test that theory," Tanith smirked, "I wouldn't mind that," she replied huskily and rose slowly to her paws, stretching as she did so, showing off every curve in her body. Burke was older than her, but the female had no problem with that, really, to her, age did not really count. Personality, body, spirit did. Turning around, she lifted her tail, showing off once more and spoke "Sure you don't want this?"

Her gaze drifted downwards until it landed on his manhood, and an idea sparked in her head, she closed the remaining distance between them and crouched down so her muzzle was just above it. She attempted to lean down and touch her nose gently on top of his sheath before withdrawing a second later and began licking around it, slowly, teasingly and never actually touching it. "You would offer a stranger your services? What about a willing packmate?" Tanith breathed hot air onto his crotch and waited for his reaction.

RE: One more female to encounter - Burke - February 11, 2015

You might put a 'mature' warning in the title >D Silly me. I made the thread. lol

Burke's pink tongue moved over his lips as the female talked about killing the one that didn't please her. Not that he doubted that he could please the lady, it would make things interesting if she tried to kill him. His blue eyes looked over her moving form. It was true that her body had a great shape. Young and beautiful. He still found her coat color enchanting. His tongue went over his lips once more because he wanted to taste her. The older male decided that he wanted this female.

"I know I want this. How could I deny a willing packmate?,' he grinned with that famous smirk of his. His eyes fluttered close for a moment when the girl was actually teasing him. It drove him slightly crazy. With her licking he was definitely responding. The tip of his pink member poking out of the sheath to show her his want. It only seemed to grow more as she breathed over it. Burke got to his feet and moved towards Tanith. He nipped her butt gently, just to tease her back too. His nose eagerly moved under her tail. Burke nosed over it first before starting to lick her.

He definitely wanted a piece of her, but first, he had to prove to her how good he really was. Often he would just jump up to mount the female but today he was eager to go down on her first. Burke liked to prove himself. In that aspect the young female had arranged it well.

RE: One more female to encounter - Tanith - February 11, 2015

MATURE from now on lol.

"I know I want this. How could I deny a willing packmate?," Tanith returned his grin and a look of satisfaction crossed her face when she noticed his eyes fluttering close when she touched him, and when the tip of his member poked out of his sheath. Obviously he was aroused now, because of her. Her charm never failed after all. She continued teasing him, licking around the edges of his growing manhood and at the last moment, sucked the tip of it before withdrawing.

Burke rose to his paws and moved around her, he nipped her gently, causing a wave of anticipation and pleasure rush through her body. Then Tanith felt his nose move underneath his tail and touched her entrance, she shuddered at the touch and moved her tail sideways to allow him easier entrance. A wet tongue slid across her opening causing her whole body to tingle like she was getting electrified, but it was a pleasurable electrifying and it caused a low, lusty moan to slip from her lips.

Tanith bucked backwards, and writhed in pleasure. Her legs shuddered underneath her and she let out another groan. "Fuck, Burke. You could've done this when I was lying down," she said but not without pausing to let out another moan in between. He was much more experienced than the young male who tried to gain her favor, much better than that dude.

RE: One more female to encounter [Mature] - Burke - February 11, 2015

Feeling like a rebel because i am writing this in school. xD

Burke realized that they were both aroused in this moment. Why not use each other. He was pretty sure this young female played him well to get him interested in her. Burke didn't mind that. He definitely got some pleasure out of it. The masked male made sure the tasted her well. A taste he didn't mind to have more often in his mouth. Tanith seemed to like it. A grin came on his maw. He almost wanted to make her beg for it. The female was already moaning for him which was great.

The buff male slowly pulled back from her entrance. "Nope. I want you standing," he pointed out. Burke found that it was far more intense because the female had to keep herself standing. Plus, Burke was a large male he liked when things were accessible for him. The grey tank then moved his mouth back to the original spot. He could feel the throbbing between his own legs, clearly ready to mount the female, but Burke was determined to make the girl beg for him and not just his tongue.

His docked tail even wagged a bit at that thought, not that it was clearly seen since it was only a stump. The strong male grunted lowly, denying himself from what he truly wanted, taking her. Maybe the female even got turned on to be bred by a far larger male. Females were typical at times.

RE: One more female to encounter [Mature] - Tanith - February 11, 2015

Then Burke pulled back and Tanith scowled in frustration from the lack of contact, a flurry of hot desire and want flowed through her body and she squirmed as the male spoke "Nope. I want you standing," The agouti female groaned lowly and turned to look at him from over her shoulder, eyes darkened with lust and want. She could see his manhood was no longer in its sheath, he was clearly aroused and he clearly wanted to fuck her so what was holding him back? "I'm standing now, ain't I?" she muttered, still looking at him.

When Burke dipped his head and licked her again, she shuddered more violently and writhed on her spot, she bucked against him, trying to get more of his tongue but it wasn't enough. Tanith wanted more, she needed more and the older greyscale male wasn't giving it to her. This was pleasurable but it tingled, she needed something intense, something that would calm her and fulfil her desires.

Tanith could not wait any longer and she moved backwards abruptly, obviously trying to get him to mount her. "Come on," she hissed desperately, managing to stop moaning and actually speak coherent words.

RE: One more female to encounter [Mature] - Burke - February 11, 2015

The larger male hummed lowly in reply to her. He knew she was standing but he wanted to drive her insane with want for him. It was clearly working. She was the one that caused him to heat up and want her. Now Burke was going to do the same exactly. A smirk was on his maw. Perfect. The female moved more against his tongue. He licked her entrance in a steady pace, yet this was only to tease her, to get her to heat up and not come any close to a release.

"Come on? Say it. What do you want, Tanith?," he murmured lowly, nipping her once more. Her backside was basically against his chest, it was so easy to mount her. His nose moved through her fur. The buff male grunted in return. "Or will you keep moaning until you get what you want?," he drawled. "When you say it you get it," he murmured. Clearly the male was going to take her even though she would be a stubborn little girl. The large male then jumped up, his paws hooking behind her hips as he brought himself closer. His erected flesh now teasing her entrance. "Is this what you want?," he growled lowly.

RE: One more female to encounter [Mature] - Tanith - February 12, 2015

She writhed on her spot as Burke continued to slowly and steadily lick her, never picking up pace, making her squirm in pleasure but never coming close to release. Tanith was ready for him, in fact she was more than ready, her entrance already soaking wet for him but he did nothing but continue licking her. When Burke nipped her and murmured words, the agouti female squirmed and gasped lowly, but no words escaped her maw, her brain too fuzzy to form coherent words.

Tanith's backside was flush against his chest as he nosed through her fur and grunted words, asking if she would keep moaning until she got what she wanted and saying that when she said it, she would get it. But she still did not speak, shaking her head stubbornly and pressing herself against him, wriggling. Then finally Burke mounted her, hooking his paws around her hips and pulling her closer. The agouti female felt him, he teased her even now, causing her to groan with want and thrust backwards in vain.

"Yes." Tanith finally spoke, voice low and husky. Fuck me. I want you to fuck me until I can't think and then ride me hard." The sentence ended in a groan as she rotated her hips backwards, trying to get more of him.

RE: One more female to encounter [Mature] - Burke - February 12, 2015

Burke nipped a bit on her scruff when he mounted her, just to let her know he was the more dominant. Finally the girl begged for him, which made the large male comply instantly. He pushed his hips forward, fully sheathing himself inside of Tanith in one go. His front legs clamped tighter around her hips so he had a strong grip. A soft grunt came of his lips as he was surrounded by her wet heat. Burke instantly started thrusting forward at a fast and deep pace. He growled lowly before tugging on her scruff once more with his teeth. Oh yes. This was really what he missed from his previous pack, breeding whenever he wanted.

Now he had Tanith that might as well happen. Burke's thrusts quickly became harder and faster. His length swelling with each thrust, on his base the knot was slowly forming. That was the best part. It seemed the girl wanted it hard and good so Burke made sure she got that.

RE: One more female to encounter [Mature] - Tanith - February 12, 2015

Finally, Burke complied and thrusted into her deeply, sheathing his manhood inside her in one move of his hips. She moaned loudly at the feeling of him completely in her, it had been so long since someone managed to please her like this. Tanith's walls constricted around the greyscale male as he clamped his forelimbs tightly around her and began moving, each time the insides of her squeezing his crotch. He buried himself completely inside her every time, and she writhed in pleasure, rocking back with her own hips to meet his.

"Yes, oh fuck. Oh fuck!" she moaned and whimpered as Burke's thrusts became harder, deeper and faster. Her legs trembled under his weight, Tanith did not know if it was because of their fucking or because of his weight. Like she had time to think about stupid things like that. She felt pressure began to build in the pit of her abdomen, her jaws parted, breathing heavily. "Yes, fuck me hard Burke, Tanith hissed his name out in a lustful moan.

RE: One more female to encounter [Mature] - Burke - February 12, 2015

Burke got really into it as well. Maybe it was the slow build up towards it but the large male's head was filled with lust. A soft grunt felt his lips, muffled because he was holding the girls scruff. He tugged harder on it while also making sure Tanith would feel it the next day. His large member had reached his full length by now, only his base kept on swelling. Burke growled as the female cried out in pleasure. His large body held up by the female as he took her.

The female was loud and somehow he liked that other wolves of their pack could hear it. It turned him on even more. Even though Burke was still moving his hips at a quick pace his thrusts became shallow. The male was close to his release. The large size of his knot made his trusts minimal before it locked into place inside of the smaller female. Burke let out a longer grunt when he came, flooding her insides. His knot made sure every drop was kept inside of her. The large male went limp on top of her, needing to gather his last strength to let himself off her. He might break her back if he would keep to hang on top of it.

RE: One more female to encounter [Mature] - Tanith - February 12, 2015

The girl heard the muffled grunt that fell from Burke's lips and felt him tug harder at her scruff, surely making it sore the next day. Not that she minded, it would serve as a reminder of their great partnership in fucking. A smirk curled at her lips when she heard him growl right after she cried out, he was enjoying this too. The greyscale male increased his pace, his thrusts now shallow and Tanith knew he was close to his release, so she rocked backwards in unison to him, trying to get him to come first.

It worked. With one thrust, he buried himself inside her and with a long grunt, came and washed her insides, flooding them. Right after Burke came, Tanith did too, the pressure in her abdomen exploding and she shuddered, jaws parted to let out a mix between a moan and a scream. Her spine arched in a catlike manner, pressing against the older male's belly. She lifted her tail slightly, trying to tickle his manhood as he fell limp on top of her back. "Guess you don't suck," Tanith murmured, wondering if he caught the double meaning behind her words. Probably not, it was unclear anyways. "Suck..you..off?"

RE: One more female to encounter [Mature] - Burke - February 13, 2015

Burke stood there tied to the female, his pink tongue hanging out as he panted. God this felt good. His knot kept throbbing inside of the girl, making sure that he was the only one that impregnated her. Unfortunately she wasn't in heat. Burke wasn't even sure if the priestess allowed them to have young. Not that it mattered. He had seen enough young at his old pack. They were all disappointing. Probably because the females were weak. Burke just liked to have these females. Tanith was a good one though. He might visit her more often.

"Hmm?," he asked, waking up from his thoughts. "Very funny. But true I don't suck. I do however lick very well," he smirked. It was difficult to talk to her, he was learned to always face someone while talking to them, although now, being tied to her made that quite hard. Eventually his knot released and Burke could step away from Tanith, since she wasn't in heat he also wasn't stuck as long as he normally would. "We should do this more often." Burke immediately lifted his hind paw and started licking himself clean before it all returned back into his sheath.