Wolf RPG
When the Wind Whispers - Printable Version

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When the Wind Whispers - Alusia - February 06, 2015

@Kaname, or any other wolf Alusia still must meet

As the arctic female wandered the wilderness, she figured a patrol along the boarders would cure her boredom. After deciding to become a warden, she now spent even more time near the boarders, and set up a den in the area too. She didn't mind long strolls by herself, they gave her time to process thoughts, and make decisions.

Nevertheless the young female wished something would come and entertian her, that way this patrol wouldn't be so lonely. Realizing she still had many wolves to become acquainted with, her nose dropped to the ground in search of any new scents. She still keeping close to the boarder she, came across a new scent, and started to pursue it.

RE: When the Wind Whispers - Ivev - February 06, 2015

hoping to meet more people! :3

Ivev had spent some time outside the borders, gathering the materials she needed to set up camp inside the valley. She looked weary and worn, for her immobilized back leg had placed a handicap on her movements. And the ground was quite steep in some places, so the wolf had to take detours rather than power up a hill.

However, the female had a feeling of contentedness she had never experienced before. Everyone had been so welcoming and kind, and the ridiculous barbarians of the northeast, such as in the Bypass, belonged in her past. Ivev would work on forgiving that whole incident, but for now she still bore disdain for the alpha, Shadow, who had attacked her and threatened Vector. Again, the arctic wolf had found safety in the tall mountain walls of Ouroboros, and the relative stability of the pack dynamics. Now it was time to branch out and meet the others who shared this space.

Spotting the wolf of similar color was an easy task- she stood out so well against the pine backdrop. Ivev stopped her limping gait and placed the bundle she had collected at her feet, lifting her ears, and let out a soft bark to announce herself.

RE: When the Wind Whispers - Alusia - February 09, 2015

It wasn't long before a soft bark echoed throughout the pale female's ears. Lifting her head, she spotted a wolf who shared the same color fur, and eyes. If it weren't for Alusia being a bit of a creamy white color, the two could have been twins. She slowly trotted over to the female and gave a dip of her head as a greeting. It was clear this wolf was a member of the Spine so she didn't worry about her attacking. "Hello, I'm Alusia" the the wolfess introduced herself with a friendly tone. She wondered how long this female has been in the Spine.

RE: When the Wind Whispers - Ivev - February 09, 2015

The unknown packmember approached her and Ivev learned her name: Alusia. It was pretty, and befitting of such a wolf with dapper cream-ivory color.

I'm Ivev, the arctic bird returned with a warm smile. She hadn't seen this wolf around yet, but then again the healer hadn't met a lot of her packmates anyways. She had spent alot of time outside the valley gathering materials.
Are you new like I am?

RE: When the Wind Whispers - Alusia - February 10, 2015

The female introduced herself as Ivev, and Alusia kept repeating the name in her mind trying to remember it. "Nice to meet you Ivev" she said happily, mentally giving herself a reward for remembering the female's name. Alusia realized yet again, she had run into someone newly joined like herself. Are all the wolves in the Spine new recruits, the young female thought to herlself.

"Yes, I recently joined" she said calmly while admiring the nice day it was. Then a question popped in the young wolfess's mind, one she wanted to know badly. "Are you an arctic wolf" she asked, politely, wanting to know if she shared any arctic relations. Knowing very well that a wolf's fur can be white, but not an arctic, Alusia was desperate to know what breed Ivev was.

RE: When the Wind Whispers - Ivev - February 12, 2015

Far off, through the trees, Ivev could see a flock of blackbirds settling in the lower branches of the pines. They were watching the wolf pair, but upon seeing there was no food, seemed to caw and shriek to themselves in complaint.

I'm glad I'm not the only new one, the female pointed out a little sheepishly. It was already hard for anyone to assimilate themselves into a new pack, so making friends was vital.
And yes, I'm from the north. Are you? Alusia had a similar colored pelt and striking blue eyes.

RE: When the Wind Whispers - Alusia - February 17, 2015

Alusia listened as Ivev said she was from the north, and gave a sway of her tail. She was glad to have another arctic wolf with her, but her mind began to think of questions for Ivev. Alusia had been taken away from her pack, she didn't not just willingly come to the Spine. Even though she enjoyed the Spine's territory, there was no place like home for Alusia. Feeling now wasn't the time to ask such bold questions about anothers past, Alusia changed the subject. "Do you like it at the Spine so far" she asked curious if other wolves settle in as fast as she does.

RE: When the Wind Whispers - Ivev - February 23, 2015

Alusia avoided Ivev's last question, but the healer had no intention to pry. They had just met and it wasn't her place to ask anything of Alusia that she wasn't comfortable with. Moving on, the female smiled and nodded.

I really do. The mountains add a sense of safety. Ivev motioned to the ring of low peaks that framed Ouroboros' valley. Their tips were capped in snow, along with smatterings of ice down the pine forests of their flanks. It was a pretty view to wake up to, especially when one had a view of the lake.

I was actually headed up to the northern part of the territory. I think I found a cave there, Ivev explained. It's always good to have your own space, so it makes it easier to feel at home.