Wolf RPG
Otter Creek say something - Printable Version

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say something - Bazi - February 06, 2015

Would prefer someone that will spar (aggressive) with me in the sparring pit. :)

Paarthurnax, Star, and now a strange and unsettling smell. Ahead of her, Bazi's future faded into uncertainty.

She left Swiftcurrent Creek at dawn, charging one of the fitter adults with looking after the pups. Just one last sweep. It was unwise to go alone in the direction that had nearly killed half the pack, but she could not force the rest of the pack to keep searching when all hope of finding Paarthurnax was so clearly lost.

She set out early, rounded the mountains, and arrived at Otter Creek in a mist of light rain. Nothing. Not even a whiff. Paarthurnax was gone. Bazi breathed a deep and weary sigh, let her ears flop, and mooched towards the narrow river's edge.

RE: say something - DeadLusa - March 10, 2015

[size=xx-small]I couldn't resist to throw in Lusa :)[/size]

She was now out in the open. Out in the elements. Her fur was slightly clung onto her slim body, for the misty rain had started to flatten it. She wanted to stay under the trees, that is until she saw another wolf a ways away. She was quick to speedily walk to the white figure. It was about time she stirred up some trouble. When she was close, she swerved in the front of her.

"You seem far from home now don't you love?"

She had a crooked smile on her face. Her claws were ready to shred some fur. Her ear twitched in confidence. A good fight would be swell indeed. "You should start heading home really soon little lady. I can do some bad things to you." Her smile turned into a growl and she towered over the other wolf in hostility. "I'll let you leave now, and keep your face in tact. Or you can stay, and get crumpled."