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Blackfeather Woods bad decisions - Printable Version

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bad decisions - Grimm - February 06, 2015

Officially outside borders.

A tender moment between her leaders drove Grimm away from the Caldera in a fit of despair. She headed due north, swam through several rivers to rid herself of the pervading Peregrine-and-Fox smell, grumbling to herself about poorly matched mates and stupid bitch and who likes red anyway.

It wasn't until the smell of claimed land began to thicken that she ceased her fury-march and looked around. Up ahead, a dark and spindly forest reached its naked, black fingers into the air. Even though Grimm was a forest-dweller born and bred, it sent chills down her spine. The wolves that lived here probably weren't the chirpy, sunshine-and-low-fat-cupcakes sort.

RE: bad decisions - Meldresi - February 08, 2015

@Grimm Hi!

She was going to find him. Why wouldn't she? He was her second-in-command, the father of her children. His disappearance left a larger hole than anyone else's, except her children, if they ever followed in their father's footsteps.

The dark mistress, made her way to the edges of her shadowy realm, seeing the brightness of the outside world ahead. And with that brightness, was another wolf, peering into her woods curiously. She could not tell at first if the wolf was a loner looking to join, but as she grew closer, Meldresi smelled the traces of more wolves on her. She was a pack wolf, and the queen faintly recognized the scent of Redhawk, a pack her own had some dealings with. "What brings you to my borders, hm?" She pushed her head out from the shadows, her eyes on the female.

RE: bad decisions - Morgana Wolf - February 09, 2015

Morgana silently walked along the boarders of her great pack. She looked up, ears perked, for she faintly heard something making its way towards her pack's boarders. For some reason, she fumed with anger when someone dared cross the dark pack's boarders. She lopped silently towards the sound, hoping to intercept whatever was coming. She caught a glimpse at a she-wolf walking rather huffy strait towards the boarders. By the time she got there, the dark Alpha was already there. Morgana held in her disappointment, she had wanted to deal with the wolf herself. Oh well, she thought. She stood back, seeing that her Alpha was dealing with the situation.

RE: bad decisions - Grimm - February 09, 2015

Before she could retreat, a black body emerged from the trees. Even when she announced herself and spooked Grimm in the process, the near intruder could barely see the forest Alpha against the backdrop of her dark home.

"Oh, uh.." she began uncertainly, struggling to come up with a reason that wouldn't land her in deep doo-doo. "I was.. going to leave home. My pack isn't a great fit. Everyone's so... red?"

RE: bad decisions - Meldresi - February 11, 2015

She flicked an ear to one of her new wolves, Morgana, silently saying that she noticed and acknowledged her presence as well as her choice not to infere for now. Focusing her attention back on the intruder, Meldresi pulled herself further put of the shadows, revealing more of the natural curves accented by the layer of fat accompanying her pregnancy.

"Oh?" she said in her default sultry tone. "I take it that you have no intention of ever going back; a defector." Meldresi cracked a smile at the last sentence. Whether it was figurative or literal, she could not tell. But it reminded her of her own pack. "Everyone here is black for the most part. Like you." While there were exceptions, Meldresi found that, regardless of fur color, her pack was black of heart, soul, and mind.

RE: bad decisions - Grimm - February 12, 2015

"No," Grimm lied convincingly, but there was a grain of truth in it. Life at the Caldera wasn't working out the way she had hoped - for reasons she couldn't quite place. Expectations, mostly - to be a social nobody again was endless hard work, and Grimm had taken to isolating herself.

In a few days' time she and Elwood would make everything 10,000x worse.

Meldresi emerged into the light. She was an older wolf, and 100% creepy, moving like a child of the shadows rather than a separate, living being. "Is that a thing here?" Grimm ventured warily. "Do you just.. prowl the forest and do spooky stuff?"

RE: bad decisions - Morgana Wolf - February 15, 2015

Morgana held back a laugh at the strangers words, she didn't know the half of it. Prowling around and doing creepy things was practically the definition of a few wolves in the pack, more specifically, Crescendo. However, she found the comment just a little bit rude, this pack was not some low life, that had nothing to do but prowl the forests and do nothing. We are a fundimental part of the wolf society, keeping weak and useless Wolves from being a bother to anyone any more and pulling in as much darkness as possible, smouldering the infectious light. It was a hard job, at leased that's what Morgana believed. On a darker note, Morgana was curious to what Meldresi would do to this helpless female. Surely she would at leased give her a scar, hopefully more. To Morgana, it was plain to see the twisted truth behind the trespassers words, but that was not Morgana's problem. It was the females. In all situations, the female tresspaser was screwed. There was no way Meldresi would just let the tresspaser go, she knew that much. Perhaps Meldresi would let Morgana have some fun with the female.

RE: bad decisions - Meldresi - February 16, 2015

Meldresi laughed softly. Walking around and doing creepy stuff? It wasn't that off from what some of them did on their spare time. "Not all the time. We function as a normal pack, for the most part." Prowling around and doing spooky things to trespassers were something that her wardens did often.

"I have woven my own little twist to things here." It was not her intention to chase the black female off right now. If she played her cards right then she could manipulate her into joining her ranks, since she seemed so dissuaded about her own pack. If she resisted, Meldresi would let her go, but if she did in an aggressive manner, then the priestess would give a signal and let Morgana attack mercilessly. "I have my own religion that I've incorporated here, but I do not force anyone to join it if they do not wish to."

RE: bad decisions - Grimm - February 22, 2015

She was mesmerizing. Grimm knew full well that she should make her excuses and leave, but couldn't quite tear herself away. Meldresi was a creature of the earth like any other, but she gave the impression of being more - something.. well, spooky. There was no better word for it.

The visitor took a cautious step back, swallowed what was left of her boldness, and spoke in a quieter, less lewd tone. ".. what's the twist?"

RE: bad decisions - Morgana Wolf - February 22, 2015

Morgana could tell that the visitor was anxious to leave the presence of the intimidating Alpha. But it seemed that something was making the tresspaser stay. Morgana knew the nature of Meldresi's words. Any hostility towards the Alpha, and Morgana was sure to attack. Deceving oblivious strangers was only the type of "hospitality" you could find around here. Meldresi had a different motive, it was plain to see to anyone who knew the ways of the dark pack. Morgana gave a slight chuckle at the she-wolfs words, noticing how she had taken a step back. Oh it's twisted alright, she thought to herself. Honestly, Morgana was becoming impatient. Oh she desperately wanted to see some action here. But she kept to herslef, knowing that this little encounter would unravel itself in its own time.