Wolf RPG
It's a long road - Printable Version

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It's a long road - Tempest - February 06, 2015

Tempest was elated. Silvertip mountain was officially a pack. She was so happy and proud to be a part of something as big as the creation of a new pack. The other day, she had climbed partway up the majestic mountain, the view of her pack's lands spread before her lent her a feeling of pure elation and freedom. She had howled for joy that day on the mountain, not caring who heard.

Now she loped at an easy pace along the borders, spending all her energy on helping her pack. She knew they would need recruitments soon, so kept her eyes open for any wolves not from a pack. But she knew her chances were slim. Perhaps when the pack was more established, she would go in search for those who wished to join a pack.

RE: It's a long road - Bindi - February 06, 2015

Bindi was taking her future gamekeeper, warrior, and warden trade very seriously, but today she set out to officially meet the injured wolfess named Tempest. She met her in a cave before, but left due to Raissa, and needing to find a new den. However today was different, today she was going to fully introduce herself to the injured female in the pack.

With her nose low to the ground, Bindi set off to find the injured wolfess, and see how she's settling in. The obsidian female had no problem making herself at home in the mountain, but she understands others struggle to move into new packs. Bindi was also wondering how Tempest's cave has come out, and if she added any fur to it yet.

It wasn't long until she picked up the female's scent and was on her trail. It just so happened that she was wondering near the boarders, a place were Bindi has been spending a lot of time. When the female came into view the obsidian wolfess let out a chuff to alert Tempest and steadily walked toward her.

RE: It's a long road - Tarawi - February 06, 2015

Oh dang, sniped, pm if you want an edit, or just roll with it, whatever works. :P

"Oh, The stories you could tell. .."
The small male had walked and walked, the increasingly cold weather was ignored as the mystery surrounding the approaching mountain played on his mind. His saunter slowed the closer he made it up the gradually increasing slope, a mixture of excitement at discovering the mysteries of the land, and apprehension at the ever increasing signs of others nearby.

It wasn't long before the obvious signatures of a nearby pack became overwhelmingly obvious, chestnut eyes seeking out potential threats, russet ears equally attentive to any signs. Tawari had been venturing for as long as he cared to remember, having only arrived in the nearby lands by accident. The sights, sounds and smells were almost overwhelming. A story-teller heart begged him to learn all he could about this new world. His thoughts were stopped when he noticed the not-to-distant figure patrolling, the dark male was about to find another way to traverse the mountain. His curiosity got the best of him and he continued to walk towards the invisible border that was being patrolled, and the figure nearby.

A creature of little tact, often mistaken for bravery or stupidity depending on where you were watching from, as soon as he was within earshot he spoke in his slow, deep voice. "This is your mountain?"

RE: It's a long road - Tempest - February 07, 2015

Tempest heard a loud chuff behind her and looked over her shoulder to see Bindi approaching. She flashed her a smile, but missed the chance to greet her when a voice sounded out from behind her.

"Is this your mountain?"

Tempest whirled and grimaced in pain as her wound stung briefly, only for a moment. She pushed her pain aside and eyed the young male, who's pelt was a whirlwind of color. She glanced briefly over her shoulder at Bindi before replying. "Yes. Our mountain." She narrowed her eyes at the male, not trusting him yet. So far, all her encounters with those of the opposite sex had gone very badly.

"Why do you ask?"

Her stance was uncertain, her voice slightly wary. If the intruder was female, she would have to problem communicating with her.

RE: It's a long road - Bindi - February 07, 2015

I say we just roll with, it just another possible warden thread for me now, so i'm cool with it

Bindi watched as Tempest threw her a smile, and in return she smiled back. However it was quickly replaced with a quiet growl, when she heard an unfamiliar voice. She watched as the injured female answered, and the obsidian wolfess trotted beside her.

Her stance immediately changed from friendly to defensive. She listened to Tempest ask why the male wanted to know about the mountain. If this male was just confused and passing by, then there would be no problem. If the male was looking to join, he would have to answer to the alpha, Fitz. However for now he appeared to be no threat, nevertheless the obsidian female kept her golden eyes on him, to make sure he didn't try to attack.

RE: It's a long road - Tarawi - February 08, 2015

Of course he'd been trapped in his own little thought bubble for far too long and caution had been cast to the wind. So entranced by the unknown stories of this foreign land the runt had failed to notice that there was more than one creature here. His words had barely left his throat when he caught sight of the second sentry.

He stopped a distance away, pushing aside the first plan to approach closely. "our mountain" the tone wasn't lost on him. He regarded the duo for a moment, weighing his options. The first one seemed less than comfortable, as for her companion, the dark wolf stood firm apparently sizing him up.

A slight tug at the side of his mouth caused a half frown to appear. A downward dip of his nose was offered I a gesture of apology. "Oh, I'm just. .. Wandering, trying to learn some things about this place" his words lingered with an offhand tone, directed at them both, though his dark eyes were fixed on the first wolf. He gave another quick glance up at the frigid landscape before him, looking past the two females for a moment before speaking again. "If you're not in the mood to humor a passing stranger and his curiosity, I'll be on my way." Though he had no intention of wandering off, he'd at least pretend it was a possibility.

RE: It's a long road - Tempest - February 08, 2015

Tempest's hard gaze softened a bit, at least this male was respectful. She lopped toward him, her stance confident, but not quite relaxed. "As long as you don't trespass, you're fine to go where you wish." Another thought came to mind, and Tempest asked tentatively "Are you looking for a pack, perhaps? If you're interested, I'm sure our Alpha would speak with you." The pack's needs came above her own personal likes and dislikes. Tempest glanced back at Bindi, eyes asking her if she though the decision alright.

RE: It's a long road - Bindi - February 08, 2015

@Tempest, @Tarawi 'you guys want to finish this one up?

Bindi listened as the two talked. When the male spoke that he was passing by, the midnight wolfess relaxed a bit. She was still watching him closely to make sure he wouldn't attack, when Tempest spoke of looking for a pack. She wouldn't care if another joined, after all that just means less work for her. Even thought Tempest was asking the questions, the obsidian wolfess had her own. However unless the male stated he wanted to join, none of the questions would be necessary.

RE: It's a long road - Tarawi - February 10, 2015

He listened whilst she spoke, the cautionary talk of trespassing was noted however any further thoughts were discarded at her weak attempt to recruit him. His chestnut eyes passed between the two as the exchanged silent communication. The painted male let out a small snort at the idea of joining a pack, but he would at least humour the idea.

"and why would I join your pack?" his attention equally divided between the two. He was a wanderer so far as he had lived. Pack life wasn't much of a consideration and so far he had no desire to join one, especially one he just randomly stumbled across whilst climbing some unknown, frozen mountaintop.