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Free falling - Printable Version

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Free falling - Tempest - February 07, 2015


Tempest watched as a single white feather slowly spiraled downward. She lifted her pwa to touch it, but the updraft, slight as it was, sent the thing back into the sky. Tempest watched as it was carried away on a breeze, then picked up the fur again and pulled it back to her den. She slipped through the small entrance, then carefully placed the fur next to the others. It made a great sleeping spot, but Tempest didn't stop to lie down in the soft pile. She slipped through the entrance again and made her way to where she though Fitz's den was. As she walked, she howled for the kind leader, seeking an audience with her alpha.

RE: Free falling - FitzDutiful - February 07, 2015

Fitz had been taking a well earned break with Raissa when Tempest's call went out. Waking himself properly, he detached himself from his loved one, careful not to wake her, and padded outside. The grey, green-eyed was waiting outside and FitzDutiful blinked twice against the outside light, brighter than inside the den.

"How are you doing, Tempy?" he asked, unconsciously using a nickname for the wolf who had been through so much in such a short space of time. He wanted to protect her, give her a place to get her feet back under herself and grow independent of all the pain she had been through.

RE: Free falling - Tempest - February 08, 2015

Tempest laughed at the goofy nickname, but did nothing to correct him. At least he didn't call her Twiggy. A twinge of nostalgia gripped her, but she pushed it aside. This was her pack, this was her life. And she would never run again. Her tail wagged as she greeted him, then decided to get straight to the point. "I was thinking, Fitz, I'd like to pursue the healer and counselor trades. If that's okay with you, of course." She wanted to help and be kind to all off her pack mates, and the trades she wanted to pursue she thought perfect for how she wanted to serve the pack.

Tempest yearned to one day be a beta for the pack, to help and support others as best as she could. She knew firsthand how it was to go through something rough, and wanted to be like Fitz with his kindness and positiveness.

RE: Free falling - FitzDutiful - February 08, 2015

FitzDutiful smiled when Tempest mentioned that she was wanting to pursue trades. This was becoming a common theme and one that FitzDutiful mentioned. He thought back to a similar conversation with Bindi where he had given her quests to help her round out her skills and wondered if Tempy wanted the same too.

"That sounds perfect!" he said, meaning every word and letting the feeling come through. He loved the fact that his wolves were wanting to improve themselves to help support their pack. "I earned my counsellor trade at Redhawk Caldera so if you need any tips I can help you out. It'll be good having another in the pack in case I'm busy with other duties. As for healer, we don't have any of those and it's always good to have someone patch up our wounds." He thought back to when he and Peregrine had had their encounter with the lynx. Both had suffered as a result of no healers and FitzDutiful didn't want the same for his pack.

"Do you know where to start with them?" he asked, allowing Tempest to ask for quests, missions or advice as she would.

RE: Free falling - Tempest - February 08, 2015

Tempest was relieved that Fitz approved of her choices. "I would love some help gaining my counselor trade, and will try to complete any task you give me, if you will." she stopped, thoughtful as she thought about the healer trade for a moment. "I know a little about herbs, but i think I'd like to find another healer that can teach me more. That is, if you'll let me leave for a few days." she didn't want to leave her pack for a while yet, but if it meant helping Silvertip, she would.

RE: Free falling - FitzDutiful - February 08, 2015

Edited March 11 to write a conclusion

Tempest seemed to want a task for her counselling trade and FitzDutiful thought carefully before replying to her. It was a difficult one for you couldn't guarantee that wolves had problems you could solve. Most of the time it was just being there. Then it clicked. "The most important aspect of pack counsellor is that wolves trust you and can talk to you. I want you to get to know Raissa, Bindi and Copper well enough so you know that if they have any problems they could come to you." It wouldn't be easy, Bindi was especially difficult to see into the heart of and FitzDutiful didn't know about Tempest's problems with males. That said, she would have to get over it quickly to earn the trade.

She had also requested leave to go and visit other packs to learn of any healers that could help her. He valued that but felt cautious about sending her off. More silence as he visibly pondered her suggestion. "You can visit Blacktail Deer Plateau, Ouroboros Spine, and Stavanger Bay. Do not under any circumstances go anywhere near Blackfeather Woods." He didn't trust that pack and he wouldn't have his pack mates anywhere near there, especially not one who's protection he was concerned about.

"Let me know how you get on!" Fitz said, turning and wandering off, happy his pack wanted to earn trades, leaving Tempest to ponder who to visit first.