Wolf RPG
Whitefish River I'm So Fancy - Printable Version

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I'm So Fancy - Mara - February 07, 2015

She could tell the power was sort of going to her head, that the hate and promise of revenge was almost all she cared about by now. It scared her how much her world was centered around one single goal. And so the russet pelted she wolf had left the gorge to take a walk, take some deep breaths and figure everything out. She was walking aimlessly around the thick forest that coated the slopes that led to the gorge, thought jumbling around in her head. Her breath came out in hot puffs that pushed their way through the cold air.

Sure the new pack would be a good thing, it created a family for Runt as well as a safe place for wolves to live, but it was centered around something cold and harsh. She thought back to when she had first joined the spine, when she was so happy and naïve, running around like a dopey puppy. Everything had been going so well for her! She was making friends, working towards a couple trades and she had even found her long lost brother! And now, all because of one fateful encounter, all that had crumbled into dust. Her life had turned to sand right in front of her eyes. She knew that if she had just let it go, everything would still be the same as it was.

She shook her head. No it wouldn't have been. Cara still would've hated her, Mordecai still would've left and instead of trying to fix it, she would still be miserable, taking orders from that witch. She let out a sigh, pushing all thoughts to the back of her mind and focusing on just walking.

RE: I'm So Fancy - Tarawi - February 08, 2015

Cold wasn't his friend. In fact he immensely disliked it, if it was up to him he'd spend all his time somewhere warm, hot even. For now he trotted amongst a thick stand of trees having left the highlands to seek the more comfortable climates he preferred, even if it was only because the wind was deflected by the now surrounding forest.

The painted male walked amongst the wood, his nose pointed to the ground inspecting it as he ventured this unknown world, every now and then he'd catch a faint smell of some meager prey animal, reminding him that the cold wasn't the only thing he disliked. Winter took a particular toll on him, the cold mixed with the almost constant hunger was enough to make him particularly unhappy with the season. At least it's almost over this stray thought brought a slight smile to his face.

He was lost in his thoughts, switching from inward complaining about the cold and hunger, to the curiosity that made him walk, wondering at the history, the beginning of this place. Lost in his own thoughts he found himself suddenly walking toward another wolf.

It looked to be a tiny thing, smaller than his own limited stature, he wasn't certain if she'd seen him or not as she seemed to travel much the same way he did; Lost in thought. He kept moving toward her, a soft chuff was offered in greeting, or at least to call attention to the fact he was nearby.

RE: I'm So Fancy - Mara - February 08, 2015

She was soon shaken out of her depressing thoughts of the light chuff on another wolf. Her storm hued gaze was pulled up from the frozen ground and fell on the wolf. He was short, light in frame, but still managed to be bigger then her and he had a beautiful pelt, full of colors and seeming like a puzzle of sorts. She stopped her forward movement and faced the stranger, not really in the mood to tell him off for being so close to a pack to be's territory. She gave him a light smile and wagged her tail softly in a gentle hello.

She met his warm brown eyes and wondered what his story was. Had he been here for long? He didn't carry the scent of any packs she knew of so she assumed he was a loner, maybe even new to the teekon wilds all together. "Hello." she greeted, her posture neutral, if not leaning more towards friendly.

RE: I'm So Fancy - Tarawi - February 08, 2015

He'd managed to get her attention easy enough, and was met with a familiar expression of curiosity. It was something he was used to, the cool regard he received from most first encounters. He mimicked the slight wag, the friendly demeanour was a welcome change from the normally stand offish. He regarded the female closely, waiting for a moment after her greeting to see if anything else was following, when nothing was forthcoming he spoke. "Another wayward wanderer avoiding the winters harsh kiss, hmm?" stepping forward his voice quiet.

He had not yet come across enough of the various pack wolves to be able to distinguish the difference, or the ones to avoid. Of course there was the likely chance he'd soon stumble across a less than impressed warden ready to teach him the places to steer clear of, But for now this seemed a pleasant interaction.
If that could be determined after only exchanging nine words.

RE: I'm So Fancy - Mara - February 08, 2015

Her thoughts were confirmed when he asked her if she was another traveler, hinting that he was one himself. So far nothing showed any signs of aggression from him and Mara relaxed even more, now not worried the slightest. So long as he wasn't one of Cara's minions or a hostile wolf of any sort, she was okay with him.

"No actually, I live further down." she explained, motioning down further in the valley where the gorge was hidden from view. "I'm just out to clear my thoughts. But I'm guessing you are a wanderer?" she inquired thoughtfully. Maybe he was looking for a pack, and if so, she had one that could offer up a spot.

RE: I'm So Fancy - Tarawi - February 09, 2015

Curiosity was his biggest weakness, he looked for a moment in the direction she indicated her home rested. A soft nod, acknowledging her explanation as much as her question. "Wanderer, traveller, vagrant... All apt descriptions." he overlooked her vague comment about clearing her thoughts and continued. "I'm Tarawi." he offered with a curt nod.

"So, do you or anyone else claim this land?" he pried. Hoping to glean whatever information he could about the his surrounds.

RE: I'm So Fancy - Mara - February 09, 2015

She acknowledged his name and the fact that he was a wanderer with a nod of her own. So he maybe he would actually be interested in a pack for the rest of the winter at least.

"Mara." she replied, a little smile gracing her features. When he asked the next question she was happy to tell him, maybe that way he would be interested in joining them. "I will be the alpha of a pack claiming the territories near here." she explained, once again being flooded by all the responsibilities she would take on as alpha. It was a lot to think about.

RE: I'm So Fancy - Tarawi - February 10, 2015

A questioning expression passed over his features, regarding the female coolly as she divulged her plans to lead a pack in the local area.
He wasn't entirely impressed with the self proclaimed alpha that stood before him, a look of wry amusement on his face as he spoke his next. "I see, so I've stumbled across Mara the soon to be alpha." moving a few steps toward the small creature he looked over her.

He took in the diminutive stature, the scarring evident on her face mixed in with her apparently recent battle scars held his attention for a few moments longer. "So, who follows the soon to be alpha, and why here?" he asked sweetly. Curiosity had once again gotten the better of him, his endeavour to learn everything he could pushing aside courtesy, and even respect. Though so far Mara had done nothing to warrant respect from him.

RE: I'm So Fancy - Mara - February 10, 2015

She saw the sparkle of amusement in his eyes and immediately stiffened, not quite so sure if she could trust him any more. If he thought that her words were funny, then maybe she wouldn't give him any more to laugh at. The happy smile left her eyes, but they did not turn hostile in any way. "Yeah, I guess you have." she replied with a cool smile.

Her response to his question was simple, stating her followers and ignoring the last bit. "My friend, Runt and four others. And as for why here, that is for me to know and you to wonder about." she replied, her eyes sparkling with a bit of mischief.

RE: I'm So Fancy - Tarawi - February 11, 2015

The change in Mara's attitude was hard to not notice, he stopped his forward movement with a raise of his brow returning to a questioning look. He wasn't entirely certain if she was offended by his questioning or his open lack of respect for the self ordained alpha. He almost scoffed at the name she had chosen to divulge as a follower. If the name was an indication at the creatures stature; being called a runt by someone the size of this she-wolf, they must be a pigmy. The idea that this was more than just a chosen nickname didn't occur to the wanderer.

I half-frown followed when she failed to explain her reasoning for choosing this area to play host to, of course she had no reason to tell him anything. He couldn't help but feel a slight rush at the mischievous flash that followed her words. The painted male decided to play along. "Are you hoping I'll beg?" he cooed sweetly, taking another slow step toward Mara. "Or is there something else you need before telling me this little secret?" Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back, and right now his curiosity was piqued for almost no other reason than the fact she wasn't telling him.

RE: I'm So Fancy - Mara - February 11, 2015

She watched him give a slight look of disapproval when she spoke of Runt's name, as if just by her name he assumed she was someone not worthy. Well if he thought he could disregard one of her best friends, then he was sadly mistaken.

Satisfaction filled her when he gave her a slight frown, but she kept it well hidden, her eyes sparkling with nothing but secrecy. He changed his expression to one of curiosity as he took a slow step forward, asking her what he needed to do to find out the secret. Her paws didn't move as he approached her. It wasn't like he was that much bigger then her, and since he didn't have that advantage, there was definitely a higher chance of her winning in a fight. So she had absolutely nothing to be afraid of. She gave him a smirk, her eyes sparkling.

"No need for begging, or anything else for that matter. Trust me, you don't want to know. It could get you in a lot of trouble." she said, speaking the last bit in a sing song voice, her eyes glinting even more as she smirked at him.

RE: I'm So Fancy - Tarawi - February 18, 2015

@mara Sorry about the delay, crazy week.

The general air of disapproval hung around Mara like a cloud. She seemed far from impressed at his interest and curiosity. Her mischievous expression seemed to tell a different story, mixed in with the offhand comments she made about not wanting to know. "Maybe I want trouble" he offered with a shrug.

The way she spoke was enough to keep his curiosity increasing, surely there was some exciting reason that they were staying here, and why wouldn't she explain to him. His own desires to learn as much as he could about these strangers and their life making his insistence to know all that much more persistent.
"Well, maybe I'll just have to hang around and see what happens?" he offered with a coy smile.

RE: I'm So Fancy - Mara - February 19, 2015

She eyed him with a smirk. He seemed to really want to know what was going on here, and maybe it wouldn't hurt. Who knows, maybe he would even want to help. "Alright then, but I'm telling you right now, I'm a wanted fugitive." she replied, her eyes sparkling.

She had heard rumors about order to kill her on sight, but judging by her meeting with that young male not too long ago, it hadn't spread to the whole of the spine. He had been willing to listen to her, and she had almost gotten him to side with her. She had felt bad manipulating him, but it had almost work.

"If you do stick around, beware, if some find out you interacted with me, they'll be out for your blood." she warned, a serious expression on her face, before she replaced it with a smirk again.