Wolf RPG
I see a little glimmer - Printable Version

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I see a little glimmer - Osprey - February 07, 2015

ooc: @Tempo
Set for 8th of February not too far from SB (Ravensblood forest). Due to my ongoing plot and the fact that I couldn't decide, where to fit this thread in the timeline, I hope that you won't mind that this thread will be part of the plot. She will be a bit crazy due to heat, but she won't attempt to spook your character away. :)

Despite Osprey's previous declaration that hunger was for the weak ones only, being happy and full of energy required quite a lot of resources and therefore it was no wonder that at the end of the day she felt both exhausted and starving. This, of course, set her "head in the clouds" mindset back to a more primal one - there was need to seek food, to quench hunger and keep her going.

Returning home to caches and known hunting grounds would take too much of an effort, therefore she chose the closest lying forest and after few bouts of sniffing, circling around and listening, she found a good spot for a mouse hunt. Not that this activity promised a full stomach, but rather the focusing and doing would help her to keep her mind off hunger.

She crouched and waited.

RE: I see a little glimmer - Tempo - February 07, 2015

A scent. Tempo caught it, and his nostrils flared, pupils dilated. So enticing, it seemed to call him. He raced toward the scent, something burning in the back of his eyes. Through bushes and snow banks he sprinted, branches cracking and crashing in his frenzied wake. Finally, he came upon her. The scent emanated from her, pulled him closer. He suddenly wanted to muzzle her fur, hold him underneath him and...

"H-hello" he says weakly. His voice is so small for one so big. He steps nearer and nearer to the female, stopping a few feet away, visible trembling. "You-you s-smell good." he mutters, eyes on her. Emotions swirl, threatening to break over the edge. He is confused on what to do next, so he sits there, waiting.

RE: I see a little glimmer - Osprey - February 07, 2015

A mouse, which had lied calm and still under the leaves, waiting for the predator to go away, finally decided that it was safe to move and run. The sad thing is that sometimes you get to make bad decisions only once in your life. When it's the last time, because - once the critter appeared, Osprey was quick to react, pounce and press it against the ground with her forepaws. Her prey let out a shrill squeak and became silent.

It's a well-known truth that mice are prone to die from stress just as often as birds, but this one was touger, it was still kicking. This and the fact that the wolf got distracted by somebody and thus loosened her grip, saved it's life and gave it a few more days or weeks to live. "I do?" she asked, sounding genuinely surprised. She had lived with this scent for almost a week now and didn't think of it as something extraordinary. Yet since there were so very few occasions, when she got to hear compliments, she smiled at him and said: "Thanks!"

RE: I see a little glimmer - Tempo - February 07, 2015

Tempo sighed dreamily, and sidled up to Osprey. "Y-you are so pretty" he said again. He leaned over and lapped at her muzzle, the scent making him fearless. Shining eyes stare into hers, and he whines softly. It is his first time encountering a female who smells so good, and it makes him want to do things he never wanted to do before. He places a paw on her side, the touch making him feel all mushy, like he was going to melt. He was so confused, all he knew was he wanted to do more touching of the one who smelled so nice.

RE: I see a little glimmer - Osprey - February 07, 2015

When he said another compliment, Osprey's smile grew wider. The oldest form of flattering someone in the world, yet it workd. And find a girl, who didn't like to be called pretty. In that brief moment between him talking and touching her, she gave him a quick up and down glance to get the overall impression. He was a good-looking chap too, albeit a bit young, but she was not going to say that.

The touch of that kind didn't feel entirely right, therefore she took few steps back and came down in a play bow. Somehow the encounter had made her forget her hunger, she had the energy for a game. And with a short "wuff" she invited him to join her.

RE: I see a little glimmer - Tempo - February 07, 2015

Tempo chuffed happily and leaped in front of Osprey, sliding in and out of his own little play bow. He grinned from ear to ear, eyes bright. He waited however, for Osprey to act first.
[size=xx-small]Argggg this is so short, will edit length later[/size]

RE: I see a little glimmer - Osprey - February 07, 2015

The boy was quick to accept the invitation and returned the bow. It occurred to Osprey that she had not asked his name, but then again - was it really that relevant. The moment was important - two people playing the game, having fun. Where was there a place for names? No.

She got up, tilted her head to the side, contemplating a little and then with a playful growl, she lunged at him, aiming for his scruff.

However, it seemed that the boy got intimidated by her enthusiasm, therefore she was sane enough to back off and rethink her actions. Eventually she left him with an apologetic smile. Something told her that this fellow - as handsome and promising he was - was a bit too young.

ooc: since this thread is important plot-wise and the person involved never replied and got inactive, I editted my post to have it finished and not dead.