Wolf RPG
Whitefish River Plants and ants - Printable Version

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Plants and ants - FitzDutiful - February 08, 2015

Hoping this can go towards his naturalist trade

FitzDutiful was out by the river, exploring what plants and animals lived nearby. He'd experienced a lot while building up his naturalist trade. He'd investigated plant life around the Caldera, compared that to the plants around Silvertip Mountain. He had first hand experience of the benefits of the hot springs and made a note of what lived around there. Now he was here to compare and contrast with the river.

Walking downstream, he noticed the fish swimming and made a mental observation that this could provide food for his pack. It was interesting the way things differed from one area to the next. Some of the plants he had spotted around the Caldera he hadn't come across at all here, others seemed to be in abundance everywhere.

Stopping, he carefully noised towards a spiky plant and was promptly awarded a sting on his nose. "Ouch!" he exclaimed, marvelling at his stupidity. Lesson learnt - don't get too near spiky things!

RE: Plants and ants - Fallko - February 14, 2015

The tiny falconet was searching for a good source of insects to feed both her and the eggchick once it hatched. At times, the falconet swore she could hear movement inside of the egg, and this excited her even more. So she had taken a break from her prized possession and was looking to sate her hunger. She had been searching an old, rotten spruce for juicy little snacks when she heard the loud exclamation.

Naturally curious, she swiftly dove toward the sound and came across a pale wolf who seemed to have a thistle sticking out of his nose. (bit of PP here, I can change it) The tiny bird chuckled, and proclaimed "Naughty wolf, don't eat the spiky things."

RE: Plants and ants - FitzDutiful - February 17, 2015

March 18th: Editing a conclusion

Before FitzDutiful knew what was happening a voice came to him, telling him to not eat the spiky things. Thistle forgotten, FitzDutiful glanced around but saw no other wolves. "Hello?" he queried, "Who is there? I can't see you..." He let his words trail off unsure if he had imagined the entire affair. Maybe the stress of being an alpha wolf had finally got to him and his mind had broken.

Pretty sure he was deluded, FitzDutiful turned and walked back to Silvertip Mountain.