Wolf RPG
Ravensblood Forest Caught in a storm - Printable Version

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Caught in a storm - Calipso - February 09, 2015

Yellow eyes peered into the small hole, curious to what occupied it's depths. When nothing had happened after quite some time, the beautiful girl gave a annoyed chuff and shoved some snow down the whole. "I hope you freeze your ass off!" she shouted into it. The golden fae spun on her heel and stalked off into the forest.

She swiftly loped through the trees, bored out of her mind. She considered killing something, but didn't want blood on her flawless pelt. Speaking of pelt, she felt a deep itch on her stomach. She bent her head toward it, but couldn't quite reach it. She whined in sadness, the itch becoming even more fierce.


RE: Caught in a storm - JB4 - February 09, 2015

It seemed as if the cinereal beast was partial to forests, or at the very least, comfortable within their dark depths. Anselm had lingered within the thickening copse for hours - all the while trailing westward, in the direction of a lonely mountain. It cut a toothy silhouette through the early evening light. Perhaps his luck would be better upon the slopes, as opposed to this slumbering obscurity.

So he headed towards the butte which was in view - albeit barely - through the thinning tree line. By the time he made it to the stony range and up along a thin palisade of soil-ridden granite, the peak was hidden from view. But he was not alone - a fact which came upon him suddenly, as a voice rose through the gloom.

Anselm raised his head, but did not move to investigate - choosing instead to remain stoic upon the incline.

RE: Caught in a storm - Calipso - February 10, 2015

The scent of another made her pause, fierce eyes scanning the treeline. The scent came again, drifting toward her like a ghost. And with it, the distinctive signature of...male. Her eye sparkled with glee. Her favorite.

Soundlessly, she approached the scent, a black figure slowly coming into focus. As he did, she snaked behind a roughened, weather-worn boulder, eyes drifting across his body. He certainly was handsome, and looked as though he was strong of muscle. But was he strong of mind? She would find out.

Calipso stalked out from behind the log, eyes hidden behind a mask of something neutral. "Hello, handsome." she purred. "What might you be doing here?" Simple, but all beginnings were.

RE: Caught in a storm - JB4 - February 10, 2015

Sorry, he's a butt! :P Should be fun though.

She was a petite thing, and pale. Initially Anselm would liken her to sunlight on a winter day - but then she set her eyes upon him, and the look she granted him made him reconsider. He had dealt with females before, at least his sisters, and they were of a similar variety to this. Something about the way she spoke to him was grating upon his ears. The boy instantly regretted his decision to stop.

I'm exploring. He quipped back - his tone bland, if it could be identified as anything. The rumble of his gruff, often unused voice should have clued her in to how disinterested he was in her antics. This was not a game he had the urge to play — and that was all any female interaction was. But, with his luck, Anselm had probably fallen in to whatever trap lay waiting to spring.

Without another word, he began to stride around the boulder with the hope that she'd take the hint.