Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek here with me - Printable Version

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here with me - Kaskara - February 10, 2015

Her brother had returned a changed man. It was clear that he and Bazi had found something out in the wilderness, something that had changed them. Whether it was the land they spoke of so fervently or the desire that flowed between them, Kas couldn't say. It might have been both that invigorated their spirits. Kaskara was glad that they had rekindled their relationship, even if it wasn't official at this moment. She was sure it would become such in time, especially as they were planning their move at that very moment.

The dark beta was walking the creek's border today, her nose ablaze with scents that were unfamiliar. The stench that rose from an old, unburied cache brought both a curiosity and anger into her heart. No wolf had unburied the half-rotted carcass that lay strewn across the immediate area, and no wolf would have left the remains unburied. Her two-toned gaze turned up to survey the horizon while her nose worked to filter the scents that lay heavy upon the cache. Who had dared trespass and steal, all in one fell swoop?

RE: here with me - Razorback - February 10, 2015

Razorback was doing what she could to be a member of the pack that established herself as altogether present. The tawny wolf made her ways to the borders daily since she had first arrived, and now was no different. She was sure she had more wolves to meet, but the surnameless woman had yet to come across one. It was not that the others were not present, merely that their paths had not aligned yet.

But it would seem that this was not the case. Ahead was a wolf whose scent she did not know (but was of the Creek). As she drew nearer, her coat was also a shade she had not seen in these lands. Razorback could sense the unease in her, so she approached slowly, cautiously, her eyes darting left and right to see what caused the others upset.

RE: here with me - Kaskara - February 20, 2015

After a moment she heard footsteps in the snow, and Kas turned to look at who approached. She was bristled against intrusion, but the wind brought the faintest scent of creek with the wolf's, and that calmed Kas's nerves. The dark beta nodded toward the wolf, motioning for her to take a closer look at the unearthed, half-eaten rotting meat before them. "No wolf would have done that," she commented to the other, studying the scene before her. Kaskara was unnerved by this, but she didn't know what to do about it.

"This meat is half-rotten already. A wolf would not risk contamination from such old meat. Who else could have done this? Who would be so desperate?" she asked, both to herself and to the other. Kaskara turned toward the female, noting her caution, and dipped her head again. "I am Kaskara, the beta. Did my brother accept you?"