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SuNsHiNe AnD rAiNbOwS! - Printable Version

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SuNsHiNe AnD rAiNbOwS! - Dark Tooth - February 10, 2015

First, there had been the big scary crash, with lots of sounds and noise and scariness. Then all of the other mean doggies had left him all alone in his small cage! But he was clever, and had got out of the terrible metal box. And now he was here, all alone, save for the scents of something that was dog but not dog. There were lines of these scents randomly crisscrossing the entire forest, seemingly pointless. Who were these wild scented dogs that left pee trails everywhere they went? Dark Tooth wasn't sure he wanted to meet one.

The fluffy Samoyed walked along one of these funny lines now, tummy growling. He sorely missed those dry pellets that came to him every morning. They were all he knew, and he found them delicious. But now he had none, and there was an empty feeling inside his tummy.

The scent of blood soon hit the young male, who paused, trembling. He didn't like blood. Blood meant pain, blood meant death. No, he did not like blood. Yet something drew the male toward it, a tug in the gut that pulled him closer to the pain blood scent. Across the pee-line he went, following the scent with his nose. His nose was very helpful, he noted. He had never had need for it before, but here it was, helping him! It was a friendly nose.

Some time later, after he had crossed the pee-line many times, he found the end of the trial, a cute little white bunny with huge bite marks in it's leg. Just like me! He thought happily. Except, I'm not dead. He gazed a little sadly at the cute little thing, could imagine it's little tiny nose twitching, it's bright eyes glinting playfully. Dark Tooth trembled, then shook, then began to cry, tears flowing openly from his eyes. What mean thing had killed the cute little bunny? Why? Why?

RE: SuNsHiNe AnD rAiNbOwS! - RIP Star - February 10, 2015

Star was checking the borders. She trotted at a quick and steady pace, her swift legs carrying her forward, despite how short they were. Her dark eyes scanned ahead. Then she noticed- not too far ahead, a little ways into the land, was another cloud. Great. The plains were turning into a sky inhabited by fluffy white clouds. The little white canine looked a lot like her, except without the forehead mark and shoulder mark. As she got close, she realized two things. One was that he smelled not of Swiftcurrent. Two was that he was inspecting a dead rabbit and crying. She was about to just say get out, but the tears and the situation softened her heart, even the fact that he looked a lot like her. "Did you kill this? You aren't allowed to hunt here. And if you're going to kill something, at least use it. Don't hunt for sport; it's cruel. Why are you crying? And also, I suggest you leave. This is our territory, and Swiftcurrent does not tale kindly to treapassers." She told him, the kind version for this. And she wod not attack unless he just flat out refused to leave, which she somehow felt was unlikely.

RE: SuNsHiNe AnD rAiNbOwS! - Dark Tooth - February 10, 2015

He turned, and gazed at the fluffy white girl behind him. He sniffed loudly, tears still running down his face. The trembling had ceased, but the tears had not. "Me-me, kill this cute little bunny? Why would anyone kill it? It's so cute!" He began sobbing again, moaning pitifully. "I bet he was hopping around happily, little cute*wail*cute nose twitching, when some crazed dog attacked him!" he wailed again, throwing himself at the female's feet dramatically.

He was so distraught that he didn't notice that the female was in fact not a dog, and one of the creatures that left the pee-lines. He ignored the second part of the girls speech, his body wracked with huge sobs.

RE: SuNsHiNe AnD rAiNbOwS! - RIP Star - February 10, 2015

Star's eyes widened at the little canine's affection for bunnies. Star had never been one to find things very cute or ugly- few feelings in her. Although bunnies' big eyes and twitchy nose did soften her heart a little, she would not cry over one. It was the circle of life, things lived and died. Although she wished the prey a happy afterlife (if there was one) and thanked it for it's life after she hunted it, she would not refrain from hunting. It was how she survived. "Calm down. One flame ignites, another dies. No one gets out of here alive. Nobody lives forever. Look, you're still okay. And although this bunny is now gone, they are others alive and being born right now. There's always more." She didn't bother to ask about why he wouldn't hunt. She had noticed his doggish features, but she'd seen dog-wolves in the wild before, who were fine with hunting. She didn't know this was a purebred from a lab. "So.. Did you hear me? You have to leave this land. If you want I can bury the rabbit and give it a proper funeral." She said, only half sarcastic in this situation.

RE: SuNsHiNe AnD rAiNbOwS! - Dark Tooth - February 10, 2015

Dark Tooth lightened at the though of baby bunnies. He grinned, and nodded. He looked down at the rabbit, gave another tiny sob. "Okay, I'll go. But I want-I want to bury him first." He muzzled the carcass affectionately, giving another heart wrenching sob, before beginning to dig a hole, sniffling occasionally. "Poor, poor, Mr. Snuffles." he muttered sadly, trembling.

RE: SuNsHiNe AnD rAiNbOwS! - RIP Star - February 10, 2015

What the- Mr. Snuffles? The boy was naming a dead creature. Ah, what next? Star thought it couldn't get any weirder. Reluctantly she began to dig right next to him, widening the hole and hopefully making the process go quicker so he could leave. "I'm Star. What's your's?" She murmured as she shot at glance at the body, checking how large the grave would have to be. She might of taken it to a cache, but who knows, it could have died of sickness. Maybe it would cheer him up that nobody had been cruel? "Maybe he died of an illness?" She suggested, hoping he would feel a little better that no cruel, crazed dog was running around rampant. Even though, in this corner of the Wilds, there was a whole pack of them.

RE: SuNsHiNe AnD rAiNbOwS! - Dark Tooth - March 06, 2015

Dark Tooth started to whimper again, huge eyes on Mr. Snuffles's leg. He murmured the name of his beloved, dead friend, that he had just met. He had never even got to know him alive. He whimpered some more, mumbling sadly as he nudged Mr. Snuffles into the grave. His eyes blurred with tears as he looked down at his friend, laying still and unmoving. Suddenly,he let out a mournful, very loud wail, then as he looked down at the rabbit's leg it turned into a terrible screech, louder then the wail.


He screamed and screamed, a whole flock of crows taking to the sky, their caws not heard over his screech. As his scream died out, he curled into a little ball and begun to rock back and forth. "Bad dog gonna eat me too! He gonna eat me! He gonna eat me!"

RE: SuNsHiNe AnD rAiNbOwS! - RIP Star - March 07, 2015

Star silently rolled her eyes as the little guy screamed, curled up, and whimpered. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she scooted closer. Star patted him gently on the back with a paw before quickly drawing it away as if it was freezing to the touch. Her paw met the ground again and she looked at him. "No one's going to eat you. We'll always remember... Mister Snuffles... Who died from illness...." She emphasized. As soon as he was done freaking out she was gonna get him to go. He had stayed in their land too long, and it was beginning to annoy her.

RE: SuNsHiNe AnD rAiNbOwS! - Dark Tooth - March 07, 2015

Dark Tooth stayed curled up in his little ball for a little bit longer before slowly unfurling and giving Mister Snuffles a big kiss. "Good bye, friend. I'll love you forever. I won't forget you" he gave another final sniffle at the end of the sentence. He reached over and pulled Star into a wolf hug. "Bye bye, I won't forget you either. Don't get eaten"
With that he begun to waddle slowly to the pee line, sniffing occasionally.

RE: SuNsHiNe AnD rAiNbOwS! - RIP Star - March 08, 2015

Star watched the strange... ritual... In a confused way as he kissed the rabbit. Star would've bitten into the rabbit, not given it a smooch. She raised a brow with quizzical black eyes. Though before she could ask about it, she was pulled forcefully into a hug. Get offa me!!! Her mind screamed wildly at the little samoyed. Star was frozen in place, her joints unmovable as if she was a statue. She looked nervous and rigid. Hugs were not something Star did to anyone ever, except her sister. Holding back the urge to bite his face off for any physical contact, she gently and subtly as she could, awkwardly pulled away. "So.. Don't go trespassing, Mister... I don't get eaten. See you around." She murmured awkwardly as she turned away. She began towards the creek, still pondering the strange rabbit funeral of Mr. Snuffles.