Wolf RPG
Sea Lion Shores august burns - Printable Version

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august burns - Jensen - February 11, 2015

The afternoon breeze was welcoming to the wolf; it was salty, sticky.. unusual. He had never been to the ocean before, never scented the combination of saltwater and sand and.. whatever those weird looking things were. Jensen watched from a distance, his mismatched eyes locked curiously on the sea lions as they romped and barked at one another. Occasionally two met and rose, making god awful noises and clashing together in the same fashion rams did.. but without horns. Were they arguing over mates? Food? Just saying hello? It certainly didn't seem like a friendly sort of interaction, but hey, he had no idea what they even were. Barking logs, really. Angry barking logs.

It was midday and the sun was shining fiercely, still hugging the blue sky with no intentions on letting go anytime soon. Jensen had been there since the early high tide and was waiting eagerly for it to return; the waves had been pretty fun to play in all things considered. Until the sea lions had begun stirring awake the wolf had thought himself to be alone, but once a defiant male woke and chased him off, the man decided to hang around. Maybe they were food. Were they food? Maybe he should take one out to see. Mm. Fish fry.

RE: august burns - Roadkill - February 19, 2015

Hunting in the forest had been right up Roadkill's alley, but it was a lot harder here near the seaside. Seagulls were too bloody fast for her, they were, and there wasn't much else here that looked edible enough. Well, 'cept maybe the wolves, but they weren't exactly meat she was able to take. When she saw one of the bloody wolves sitting there, overlooking a scene between weird creatures she sure as hell prefered to stay far, far away from, Roadkill noisily licked her chops and halted not far from the wolf — but far away in case it turned out to be one of the more rabies-infested types of wolves these lands seemed rich of.

"Don't look too good to me," Roadkill commented (she wasn't sure if the wolf considered the creatures food or just fancied watching their play, but her mind was food-dominated as it were, so she made her assumptions), one of her beagle ears perking forth while the rag of the other ear hung in place. Wolf didn't look like it had any food on it. Shame. She was bloody hungry.