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The Path Is Not Clear - Printable Version

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The Path Is Not Clear - Bindi - February 12, 2015

Bindi has learned that a new male joined the pack, and she wanted to become acquainted with the him. She wanted to know everyone in the pack, and what trades they were after, along with what brought them to the mountain. The obsidian wolfess wasn't patrolling, but instead trying to locate another source of food. She lifted her head, and called for the new male. Perhaps he could help her hunt if they ran into any prey, but for now she just wanted to meet him.

Knowing her introduction to both Raissa and Copper could have been better, the midnight wolfess kept reminding herself to play nice. She stopped walking and waited for the male to show, uncertain if he would actually come. Nevertheless she had faith that the male would answer her call and she prayed that he was fun, because Bindi didn't need any more enemies.

RE: The Path Is Not Clear - Jensen - February 12, 2015

All in all, Jensen was settling in nicely. He enjoyed the fact the pack was so small as it gave him a chance to actually fit in without stepping on anyone's toes. The fewer the faces, the less stress he felt having to force himself into an already established clique. At least this way he could be a part of that developing clique and shun outsiders as the pack grew; he knew it would, although Jensen wasn't exactly the shunning type. No, his carefree personality actually seemed to offend people more than not, especially in his birth pack.. but that was a story for another day, something he wished not to revisit anytime soon.

For now, he was more concerned with the fact a stranger had summoned him -- yes, specifically him.

The man veered towards the call and, while walking, returned with one of his own. On my way. Dunno who you are, but on my way. It was certainly unusual for him to be picked out among the others but he considered it a good thing.. hopefully. Gods, he hoped he wasn't already getting the boot! His mind raced as he traveled and only fell silent when he spotted the lone woman in the distance. She looked harmless.. so far. "Hey there, pretty lady. I heard you were lookin' for the new guy? That's me. Jensen, nice to meetcha." The wolf pulled to a halt a few feet away, tail wagging slowly. Hey, the more pack members he met, the better!

RE: The Path Is Not Clear - Bindi - February 12, 2015

"Pretty lady"
The male was already off to a good start. When he entered something caught the midnight wolfess's attention. The strange male had two diffrent color eyes, something Bindi has never seen before. It interested her and she couldn't help but stare, they were very beautiful. "I love your eyes" the obsidian female said kindly, something she usually doesn't do. Ok, ok, now be nice, she kept reminding herself as she didn't want this male to hate her.

"I'm Bindi, gamma of the pack" she said proudly, but yet wasn't to the point of boasting. She was surprised she was the gamma and Raissa was lower than her. However it proved that Fitz didn't just rank Raissa high because she was his mate, she had to earn it like everyone else, and Bindi respected that. "You are" she asked continuing to use her friendly tone, as she needed more mebers of the pack to like her and not want to kill her.

RE: The Path Is Not Clear - Jensen - February 12, 2015

Jensen's lips cracked into a small grin as she got caught up in his eyes. It wasn't an unusual reaction, if he was being honest. It seemed many folks around the Teekon Wilds had never seen such a bizarre occurrence, oddly enough. "Oh, thanks! It's funny, most of my old pack had the same thing. It's called heterochromia. Guess we had some weird genes, huh?" he teased with a small laugh, head canting to the side. "Your eyes are mighty pretty too. Like stars, I'd say." They were pale much like his own, but he could tell there was a fire behind them. Eyes were the windows to the soul, after all.

She announced her rank and he instantly dropped his head to show respect, going so far as to do a suave little bow with his bent smile. "Forgive me, I did not know I was in the presence of royalty." It was obvious by the glint in his mismatched eyes he was putting on a flirty show, though the respect itself was sincere. The wolf straightened up then, rolling his shoulder in a circle to pop the stiffness from his bones. "What are you doing all the way out here by yourself? Hunting?" He was more concerned with why she had summoned him, but everything in due time.

RE: The Path Is Not Clear - Bindi - February 12, 2015

She smiled at his comment about her eyes, which she never though were beautiful, but instead ugly. This male was kind, he seemed polite enough, and Bindi must have done a good job at bejng friendly. She could help but give a small chuckle to his sentence about royalty, in fact she was the exact opposite of that. "There is no need to bow to to me, you my equal, no matter what rank you hold" she said honestly, although she did enjoy the bow. He didn't need to feel like he was lower than her, because she didn't see herself any greater than him. "However I am not sure how others feel about bowing, so make sure to show respect to them" she added on, not wanting the male to be confused, and think he didn't need to bow to anyone.

He still hadn't introduced himself, but perhaps it was with good purpose. When he asked what she was doing out here, the midnight wolfess remembered that she was just enjoying the time alone, and called him to meet her. "I came up here that way I could meet you properly without running into anyone else" she said truthfuly. It was hard being nice, all Bindi wanted to do was mess with him, but she kept her cool and focused back on the male.

RE: The Path Is Not Clear - Jensen - February 12, 2015

Well, she seemed friendly enough. Jensen appreciated the sentiment, even if he didn't exactly feel the need to bow. It was nice to know that at least one of the leaders didn't have their head stuck in the clouds like so many had a tendency to do. He had no idea whether or not Fitz was quite so forgiving, though, having only encountered him for one brief moment before being accepted into the throngs of Silvertip. Ah, well.. he would heed her advice. Give respect to everyone, wasn't that the way of the pack? Besides, as far as everyone knew, Jensen was low man on the totem pole. He existed to be last while others exited to be in first, such was the nature of wolves. Eventually he hoped to climb, to be one of the ones people gave respect to, but that wouldn't happen for quite some time. He had to earn it, just as everyone before him. "I appreciate it, miss. I'll be sure to be on my best behavior.. for now," he said with a wink of his pale blue eye.

It came off as a little bit strange that she had called for him so specifically, but maybe things worked differently in the mountains. His brow furrowed curiously as she spoke, her words subtly indicating she wanted him alone.. not in that manner, but still. "Well, here I am. Jensen d'Anslo at your service, humble eta to the Silvertip Mountain.. meeting you properly, without anyone else." Was there something she wanted to know? Something sinister she wanted to do to him? He didn't know, but at least she was pretty. No complaints!

RE: The Path Is Not Clear - Bindi - February 13, 2015

When the male spoke of being on good behavior and then winked and Bindi, who wasn't sure out to take it. He could have meant two things with that little wink. One, good behavior as in no sex or other naughty little things. Two, no misbehaving and being respectful. The midnight wolfess real hoped he meant the second choice and not the first.

He introduced himself as Jensen, and that was all Bindi could remember from his name. The way he said "meeting you properly, without everyone else" made the obsidian female laugh. "God you really know how to make things awkward don't you?" She asked while still giggling. He was an interesting one, that was for sure. "Anyways, where are you from" she asked as it was clear he wasn't from the Teekon Wilds.

RE: The Path Is Not Clear - Jensen - February 15, 2015

The wolf grinned sheepishly as she pointed out his awkwardness. "I don't suppose you think it's cute, huh?" There were only two ways about awkwardness: those who found it adorable, and those who found it the most obnoxious thing on the planet. It was better than the alternative of incessant, worthless babbling about nothing, wasn't it? "Well, just know if you ever need an awkward moment, I'm your guy. Caught in a conversation you don't want to be in? Call Jensen! Being hit on by a creep? Call Jensen! I'll be right there to make things so unbearably, painfully awkward they'll have to walk away." Alright, so maybe he wasn't that bad.. but the only way to get over his flaws was to embrace them.

His lips pursed thoughtfully at her question. Where was he from? "A place some fifty odd miles from here called Impalman Flats. The name describes it pretty well, it was nothing but a giant plateau miles long. It was alright, but you know how dads get when their children overstay their welcome. Lots of teeth and growling on my way out," he scoffed. A simple suggestion would have sufficed, but nooo, his father had to be flashy and showy for his wife, to prove he had no attachments to his bastard children. It had worked, or so Jensen assumed. "What about you? Were you born here?"

RE: The Path Is Not Clear - Bindi - February 17, 2015

Bindi smiled a bit when he asked if she though his awkwardness was cute. "Cutest awkwardness I have ever heard" she said laughing and trying to figure out if that even made sense. Jensen was definitely a strange one, and Bindi was trying to figure out if that was good or not. However it finally seems the midnight wolfess has found someone she gets along with. "I'll make sure to call you if I ever get creeped on" she said while her tail slightly swayed.

When Jensen spoke of where he was from, the obsidian female was surprised to hear he got kicked from his pack. Bindi never had the chance to be chased away because she just left her home. Of course now it was the midnight wolfess's turn to speak, and Bindi wondered where she would begin. "I used to live a pine forest about thirty miles from here, called Longleaf Forest. We called it that since the trees had their leaves all through winter" she said calmly while explaining her past. Bindi wondered if anyone came searching for her or even cared if she was gone. Even though she had her doubts, the midnight wolfess was sure at least one wolf cared, at least she hoped someone would.

RE: The Path Is Not Clear - Jensen - February 17, 2015

Phew, the male rumbled to himself. Anxious as he was to be meeting the entire pack, the last thing he wanted was to make a bad impression. He could hear it now: Look, there's that awkward guy. He's so weird! Thankfully Bindi found it charming enough, though whether or not her words rang sincere was another matter entirely. It was enough for him at the moment, anyway. "Or I could always come beat them up, you know. With muscles like these," he said jokingly, puffing himself up a bit to add to the obviously sarcastic appeal.

The eta nodded as she spoke of her birth home. It sounded like a decent place, especially in comparison to a vast hunk of nothing. "Why'd you leave? It sounds like a nice place." Had he not been forced out, Jensen couldn't have imagined willingly leaving Impalman Flats. Why would he? Everything had settled into place, his friends and rivals all sectioned off properly. He was the low man on the totem pole, but that was fine with him. Complacency was dangerous, though, and he had been blinded to the reality of his situation.

RE: The Path Is Not Clear - Bindi - February 17, 2015

Bindi gave a really stupid looking smile to Jensen, while he was trying to show off his muscles. The midnight wolfess would remember next time Copper got on her nerves, she could call Jensen to come sit on him. When Jensen asked why the obsidian female left, it didn't take long for her to answer. "I left because no one accepted me for who I am" she said plainly. No one accepted her for who she was, or what she wanted to become, they just ignored her.

The midnight wolfess had finally had enough, and left her home, and everything she knew. Realizing that life might not be so bad on the mountain, Bindi thought about staying here, but the thought quickly escaped her mind. No, the obsidian female would travel all around until she found the perfect place, with the perfect wolves and settle down there. At the moment, Silvertip Mountian was not that place.

RE: The Path Is Not Clear - Jensen - February 17, 2015

Her response struck a chord, made obvious by the look of surprise of his face. "Accepted you for who you were? They must have been daft. You seem like a strong, independent woman. Was that scary to them?" Jensen knew many packs thrived off submission of the lower tiers and expected their lessers to be afraid, but Bindi did not seem the type to simply roll over on command. He was surprised she hadn't been the alpha female given her personality, strong-willed with a look of determination on her face.

"If it makes you feel any better," he added as an after thought, "that's similar to why I was booted from my pack. I was a bastard, you see. My father was unfaithful to his mate and I was the result, but my mother died shortly after I was born. Dad found myself and my siblings and took us in, but although she raised us, there was no love from my step-mom. Eventually she wanted us gone and, my dad, to prove himself a changed man, chased us all out. My sister barely escaped with her life but I kept my father off long enough for her to run off. We traveled together for a few months and then decided to head off on our own." The male rolled his shoulders in a shrug, attempting to brush the story off as easily as dust. "I won't lie, part of me is afraid it'll happen again here. I'm sure it won't, though, I just can't convince my mind of that, you know?" The eta grinned pleasantly as he returned his mismatched gaze to hers, head canting. "Well, for what it's worth, I accept you for you! You don't have to change for anyone."

RE: The Path Is Not Clear - Bindi - February 18, 2015

Bindi listened as Jensen seemed confused on why they didn't accept her. "My former pack was really strict, you know, follow the rules, bow down to the leaders. They never really liked my mischievous ways." The truth was most wolves didn't want her in the pack due to her personality most of the time. Bindi was always causing trouble for others, but in her eyes it was fun. So when her pack, friends, and even family wouldn't acknowledge her anymore, she left.

However her mind was no longer on her past when she heard Jensen's story. "I'm sorry about your mom, and your sister" she said with a frown. Bindi's weakness was seeing or hearing someone hurt. Nevertheless the midnight wolfess's frown turned into a smile, glad that Jensen had escaped his father and ended up here. He seemed like a nice guy, and Bindi was glad to have got of on a good start with him. She needed more friends in this pack, since it wasn't exactly healthy for the people you live with to hate you. If the obsidian female didn't change her ways, she would just end up repeating her past again.

RE: The Path Is Not Clear - Jensen - February 18, 2015

Jensen's brow furrowed at her comment. Her mischievous ways? "What'd you do, rub sap through people's fur and put thistle in their dens?" Because frankly, both of those sounded like they would be absolutely hilarious. He could understand, though, that a strict pack may not find it very humorous. Such a pack seemed rather lame to him. What was the point of living if smiling and laughing were expressly forbidden? Ah, well.. "At least you're here now, right? This pack seems pretty relaxed.. as far as I know, anyway." It certainly didn't seem like anyone had a stick up their behind, but it was still a fledgling pack.

Her apology was met with a sad smile and a small shrug of his shoulder. "It's alright. I'm sure my mom was a nice woman and my sister is a pretty formidable warrior now, so I like to think I got off pretty easy." Everything happened for a reason, didn't it? "Given the chance, I'd like to whack my dad across the head, though. Pretty sure my step-mom has that covered," he said with a dry laugh. She may have been a grade A jerk, but she kept her mate's rear in line. Jensen had always found that admirable.. from afar.

RE: The Path Is Not Clear - Bindi - February 19, 2015

When Jensen spoke about the sap, and thistle, Bindi's ears shot forward with interest. They were possibly new pranks she could pull on people, although the sap one was most likely not going to happen. "No, but I did put an angry raccoon in the beta's den before" she said smiling, remebering how her former beta hated raccoons. Luckily her former beta was her uncle, so she didn't get kicked out of the pack then.

Bindi's smile grew larger as Jensen said how his sister is a warrior, and how he got off lucky. It was nice to see someone taking the bad, and making it good. "Have you met anyone besides me" the obsidian female asked curious as to how many wolves he still need to meet.