Wolf RPG
Doppelgänger - Printable Version

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Doppelgänger - Scarlett - February 14, 2015

@Quetzalcoatl I implied she was already there, if you want me to change it tell me :P

Scarlett moved herself into the valley below Duskfire grounds. Spring was coming up soon she could feel it. Slowly the snow was replaced for grasses, especially in the valley below. Scarlett was starting to feel more exposed once more. Her pale white fur was not the best camouflage in winter. Still, Scarlett believed she was a good hunter if she could catch prey with such dis advantage. Her light body carried her further down.

She always liked the open fields compared to the dense forest that was mostly occupying the glacier. Scarlett felt more free. Her red eyes then spotted a dark brown wolf. The way the other moved looked familiar. It was probably Týrr! Scarlett trotted forward wanting to be social with one of her pack mates! "Týrr! Týrr!," she called out. Once she came closer she realized this wolf was not Týrr, frankly the chocolate one wasn't even male. "Oh.. I'm terribly sorry. I am confusing you with someone else," Scarlett spoke, feeling a bit embarrassed backing off into a respectable distance.

RE: Doppelgänger - Quetzalcoatl - February 14, 2015

That's fine with me! <3

The days were warmer, a mild winter the Amazon Queen considered, though mild was certainly putting it lightly. In comparison to the winter that was wreaking havoc upon the lesser packs of the Tlapentlanti Valley when she had departed in the temporary search for her son and his elite guardswomen this was much more like spring, and though she had not been curious enough to visit the packs that inhabited these unholy lands the Amazon could not help but wonder at their chances of survival should they ever have to bear such a terrible thing. Terrible, not to her, but in outlook of how they would see it, she assumed. Though being away from Coatl's Rise did not breed unease within her, it was oft upon her mind, though not as much as they mystery that had presented itself: what did her beloved Tezcacoatl see in these lands? Thus far, there was nothing here that she found appealing, and her opinion was not likely to change anytime soon. She could not wait to go home, yet she knew her patience would be well rewarded. After all, it was the one thing that her mother instilled within her mind: patience is a virtue to all but especially to a Queen...to a Coatl above all else.

Quetzalcoatl drew in a deep breath, ears roving back to her skull at the sound of approach. Her guard hair bristled with caution, her head moving to glimpse over a dainty shoulder as the woman, told by her scent and the soft tenor of her voice called out to her. The name itself was not familiar to her, but it held the familiar undertone of a language that she detested despite knowing with always a begrudged fluency. The ivory woman with crimson irises did not bear the accent of the Northmen but the name she used sounded as if it would be used by them and though it was hardly the fault of the girl, the Queen felt insult stir within her breast. Not only did she think she was a Viking, she had presumably used a male name. Of which, Quetzalcoatl was neither.

The ivory child (though clearly not a child) realized her mistake and in turn offered an apology and an explanation that she had been confusing the Queen with another. Quetzalcoatl supposed it was possible for she could not be the only chocolate colored wolf to roam these Wilds. “It is alright child,” Quetzalcoatl spoke to the pallid woman, offering her a genteel smile. Towards women the Queen was always softer, always warmer. They were kin in her mind, just not in blood nor name. “What is your name?” Quetzalcoatl inquired, inhaling the girl's scent. Tezcaocatl's scent was faint upon her fur which immediately struck her curiosity. “Where are you from?” She asked next without any hesitation. Perhaps she knew Tezcacoatl, if at least distantly. Distantly was better than not at all and if she was able to tell the Queen of her son then Quetzalcoatl intended to use the information to check up upon him without, hopefully, giving her connection to him away; for she was not ready to face him and interrogate him yet.

RE: Doppelgänger - Scarlett - February 14, 2015

Scarlett felt a different aura coming of this woman. A powerful one yet not dominating. The way the woman carried herself made Scarlett instantly respect her. The young female made herself a bit smaller, which was almost impossible since she already had a small frame. Her head dipped lower as her curious red eyes studied the woman. She was in awe. It was basically a female Týrr. She was certain. The chocolate female even had the white under her eyes, and the same color of her irises! They had to be related somehow. She felt less guilty for confusing them now. The way the powerful woman spoke, also reminded her a bit of a mother. Not like her own mother. Oh no. But how a mother should sound. Warm.

Scarlett bobbed her head gently as the woman told her that it was alright. She was glad. How horrible would it have been if she offended this woman! "The name is Scarlett," she returned politely. Her tone was friendly and light. "May I ask yours?" The pale she-wolf was still a bit shocked by the doppelgänger Týrr had. She was his spitting imagine, or well, since the female was older, he was the spitting imagine of her. "I live in a pack called Duskfire Glacier. I'm the Caretaker," she explained. It usually helped with other females if she told them she took care of the pups and elderly. Since they didn't had the latter it was only youngsters she would look after.

"Excuse me. But you really look like one of my packmates; Týrr. He had the exact same coloration as you have! It is remarkable," she ended in a whisper. If the female didn't want Týrr to know of her presence Scarlett would hold her tongue. She was very good at that after all these years of bullying and not being allowed to talk in the first place.

RE: Doppelgänger - Quetzalcoatl - February 15, 2015

The awe of the girl was appreciated by the Amazon Queen, whom would never consider herself anything less than she was, even though she was parted from her beloved Rise for the moment. Quetzalcoatl watched as the girl seemed to lower her stance a bit, not in full submission but it was noted by the Coatl and acknowledged it with an elegant dip of her crown though by any and all rights she understood that this girl did not have to pay her any sort of heed. Still, the manners she saw thus far brought with it a small hope that Tezcacoatl had some sense in picking a home though Quetzalcoatl had no intentions of leaving without her son by her side. His home was not here, no matter what he might have liked to believe. His throne was awaiting him, Coatl's Rise was awaiting him to usher in the new era of their people. A name was given at the Queen's request Scarlett and though the Rise Queen was not sure she would have any use of it she tucked it away for safe keeping, nevertheless. “I am Quetzalcoatl,” It felt so informal to offer her name without sticking Queen before it. It was explained that she lived in a pack called Duskfire Glacier, the pack that Tezcacoatl must have integrated himself within, though the why remained largely unknown to the Rise Queen. She could not figure out why he had yet to return and why out of a whole guard of women it was only Manauia she scented here, mixed with Tezcacoatl's. Each woman she had had sent with her Pilli had been selected for their mastery in their specific skill sets and yet it was only the Huntress that had seemed to remain by his side.

Now, in the presence of this one called Scarlett, however, was no time to ponder such things. This poor girl did not deserve her ire and worry and confusion. For a moment Quetzalcoatl considered offering her own title and pack name to the girl, but for now stilled her tongue. Some times information was better saved for when it was requested and not so freely given. Scarlett had the Amazon Queen's attention when she spoke that her and this Týrr had the exact same coloration and for a silent moment Quetzalcoatl felt her heart stutter over a beat in her chest. There was only one wolf who shared her exact coloration and that was her son. Chocolate brown fur might not have been all that uncommon but the streaks of silver beneath each crystalline blue eye was something unique to her and her son. It was the fact that he was her spitting image only masculine that had spared his life and caused her to helplessly love and spare her at the time newborn son. Her own mother had tried to steal him away, to rip him from the place where he had nestled, feeding, snarling at Quetzalcoatl that she was a first time mother and knew nothing but Quetzalcoatl knew that her perfect little son was the moon of her life and that she would not let anyone take him away from her, or make, nor treat him as a slave.

Yet, Quetzalcoatl as she broke herself from her memories, precious as they were to her, could not understand why Tezcacoatl would take a moniker from the Vikings. It made no sense to her. He had always simply went by 'Tezca', for the full name was always something earned as opposed to given. The Gods had whispered it into her ear that he would be called it but to go by anything else, even turning away from 'Tezca' was not right. Her mother's intuition told her something was direly wrong but for the sake of not having all of the information Quetzalcoatl stifled it. “Who is this Týrr? The only wolf that I know that looks exactly like me is my son but his name is Tezcacoatl.” Quetzalcoatl inquired softly, trying to work out a conclusion — anything at this point — that would cause this to begin to make any sort of semblance of sense.

RE: Doppelgänger - Scarlett - February 15, 2015

UchI feel like this is super short xD

Scarlett had expected a royal name but the one she was met with surprised her. Scarlett wondered briefly what the origins were of this curious female. Scarlett was highly interested in her now. It sounded like a place she wanted to be. Scarlett was right about it sounding regal. The pale female slowly sat down across from the elegant chocolate. She wondered how Tyrr was connected to her. Her red eyes briefly glanced over the female once more. "I don't know much about him. I met him before he joined our pack. He was story telling me about him being a founder of Duskfire," she spoke on a clear yet soft tone. Scarlett had to dig deep for any more information.

"He also seems very fond of the alpha female that founded this pack. Tuwawi. Or well, he is loyal to her. Other than that I am at loss. He recently re-joined the pack he founded. That is all I know. He is pretty private. Or.. he might not like me as much to share personal things... that happens too," she ended in a whisper. Luckily for Scarlett most of the Duskfire wolves seemed okay with her. She wasn't sure about Tyrr. Scarlett had been rather busy herself with other things, instead of socializing with the chocolate male.

RE: Doppelgänger - Quetzalcoatl - February 17, 2015

Quetzalcoatl watched as the pallid girl sat down across from her, eluding to her comfort in the action of her body, simple as it had been. Though the Coatl Queen could not have spoken with any measure of surety she would have been willing to make the assumption that Scarlett was trusting. She struck Quetzalcoatl as the sort. A soft swell of pity rose at the naivety of those who trusted too easily; a lesson that Quetzalcoatl had learned hard and fast as a young girl. The lesson itself had hurt enough but the scolding her mother had given her should have been fierce and disapproving enough to make her ears fall off. Luckily, they hadn't and Quetzalcoatl had considered her lesson very much learned. Scarlett gave the information willingly enough, and though there was disappointment in the lack of knowledge Quetzalcoatl did not hold it against the pallid girl. It was not enough for her to jump to conclusions based off of the little information she had been given on this Týrr and on wild speculation alone. “Did he give no other name? Only Týrr, and you say he looks like me?” Essentially it had been what Scarlett had said but Quetzalcoatl had a decision to make and she wanted to be absolutely sure, though the proof had been set neatly and conveniently in front of her to ponder and poke at since the very beginning when Scarlett had mistaken her for this Týrr.

“It must be my son, Tezcacoatl,” There was no other explanation. “But why would he call himself something so different, I do not know,” At this point Quetzalcoatl had begun to muse to herself, not really expecting much of an input or response from, nor requiring one of, Scarlett. Quetzalcoatl did not expect her to have the answers for only Tezcacoatl would be truly able to answer for himself on the matter. Quetzalcoatl took much interest in the words that Scarlett spoke next, admitting that he seemed fond of the ex-queen of their Duskfire Glacier. The mother's brow rose at that, unable to help the gesture. “What kind of fond do we speak of? Did it seem like admiration,” Of which Quetzalcoatl supposed she could not mind — at least it was a woman and not a man that Tezcacoatl admired. Anything less was not expected. “Or more than admiration? Affection? Did he seem smitten with her?” If that was the case Quetzalcoatl felt herself immediately disapprove despite not knowing this dethroned Queen. Tezcacoatl would take an Amazon as a mate, or at the very least to breed with and nothing less. It had been per-ordained that Amoxtli would bear him royal sons and daughters since shortly after his birth. Even if Tezcacoatl would have chosen another of his guard in stead of his once playmate even that would have been acceptable, but an outsider? No. It would only lead to his heartbreak, should it have been true. She knew first hand and mother was always right.

“I see,” Quetzalcoatl mused thoughtfully, tucking away the information that Scarlett had provided her with a soft, motherly smile. Women had to stick together, after all, and though Quetzalcoatl was not a woman to be crossed or messed with, she was not a harsh Queen (lest she had to be). Her fondness for her ilk (fellow women) granted strangers, provided the circumstances did not force her paw, the same kindness that she showered her loyal women of the Rise with. "Thank you for sharing what you could with me."

RE: Doppelgänger - Scarlett - February 17, 2015

Scarlett had to think hard and deep if Tyrr ever gave her another name to her. No. He did not. They only really talked when he wasn't present in Duskfire yet. After that he had joined but Scarlett and him hadn't conversed more. The pale female couldn't give this woman any more information. Scarlett would hate to spread rumors or untrue words. "Not that I know of, no," she responded with kindness. The female kept quiet when the chocolate one asked some rhetorical questions. She did how ever confess that it was her son. How curious. They did look a like. It was the only explanation. She liked his mother over Tyrr if she was honest with herself.

Her ears fell back in uncertainty when the mother asked about her son's fancy. Scarlett wouldn't know and she wished that she would have kept her mouth shut. "I would not know. I don't want to say something that is untrue. He is fiercely loyal to her that is what I know," the albino returned. She shifted a bit when the silence came between them. Scarlett got to her feet again. Her tail giving a friendly wag at the compliment. She liked to help and her bits of knowledge seem to help this woman for some part. A gentle smile tugged on her lips. "I am glad I could help."

RE: Doppelgänger - Quetzalcoatl - March 07, 2015

There was disappointment brewing within Quetzalcoatl's chest, directly under her breast when Scarlett told her that Tyrr had not given her any other name. This presented a great mystery to the mother. The son she had allowed to leave the safety of her Rise would have went by 'Tezca' and she feared, immediately, that allowing him to go had caused him to grow up and away from who he was. Who he was destined to become. A soft frown tugged at the corner of her lips, worry and perplexity clouding her crystalline eyes. However, she did her best to hide the full onslaught of these things, these weaknesses (as her mother would have called them) to show in the face of a stranger. Speaking of strangers, Quetzalcoatl couldn't help the nagging worry that her own son had become a stranger to her, though of course the only way to confirm such a thing would be to speak with the Huntress, Manauia and then go for the boy himself.

“I understand,” Quetzalcoatl spoke in a soft, comforting murmur to the pallid girl before her, noting how her ears had slicked back. The lack of information was not anything that either one of them could magically fix and Quetzalcoatl did not wish for the pallid Scarlett to think that her disappointment was aimed at her for it wasn't. The whole situation was a confusing and frustrating mess to the Amazon Queen. The worried mother demanded answers but the patient Coatl Queen knew to gather what she could and poke and pry until she discovered the truth of it. “Which way are you going?” The Coatl Queen inquired then, deigning to shift the subject off of such things.

RE: Doppelgänger - Scarlett - March 07, 2015

Last post from me. You can archive it after yours! <3

Scarlett perked up her ears when the female spoke once more. The red eyed female nodded in return to show her respect for this lady. She had not been interacting with the male much and she would not tell the female lies. Scarlett realized that the other female understood. It made Scarlett more relieved about this whole ordeal. She was going to hunt for Adlartok. The youngster needed her help after all. She was his caretaker. She took it very seriously. "I am actually heading down into the valley to catch a meal for the youngster I am taking care of. He is a real cutie but unfortunately he is injured," She replied. Scarlett was not going to tell how the youngster got injured. Somehow it didn't feel right to tell this stranger.

Scarlett bobbed her head courteously. "I'm sorry once more I couldn't be of more help. I would suggest to go to the glacier and howl for him if you want more direct answers," she hummed softy. A soft hum came of her lips. She would need to get going otherwise Adlartok might get worried or restless. She didn't not want to injure him any further. "If you will excuse me? I will have to continue my day now. I hope you get the information you need and find your son!," She spoke with all the kindness in the world. She really hoped this mother would find her child.

RE: Doppelgänger - Quetzalcoatl - March 22, 2015

Sorry about this wait! I'll go ahead and have it archived. <3

By all means, see to your young ward,” Quetzalcoatl told the pallid girl kindly, with a nod of her head. As a mother, she understood that children indefinitely came first. Especially over speaking with some stranger whose only purpose (thus far) in these wilds was to search and gather information upon her son without actually confronting the boy. Though, Quetzalcoatl realized with a soft pang in her heart that her child was not a boy any longer but by now, the quick mental math told her, a man grown. “For now I will not approach him. There is still too much I do not know,” And a good Queen did not pass judgment without first gathering both sides of the story and as many facts as she could. “Thank you.” Quetzalcoatl murmured to the pallid girl before watching her vanish into the distance. It was only once the Amazon Queen ascertained that the girl had safety gone upon her way did she return back to her thoughts as she headed in the opposite direction that Scarlett had disappeared into.