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a very merry twisted Valentine! - Printable Version

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a very merry twisted Valentine! - Spectra - February 14, 2015


Spectra was sick and tired to see much more snow; her rebellious mind began to hate the winter. Not only was it freezing-your-butt-off-cold, at the same time the world was painted in a dull, almost black and white picture. Prey was hard to come by and she couldn't wait until spring would arrive, save for her honorable dislike of everything newborn. Today the Iota felt like a lazy bum, not wanting to do much of anything let alone be a worthy asset to the pack and be productive.

Instead the midnight-painted wolf was drawn to plants with a strange sort of scent, something she hadn't smelled before. It smelled rather nasty, like a combination of rotten eggs and decaying corps. While the wise stayed away, the stupid obviously edged closer with an edge of curiosity and stupidity in once. "What is this shit?" The loud yearling said rebellious, even if there was nobody in the vicinity who probably heard her. Paws suddenly began to dig at the root of the plant, she wanted more of this disgusting horribleness. Though, what she didn't realize yet was that it slowly began to affect her senses and ability to think straight.

RE: a very merry twisted Valentine! - RIP Atreyu - February 14, 2015

Awesome title, haha

Like Spectra, Atreyu too, was growing tired of winter. The snow that lightly dusted the forest floor got caught between his toes and jabbed his sensitive paw pads. Frowning, the yearling paused in his wanderings to lift a paw and nibble at the ice there, turning it over and licking it afterwards to warm it up again. He wasn't made for winter. His plush, arctic coat said otherwise but he knew he would take clear blue skies and the shining sun over the chilly, dull climate of winter any day.

Shaking out his coat and huffing in annoyance, the boy continued his trek into the trees that bordered the territory, perhaps to find some cozy den to hole up in for the rest of the day. His search was short-lived, though, as he came across a dark-furred pack mate furiously digging at the ground. A horrible stench wafted his way and Atreyu snorted, pawing at his nose — though he still moved closer, curious as to what the girl was doing. "Jeez, I hope that wasn't you," he coughed in regards to the smell. Though he was quite sure the...interesting aroma was coming from the plants she was digging at.

RE: a very merry twisted Valentine! - Spectra - February 14, 2015

The world began to look different, so colourful and bright. She felt happy. A sickening, twisting happy that caused her to smile all the sudden. That promising toothbrush smile; had she been in a commercial, she probably would have sold all the toothpaste tubes until the last batch was gone. The horrible, rotten smile was definitely there but her senses were deafened by the wishy, washy feeling of happiness that she felt. Like falling in love and having a thousand and one butterflies in the stomach. This could just be a phase, though; perhaps she secretly ate parts of the plant.

"Oops, I just farted." Spectra said in reply to Atreyu who - quite daringly - approached no matter the stench. Her leathery lips turned into a genuine, happy smile as she looked at him for just a second or two. It was as if she wanted to say Hi! shyly. Then, her shimmering eyes turned darker as she frowned. "Why the bleep are you orange?" Spectra squinted her eyes, this orange wolf was the weirdest thing she had ever seen in her life. She was probably losing it; but definitely, definitely her mind had wandered astray, into a happy, pony land.

RE: a very merry twisted Valentine! - RIP Atreyu - February 14, 2015

Well, it looked like they had a complete nutter within their ranks. Atreyu took a step back as the girl turned, confessing to the stench before grinning widely at him. Something seemed off about her. Though, he couldn't quite put a paw on what exactly. Her eyes had a strange look to them. The stranger's expression changed suddenly and narrowed his own gaze back at her, ears flicking back in confusion. "I'm not orange," he retorted, frowning. Well, okay, he might be a slight burnt cream colour but definitely not orange. She needed to get her eyes checked.

Moving past the strange girl, Atreyu — perhaps stupidly — began to closely inspect the plant she had been digging at. The smell was even worse up close, and he pulled back his lips in disgust. It invaded his nostrils and eyes, causing him to cough again and shake his head. Though, the boy still pawed at it, also curious as to what it was. Maybe some medicinal plant? Had they stumbled upon Thistle's cache? Looking up again, Atreyu turned to the girl to ask if she knew anything about it, before suddenly the world seemed to shift. With a startled yelp, he fell onto his side, his eyes rolling dizzily as he tried to focus on his pack mate's dark form.

RE: a very merry twisted Valentine! - Spectra - February 14, 2015

Spectra blinked with her eyes once more. Her mind wondered why the moon was out there in the sky while it was still daylight. She also didn't understand why squirrels didn't mind to be friends with her as there sat one, right there on her left shoulder. The phases of images and creatures appearing and disappearing went far beyond what she could comprehend. But no matter, the Iota was more like an idiota at the moment.

"Huh?!?" Spectra's ears suddenly stood erect at the yelp; which, at this point, sounded more like a cry for help and a true damsel in distress call. He fell to the ground and Spectra, albeit very clumsy stood up. Her paws felt like jelly and it was difficult to actually stand up straight. However, no fear; "Negasonic Teenage Warhead.." Spectra mumbled, having given herself a really bad superhero comic name, that strangely enough exists. "I'll rescue you, Kid Miraclemen!" Atreyu was dubbed with his own superhero name.

Gently, and with a fragile coordination, Spectra tried to scoop her muzzle underneath his and push him upwards. Her attempt was made with the measly strength of a hobbit.

RE: a very merry twisted Valentine! - RIP Atreyu - February 14, 2015

He was on the ground, but he didn't know how he got there. Instantly, Atreyu had forgotten about the world titling and throwing him off balance, leaving him to stare blankly at the hazy sky that peaked through the trees above. Why was it so bright? He swore there were clouds there a moment ago. Maybe they...

...Suddenly, something soft but cold pressed gently against his muzzle and the boy glanced sideways, unwilling to completely turn his head. The owner of the wet nose seemed to be trying to lift him upright, but he stubbornly refused, rolling over onto his back as she weakly pushed him. He didn't want to stand up again. Standing was losers. Plus the ground was so soft and comfortable; he hadn't felt anything like it before.

Her words then registered as the cogs in the boy's mind slowly turned and he let out a whooping laugh in response. Why he found the names so funny, he had no idea — they were just their names, after all. Kid Miraclemen slowly reached up to bat Warhead on her muzzle, his loud laughter slowly giving way to soft giggles. "Your nose is hella cold, man," he announced.

RE: a very merry twisted Valentine! - Spectra - February 20, 2015

Push, push, push; she did try with all her might to bring Kid Miraclemen back to the world of the standing. Except when they were giving out superhero powers to everyone, they had probably ran out of strength when it was Warhead's turn to receive. She had a lot of qualities but super duper strength wasn't one of them. Besides that, Kid was too busy resisting the urge to stand up. Instead he lay there, and even worse, he began to laugh.

It wasn't only laughing, it felt like a mind-numbing cackle of a hyena. The first reaction it had stirred was a light frown, but later on she huffed, puffed and gruffed like the big, bad wolf from the story of 'three little pigs'. But then, a sudden itch was felt in her legs. The itch became stronger and a few mere moments later, her legs felt wobbly. Spectra started to tremble as she, quite comically, suddenly tried to touch her nose with the tip of her tongue. "It is -- it is -- this is my superhero power!" She said, fiercely proud that she was able to touch her tongue. Then, suddenly she fell to the ground, unable to stand up straight.

Unable to really realize what was happening, two confused but curious golden eyes stared at Kid Miraclemen. "Yo Kid, have Have You ever Licked a Lamp Post in Winter?"

RE: a very merry twisted Valentine! - RIP Atreyu - February 24, 2015

Any theories as to why he was acting like this just floated on by in the suddenly slow-moving stream that were his thoughts. Yet, somehow, they were overtaken by others that whizzed by the speed of light. He felt like he could solve the greatest problems that were facing their pack but also chill-out on the beach with ukulele at the same time. He felt simultaneously dumb but smart, silly but sensible, calm but energetic. It was awesome.

His parter in crime shouted something before there was a heavy thump next to him. Kid lazily rolled his unfocused eyes towards Warhead who had joined him on the soft ground. It was so soft. A look of pure delight overtook his features as he kneaded the earth with his paws, tail waving from side to side behind him. "I've licked my share of lampposts," he responded with a nod, catching her own inquisitive gaze before adding, "and then some." What a lamppost even was was beyond him, but he felt like that was the right answer. It just felt right.

RE: a very merry twisted Valentine! - Spectra - February 25, 2015

They weren't weird, the world obviously was. She began to notice how green bushes looked like tasty bunnies and she could have sworn the nearby tree laughed out loud when the wind brushed by the branches. However, she knew while even being in candy la-la land, there was no tree who would dare to challenge her into a weirdness duel. Whatever that was.

Kid spoke and her ears swivelled in his direction. Suddenly her golden eyes brimmed with excitement when he said he shared the fact that he had licked a lamppost and then some. "No way, hosay!" Warhead said in disbelief as she awed at him for a second or two. "Really really?" She added an excited moment later, before looking at him. "You must teach me. I'm a licked-my-lamppost-virgin." And with virgin she obviously meant rookie, having never licked a lamppost before -- whatever it actually was? She had no idea!

Impulsive and without having any patience, she added. "Teach.me.right.now!"

RE: a very merry twisted Valentine! - RIP Atreyu - February 27, 2015

"Yes way, ho-say," he shot back, a proud grin spreading across his features. Her excitement was almost palpable, and he absorbed it, feeling his heart begin to race as Warhead urged him to teach her. With effort, the boy rolled onto his side, loudly and exaggeratedly moaning as he pulled himself to his feet. A wave of vertigo overtook him and he swayed on the spot, his excitement fading into uneasiness for a few moments before returning with vigour. He wasn't sure what that was about but, as soon as the sensation dissipated, he immediately forgot about it.

Looking back to his black-furred friend — her coat's swimming textures and patterns intrigued and distracted him for a few moments — the boy thrust his head in a show of arrogance and stumbled towards a nearby tree. "You see, licking a lamppost is a bit like..." he frowned, trying to think of a suitable situation that would match the challenge that licking a lamppost entailed. "...like licking a tree." Yeah, that worked. With an intense look of concentration, Kid wandered forward, quickly ensuring his friend was watching and learning. He would — and probably only could — do this once. "You just gotta...sorta go like this," he explained, taking a few theatrical steps forward and opening his jaws.

Then, with all the coordination of a novice ice-skater, the boy fell towards the tree and planted his tongue against the rough bark. And it tasted amazing.

RE: a very merry twisted Valentine! - Spectra - March 11, 2015

Sorry for the wait. Love this thread :) <3

Spectra had done some crazy things in her short life span, but this would probably reach the top 10 when it came down to the silly stuff that she had done in her life. With a huff and a gruff, the young female appeared like a fire-breathing dragon as impatiently she tapped with her front paw. One second lasted like forever and she wanted -- no, needed -- to know now what it meant.

"Woah, dude!" Suddenly there was a whole array of colours appearing in front of her eyes, rainbow-painted and speckled with neon-bright flashes. "The world is so bright." She guff-awed and wondered what was going on, it was something her naked mind could not contain with words alone.

After shaking her head most of the vibrant colours had disappeared into thin air. Following Kid, and grinning like the Joker in Batman when he fell, Spectra decided to try it out. Her tongue reached out towards the tree as if it was some kind of lollypop, impatiently she began to lick the tree as if it contained a new flavour of ice cream. "Amaze-balls!" She half murmured as she continued to lick the tree.

Out of control and decided that she liked licking as her new, favourite profession, the deluded teenager suddenly stepped forward and licked Kid's shoulder quite roughly. "And how do you call Dis?" She murmured once more while her mind concluded licking him was far different than licking a tree. He was hairy while the tree was bald, sort-of.

RE: a very merry twisted Valentine! - RIP Atreyu - March 15, 2015

Editing in an ending!

As if it was the best thing ever — because it totally was — the two teenagers began to taste the tree, wiping their tongues across the rough surface. Kid's tail began to wave in delight as he eagerly pressed his nose against it as if it were a bone, gnawing on the bark with his tiny front teeth. Shame was not in his vocabulary at the moment and he would not be phased one bit if someone was to come across the two addled wolves licking the tree. Heck, he'd probably encourage them to join in!

Suddenly, something wet roughly pressed against his shoulder again and the boy turned in surprise, catching Warhead in the act. "I'm not..." he started, trying to stumble away from her but tripping on his own paws. The earth spun again and he fell to the ground in a twisted pile of limbs and unkempt fur, groaning as another wave of nausea washed over him. The worst of it faded quickly but a small sensation remained — one that made him feel like one mild kick to the gut would be enough to make him bring up an entire week's worth of food.

Laying with his stomach to the ground, hoping the snow underneath would numb it, Kid forced a grin towards his negasonic friend. "Not a tree." And, with that, the world spun again and the yearling covered his eyes with his paws, refusing to respond anymore as his stomach protested against any sort of movement. Within a matter of minutes, Kid began to softly snore, the darkness his paws provided and the slow rocking of the earth — was it meant to be doing that? — lulling him into a deep sleep.