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Blacktail Deer Plateau I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Printable Version

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I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Vires - December 15, 2013

Snow was something Vires saw often as a pup. It seemed different now as an adult. As a pup it was a play thing,something to keep herself occupied with as the rest of the pack kept busy. The abundant whiteness that covered the lands seemed to be never ending when she was young, but all too soon it would end. Here as an adult snow was a liability. Something that limited her chances of survival. Something that could quite possibly one day be the death of her. 

With these thoughts swarming her already clouded head she was dazed. The recent pack moving was something that did not affect Vires that much. Where ever they went she didn't care, just as long as she was with others, and not so alone. Here in the plateau everything seemed to be in front of her, laid out neatly like a prearranged forest who bases never crossed and whose sun never touched. Something about this land was different, more lively. Somewhere here, in these new lands, Vires would find something that could sustain her. Well...she hoped. As Vires wandered on treading her new lands these thoughts filled her mind.
set by sophie

RE: I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Pied - December 16, 2013

Pied lay tucked into the hollow tree, her slim body curled into a ball and her nose thrust beneath her bottle brush of a tail. Her flanks moved with the slow rhythm of her breathing as she slept deeply. All the same, one of her gray ears twitched at the sound of a nearby footfall. Then both began to flick and, a moment later, her two-toned eyes popped open and she lifted her head to peer out the crevice of a doorway.

She remained very still, listening as the footsteps came nearer. When a figure stepped into her field of vision, she jerked slightly, then laughed quietly to herself. Recognizing Vires, she pushed herself onto all fours and stepped out of the tree. She stood just beyond the threshold and shook out her coat, then chuffed quietly in case Vires hadn't noticed her materialize from within the tree.

"Hey, Vires, how are you?" she queried, long white tail waving slowly.

RE: I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Vires - December 16, 2013

Vires was padding along the snow covered plateau not paying any attention to anything but the thoughts swirling in her foggy head. It was a surprise to Vires when she heard her own name and saw a figure step out of the trees. This caused Vires to be startled which resulted in her being defensive, tail up and ears flat, but for only a second. Once Vires realized it was Pied she relax and giggled. 

"Hey Pied, sorry about that display you saw." Vires said, trying to play off her lack of awareness. "I am doing ok, and yourself?" Vires ask inquisitively. She was curious on her pack mates view of the new territory and the direction the pack is heading.

RE: I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Pied - December 16, 2013

Pied didn't think anything of Vires's momentary startled reaction. She offered a smile to indicate that no apology was needed and took a few steps closer to her pack mate. Pied knew she should be mindful of her relatively high rank, yet she simply couldn't be bothered with displays of dominance; if anything, submission came more naturally to her. She remained relaxed, her tail brushing against the back of her legs as she came within reach of Vires and touched her nose to her comrade's shoulder.

"Same here," she replied nonchalantly. "Life's good again," she added with a small, thoughtful smile. She suddenly recollected something that might interest Vires. "I ran into Jinx the other day." Pied said nothing else about it yet, letting those words sink in first.

RE: I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Vires - December 16, 2013

Vires watched as Pied gave her a smile signaling everything was ok. The only thing that made Vires feels uneasy was when Pied approached her and laid her nose on Vires shoulder. Vires wasn't used to pack mates showing her signs of...affection. She tried to play off the stiffness of the meeting by returning the gesture while keeping her tail in between her legs and her ears flat.

 Viees tried to show as much submission to Pied as possible keeping in mind that she was many ranks above her in the pack. Vires kept her eyes down when Pied mentioned seeing Jinx again. Vires at first had angry feelings against Jinx and her disappearance. Now after moving and transitioning to a new life, she couldn't help but feel happy Jinx left.  "The pack is better without her." Vires spoke keeping her head down. "I like it here" Vires said trying more to convince herself that she was happy rather than telling Pied.
set by sophie

RE: I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Pied - December 16, 2013

Vires didn't seem overly perturbed about this news. She made a dismissive remark and Pied's lips twitched. She nodded and decided not to bother Vires with any more details of the encounter. It didn't even matter now. Jinx was an insignificant figure from their past. They were much better off under the leadership of Hawkeye. The new territory was superior too, offering the advantages of both vegetation and altitude. The nights were quiet here, with no unearthly cries keeping the residents awake.

"I do too. Have you found a den yet? I'm living in that hollow tree over there," Pied said, pointing to it with a flick of her slender white muzzle. "It's pretty cozy. There's room for a mate and pups, if I'm ever so lucky," she commented with a hopeful little grin. Despite herself, an image of Kisu popped up in her mind's eye.

RE: I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Vires - December 16, 2013

Vires lifted her head as Pied mentioned her den. With a smile Vires followed Pied's muzzle point and gazed at the hollowed tree she called home. "I have no doubts that one day you will be so lucky. I am still looking for a den, and a future for myself." Vires added with a smile. Vires watched Pied face light up when she talked about the den and her hopeful future.

These things got Vires thinking about her future. While traveling to this plateau they called home Vires encountered many places seemingly left unexplored by wolves. This ultimately made her curious and have a want to go adventure into the great unknown. That is partially why Vires had neglected to find a perminate den in the surrounding area. She didn't want to settle down until her wants had too. Vires daily wandered out to the edges of their territory each day going further and further out. Vires looked up at Pied and gave a slight smile before placing her head down again in respect. "How are the rest of our pack mates doing?" She inquired half heartyedly.
set by sophie

RE: I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Pied - December 16, 2013

Pied sensed a lot of unspoken thoughts implied by the brief silence that passed between them, yet she didn't press her pack mate to share. When Vires eventually questioned her about the others in the pack, Pied tried to recall her most recent encounters with everyone. Some she only saw briefly in passing, whereas she had more intimate connections with others, like Hawkeye, and saw them on a much more regular basis.

"Everyone's doing well, as far as I know. Have you been spending much time with the others?" she prodded gently. "Now that you mention it, though, I haven't seen much of Leto since we came to the plateau," Pied added even as the realization struck her.

RE: I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Vires - December 16, 2013

ViresThe truly hadn't seen any other her pack mates besides Pied. She had been too busy wandering on the edges of their territory while it was almost certain her pack mates were in the middle, scouting out areas for them to call home. "I am afraid you are the only wolf I have seen for a very long while." Vires added when Pied asked her about her interactions. 

 Leto situation was of no surprise to Vires. Many times in her past has wolves abandoned a starting pack, just as Jinx did. Having this thought in mind but not wanting to insult Leto Vires nodded.  "Maybe the pressures of being second in command was too much for Leto. She wouldnt be the first to abandon us." Vires added before she could stop herself. She kept her head and tail low not wanting to take back those words. In some ways they were the truth.
set by sophie

RE: I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Pied - December 16, 2013

Have my 100th post! :D

Pied silently wondered why she was the only wolf she'd seen lately and decided to ask outright. "How come?" She let Vires answer that and explain about her exploratory forays. "If you're not opposed to it, I could keep you company the next time you go exploring," she offered. Then Vires could still do what she wanted to do and not be totally by herself while doing it.

"You might be right," Pied agreed, "though I bet it has more to do with Hawkeye than any particular pressure. The whole Alpha/Beta agreement was too good to be true, I think." Her lips twisted downward. Vires seemed a little bit ashamed of her observation but Pied only nodded grimly. "Don't feel bad, Vires. You make a valid point. If Leto really goes, I think that makes her even worse than Jinx."

Pied didn't want to dwell on these things, however. "Wanna go for a walk, maybe catch something to eat?" she invited. Her tail had grown still during their conversation but now it lifted and wagged with mild enthusiasm.

RE: I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Vires - December 16, 2013

OOC: Good job! I'm glad I could have it!(:

Vires hadn't entirely wanted to admit why she hadn't seen any other pack mates besides Pied but she decided to give her half of the truth. "I have been at the boarders of our territory, I guess everyone else is ether near the middle or I just miss them. I would gladly accept your company anytime " Vires said leaving out her want to explore the wild outside of their territory. Vires just relax her demeanor when Pied said she was most likely right. View still felt a little bad for talking mean about her Beta.

When Pied offered Vires to take a stroll with her Vires was excited. "I would be delighted to." Vires replied happily. She slowly lifted her head and met her companions eyes. Vires was growing tired sitting in this one spot, she was excited to move on and explore more with a pack mate.

set by sophie

RE: I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Pied - December 16, 2013

Vires seemed to share her enthusiasm, quickly accepting the invitation. Pied began to walk, casting a glance over her shoulder as if to say, Well, c'mon. She then began to stroll through the trees until she found a deer trail. She stepped onto it, then paused to let Vires catch up with her before she proceeded to stroll down the snowy lane, following a set of delicate hoof-prints.

"Are you hungry? What do you have a taste for?" Pied asked, mulling over whether it would be wisest to simply dip into one of the caches or whether the two of them could rustle up something live.

RE: I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Vires - December 17, 2013

Vires was extremely happy that the wolf had offered her a chance to eat together. Vires rarely ate or hunted with other wolves since she left her birth pack. This was the first time in months she had been asked by another wolf to join in a feast. When Pied began to strut away she looked over her shoulder back at Vires. Vires then rose from her position and trotted away with gettiness in her every step. 

Soon Pied stopped at a line of prints in the snow. Vires looked down and saw the deer path created in the fresh snowy field. "I am hungry, I'm tired of already dead food. I want some fresh lively something." Vires replied, eagerness showing in her eyes as she looked down at the deer trail.
set by sophie

RE: I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Pied - December 17, 2013

Vires seemed to read her thoughts, declaring a preference for hot meat. "Sounds good to me," Pied answered agreeably. "These hoof-prints don't seem too fresh but we could follow them anyway. I mean, they have to lead somewhere," she opined, glancing around the forest. Since they were already on the game trail, it seemed the likeliest of choices anyway.

"So, where did you come from before you joined Bon Dye?" Pied asked as they walked. Once they closed in on prey, they'd have to be quiet, yet they were far away yet. "I came from a place called the Seahawk Valley," she volunteered, in case Vires was hesitant to share details about her past.

RE: I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Vires - December 18, 2013

Vires was eager when she heard Pied shared the same fondness for food in that moment. Vires dipped her head when Pied advocated they follow the foot prints of the deer. As they began to walk Pied asked Vires about her birthplace. Before Vires could answer Pied gave her, her own birthplace. A place called Seahawk valley. "I have never heard of that place but it sounds stunning." Vires alleged to Pied.

Vires began to think about her own birthplace. She had not traveled far to reach Blackfoot forest when she ventured out on her own. "I lived near a place called Salmon Lake most of my adult life, well before Bon Dye. It’s in the east. We didn’t exactly live on that lake but that was the closest landmark to our den site. We were happy, but I needed more from life then what was there." Vires didn’t talk much about her birthplace nor the place that came after her moving from her birth pack. It was something she felt had to be pushed to the back of her mind when she pledged her allegiance to a new pack.
set by sophie

RE: I Made a Wrong Turn to Right - Pied - December 18, 2013

Edit on 01/14: I'm going to edit in a conclusion for this'un.

"Same here," Pied said after Vires finished. "There was nothing wrong with life in the valley. I just wanted to see what else was out there." She squinted as she peered forward along the path, as if examining something only she could see, and added, "It was a beautiful place. I was actually born just outside of it, in a pack called Jawbone Hill. When it disbanded, my parents and I joined my grandparents—my mom's parents—in their pack called Flightless Falcons." Pied decided not to darken the day by adding the part about her father disappearing promptly after that, never to be seen again—until his ghost appeared to her the first time some weeks later.

Now that Hawkeye knew her secret and it had changed absolutely nothing about their relationship, Pied wondered what others might make of it and whether she should inform them as well. She glanced speculatively at Vires at her side. They were no longer affiliated with religion—Pied had pretty much let those beliefs fade as they moved on from Bon Dye—but they'd all definitely dabbled in it during Jinx's brief rule. Her pack mates might be more likely to believe her than others.

"Were you a close follower of the Bon Dye religion—Sos and Atka and all that?" Pied questioned lightly as they continued traipsing along the game trail, with no signs of prey just yet. Even as she spoke the name of their former pack, she felt a tremor of repulsion which manifested itself in a shudder that traveled from the nape of her neck, down her spine and even made her tail give an involuntary twitch.

They did not touch on this topic for long, as quite suddenly a squirrel leaped across their path. The pair of wolves forgot the hoof prints entirely in their pursuit of this smaller prey, eager to slay the small beast even if its meat would only take the edge off any wolfish appetite. The sounds of their voices gave way to the noise of the chase, all of which faded into the distance and culminated in a single shrieked note of conquest.