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hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Printable Version

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hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Spectra - February 14, 2015


Hello Valentine! While wolves had no idea of such a day, Spectra suddenly felt disgusted by all the happy couples that showed up, acting all lovely and dovey as if it was the best feeling in the world. What was the reason to act all lustfully, after all, nobody wanted newborns, right? Within her pack Spectra had no idea that Thistle and Ragnar were making love sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. That her pack was also blessed -- or cursed -- depending on the perspective with newborns to come as spring dawned upon them.

Maybe her sour mood dawned from the fact that it had just rained and Spectra looked like nothing more than a drowned cat on a cold, wintery day. Eventually the Stavanger Bay wolf found refuge inside the forest. Here, the high tree canopy protected her from the weather-like elements such as the cold winds and the annoying rain. Shivering softly, Spectra curled up into a small fur ball and tried to kept warm.

RE: hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Scarlett - February 14, 2015


Scarlett didn't mind the rain. Normally it would wash her upper coat a bit more clean, yet it would make her paws muddy. For now the female was focussed on something else. Her red eyes preened into the sky. She knew the winter was coming to an end. Well it was never really called a winter in her terms. There had been some snow but not much. How curious. The naturalist in her got curious why the winter never really came down on their lands. The albino looked up into the skies for answers but she did not found any.

Eventually when the rain was gone Scarlett moved into a forest. The first thing she did was shake out her fur. The weight became less and less with each shake. The white appearance moved to the trees. It was a shortcut to Duskfire. That is when she stumbled upon a wet dark ball of fur. Scarlett realized it was a female like her, with a salty scent. Curious. "Are you alright?," she wondered.

RE: hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Spectra - February 14, 2015

Frikandellen en kroketten ;)
At best, and at worst, Spectra just wanted to curl up into a yarn ball, like a cozy cat and disappear from the world for only a few seconds. She felt grumpy, bitter and most of all sorry for herself. But that feeling soon came to pass when her ears rotated forward while realizing she wasn't the only one out here. Scarlett appeared to be drawn to her like a moth to a flickering flame. It took a few seconds for her to register what just happened before answering the question. "I'm freaking dandy; it's just that I hate the rain. And even more so I hate getting wet. Worst of all, a combination of both."

Sometimes the Iota just enjoyed to complain, it was probably a good thing that Spectra didn't live in a tiny country where it rained a lot. Then again, she had no such thing as an umbrella either. Slowly standing up, as if it was the most troubling thing to do in the world, she grunted softly. "I'm sorry for appearing slightly grumpy." But that's because she kind of was. "My name is Spectra and I'm far away from my home, the Bay pack." She said, uncertain if the packs really knew each other as she could image some wolves never leaving their pack boundaries. Scarlett, however, was not an example of such.

RE: hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Scarlett - February 14, 2015

Scarlett jumped a bit back at her snapping answer. Her ears fell back in uncertainty. The red eyes studied the female. The dark one reminded her a bit of Sen and her snappy attitude. The naturalist had a light frown on her face. "Doesn't rain always makes you wet?," she spoke in return. She wasn't even tying to smart mouth the female. It was just an observation on her own. Scarlett actually enjoyed the sound of rain. It was so calming.

Scarlett immediately smiled when Spectra apologized. "Oh not to worry we all have our days!" Except Scarlett the female never seemed grumpy... ever! "I'm Scarlett and not that far from home. I am from Duskfire. Oh. Charon is from the bay pack too," she returned. "I bet you know him! It seems we have a mutual friend."

RE: hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Spectra - February 14, 2015

When Scarlett asked if the rain always made her wet, the Iota wanted to roll her eyes and reply with Duh!, since she acting like captain Obvious. However, she refrained from offering such a reply, instead she gritted her teeth together and nodded affirmatively to that notion.

When the Gamma said that she was from Duskfire, immediately her eyes glimmered as she replied. "Duskwhat? Can you tell me more about the pack?" Her attention span appeared to have that of a goldfish when she added; "I've taught the boy - who not fears anything - how to swim. I haven't seen him around at the Bay area though!" Thistle had also confirmed Charon was in the same pack, she hadn't seen him yet. Perhaps that's cause of his adventurous and all his wanderings into the world outside.

"Pleasure to meet you, Scarlett; aside from strange introductions." Then again, while meeting random strangers, making a good impression was probably a work in progress for Spectra.

RE: hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Scarlett - February 14, 2015

Scarlett licked his lips as she saw a hint of annoyance. Even the most subtile hints she would know since she had been living with a pack that was annoyed by her daily. "Duskfire Glacier. When Dusk arrives and the last rays of sun shine upon the glacier it looks like the ice is on fire," she almost spoke poetically. It was just like the name said it was. Scarlett really liked her pack. She felt at home there.

"Oh that is very kind of you. I taught him about Sequoia trees and the nature that involves with it. I am a naturalist you see,' she hummed softly. Scarlett had expanded her skill set greatly. "Likewise, Spectra. I hope your travels haven't worn you out too much," Scarlett returned with kindness.

RE: hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Spectra - February 15, 2015

Spectra really enjoyed to hear stories about faraway places, it trickled her imagination and love for knowledge of the world. Her golden eyes began to light up as she carefully listened to the stories that parted from the Gamma's leathery lips as she painted an ice-like world. Although a part of her truly questioned how wolves survived on the glacier, she was taken over by the thought of ice on fire. "Sounds boo - tie - ful." The Stavanger wolf said in awe; "Can you show me one day?" Hopeful Spectra shifted glances with the Gamma; though she wasn't quite certain whether customs and traditions would allow it.

"I love to learn more about nature as well; I know of the stars but not of trees, plants, bushes and everything that nature offers." The midnight-painted female admitted, while adding. "Oh no, travels give me energy.." Somehow, Scarlett had sparkled topics that she loved and thus, she had forgotten all about her grumpiness; simply because there was no reason to, anymore.

RE: hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Scarlett - February 15, 2015

Scarlett hummed softly. Most wolves thought DFG only lived on ice but nothing was less true. They had a lake at the bottom of the glacier and surrounding it was a thick pine and maple forest. Scarlett felt truly at home there. "It is very beautiful and I am afraid I can't. I can't let strangers into our home. I'm sorry," she spoke in reply. It always saddened her that she couldn't show her home to her friends. The pale female was curious about the female's home now. "Describe your home!"

Scarlett wagged her tail. "Oh! I love nature too. I have my naturalist trade," she explained. "I could learn you a lot if you like?," the pale female offered. Scarlett was glad that the female seemed less grumpy. Maybe they could be awesome friends! "I like traveling too," Scarlett admitted. Yet she didn't go as often as she did before.

RE: hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Spectra - February 20, 2015

"Oh!" A soft, disappointment suddenly welled up in her heart when Scarlett said that she couldn't be shown around; it almost felt like a painful rejection. Deep inside, however, Spectra realized it was just the way the world of the wolf worked and it wasn't as if -- when the tables would be turned -- she would be inviting strangers over for a pool party. "Well, I'm still sort of the newb in town." Spectra said shyly, while adding; "But we have this cool waterfall that is crisp, clear and hidden from sight of tourists. I still have a lot to discover, though!"

Her span of attention was probably that of a mashed potato because Spectra's golden eyes began to glimmer at the thought of learning a lot more. "Teach me!" She gulped like a little toddler who hadn't had something to play with for two days, hunger-driven for knowledge.

RE: hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Scarlett - February 20, 2015

Scarlett's ears fell back because she didn't like to disappoint other wolves. But it was the rules, they wouldn't want to give a tour to strangers in their homeland. Their borders were often patrolled and guarded. "It is okay. I would love to see your homelands too. But that wouldn't be possible after all." Scarlett liked waterfalls they always calmed her. She loved to just listen to the rushing water. Maybe once day she would find one in these wilds. She would definitely linger around.

The female chuckled softly. "Well what do you want to know about the weather, earth, plants or wildlife?," Scarlett returned with a hum. She liked teaching others, not to show that she was better but just to share knowledge.

RE: hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Spectra - February 21, 2015

Even though Spectra would never ever admit such a thing, when it came down to knowledge her inner child turned into a nerd. The kind of bookworm nerd. She had a sharp mind and remembered things easily, especially on topics that interested her. Although the words that she couldn't visit the pack first came as a disappointment and a rejection, as a part of her hoped that she was able to; Spectra knew that the way of the wolves worked very differently. She wasn't about to roll out the carpet for wolves to visit Stavanger Bay either, on the contrary.

"Anything and everything." Her nerdy side said out loud as her eyes showed a glimpse of excitement. "But most of all the weather." Spectra muttered, a tad too passionately. "Why does it hail?" She questioned, then immediately fired a few others. "Why does it storm? Why is thunder always with lightning together? And why does thunder deafen your ears? Oh yeah, and don't get me started on rainbows."

RE: hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Scarlett - February 21, 2015

Cool Ava <3 Pretent they see colors like humans in this thread lol.

Scarlett laughed softly when Spectra was so excited about all the things she wanted to know. The light female sat down across from he darker one and hummed. She was pleased to see that the grumpy wolf had vanished. She liked this one better. "Well, those are a lot of questions," Scarlett chuckled softly and tried to think of quick easy answers to explain everything the wolf wanted to know. "I do know a few things. It storms because it has something with high pressure and low pressure in the air. That is all I know about that. Thunder and lightning isn't always together. I can just be one of them."

Scarlett looked to the sky when she started talking once more. "I do know something about Rainbows. The light we see has seven colors, so many that it turns into white. When you see something that is green, it only reflects the color green. My fur reflects all colors at once which means you see it as white. Your fur on the other hand doesn't reflect any color, which is why we see it as black. To get back to the rainbow... Once it rains and the sun shines at the same time those droplets reveal the 7 main colors that are hidden in light, hence we see a rainbow," Scarlett explained with a pleased hum.

RE: hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Spectra - February 22, 2015

Thanks / Bedankt ;) And with the colors ..that's fine .. / En over die kleuren ..dat is prima ;)

Like aspects of religion, there were things that she longed to learn, to know and to grasp; but when the former Gamma said something about low pressure and high pressure, she felt inwardly confused. She was wondering if it was save to ask what this pressure was but before she got a chance to intervene, and maybe look stupid, Scarlett was already talking about rainbows with the same speed that she had asked the questions. Although Spectra was eager to extend her knowledge, this was a bridge too far (or too quick?).

"Oh, oh really?" Spectra while looking with wild-eyed wonder towards the white wolf. The Delta of the Bay took a minute to try and understand all that she said. She never thought about colors like that, until now. As a matter of fact, she never wondered why trees were green during summer and all sort of autumn colors during the next season. Was that also a matter of perspective or did the leaves of the trees all the sudden begin to absorb other colors. "You know a lot, thanks, lady!" Spectra complimented. "Who taught you all this cool stuff?"

RE: hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Scarlett - February 22, 2015

So weird to see dutch lol.

Scarlett nodded softly. The lighter female was clueless about the fact that she had lost the darker one in her explanations. Scarlett would love to explain it more clearly if only she would ask. For now, the albino was pleased to see that the other female was excited about the information. "Observing and talking to a lot of wolves," she admitted with a quick smile. She remembered being a lone wolf before she came here, and older female told her a lot about nature and the earth.

Scarlett always had an interest for weather and wildlife. "And now I told you. It is amazing once you know why certain things are a certain way." She was amazed when she learned that deep deep deep in the ground was something really hot that made the earth function.

RE: hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Spectra - February 25, 2015

:D -- Thanks for the thread, hope for another one soon ;) Bedankt!

With her critical and questioning mind, Spectra felt mixed about the answer Scarlett had given; it didn't satisfy her completely from within. If she talked to a lot of wolves and gained knowledge that way, she felt almost disappointed that Scarlett hadn't tested stuff out for herself and learned by doing. After all, anybody could say that rainbows did not consist of seven colours but by seven little hobbits instead; there was no way to know for certain. Perhaps that was also the interesting and fascinating part of it all.

"I agree!" Spectra said with a gleeful smile upon her leathery lips. "I hope I see you again, Scarlett!" She felt as if having gained a newfound friend which was shown by Spectra reaching forward to touch the sensitive shoulder area to nudge gently. The rain had stopped and hours had passed, it was time to go. Dipping her head in a greeting, the midnight-painted wolf got up and left to explore the new world.

RE: hey i'm single, so let's mingle - Scarlett - February 25, 2015

graag gedaan <3

Scarlett wagged her tail since the dark female agreed with her. A grin came on her maw and nodded. "Oh you are leaving!," Scarlett spoke and then nodded courtly. The albino got on her fours with her tail still waving calmly. "Glad you meet you, Spectra!," She returned. A soft hum came of her lips as the other would bid a friendly goodbye. Scarlett did the same and then moved towards the opposite direction of where the midnight colored girl was going.

Scarlett always liked meeting new wolves. She was certain that she could count Spectra as one of her friends. Little did Scarlett know that their friendship could get very complicated with their packs at war.