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Imma Boss Ass Bitch - Printable Version

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Imma Boss Ass Bitch - Raissa - February 14, 2015

@Bindi sorry for the delay xD

Raissa was on one of her normal patrols, her eyes fixed in a glare, staring at the ground in front of her fast moving feet. Ever since Bindi had announced that she was going for the exact same trades as Raissa, it had been her mission to beat her. And then her interaction with Copper had only made her already heat-spiked emotions sky rocket. To say she was pissed at the dark wolfess was a total understatement.

What was wrong with that idiot? She was such a bitch. Raissa's eyes narrowed as she thought of the first time she met Bindi, the stupid remarks she had made, taunting Raissa about her relationship with Fitz. She had made her feel insecure from day one and now after everything else had happened, she wanted her gone.

RE: Imma Boss Ass Bitch - Bindi - February 14, 2015

It's Cool

It didn't take long for Bindi to catch Raiss's scent. She had been avoiding her for good reason. Raissa was in heat, and it was very clear to the midnight wolfess that she would just be more annoying now. Of cource that didn't stop the onsidian female from finding the tri-colored wolfess. Now, was the perfect time to mess with, get inside her head.

Little did Raissa know, but both Copper and Bindi had been acting like total jerks that day. The midnight wolfess confidently strolled up to Raissa. Depending on how the tri-colored female reacted, this would either be a friendly chat, or someone would walking away crying. A smirk formed on Bindi's face, knowing she would not be the one to burst out in tears, that was of course, if it came to that.

RE: Imma Boss Ass Bitch - Raissa - February 14, 2015

Wanna spree?

Of course, Bindi was the one she ran into first. She caught her disgusting scent before she say her and she wrinkled her nose in disgust. She moved her glare from the ground and fixed it on Bindi. Perfect, now she wouldn't have to bottle up her feelings any more. And there was no way she could, they were just too powerful for her to hold in any more.

"You looking for someone to beat your ass or are you here to just be an annoying bitch?" she sneered, her angry gaze finding Bindi's smirking one.

RE: Imma Boss Ass Bitch - Bindi - February 14, 2015


It wasn't long before Bindi greeted by the tri-colored wolfess. Of course this greeting wasn't exactly friendly. When she mentioned about someone kicking her ass, she pondered why Raissa would want to do such a thing. Ever since their encounter about Fitz, the midnight wolfess had kept her distance. However it seems even though she had not talked to Raissa, it cant cure her hatred toward Bindi. Oh well, the midnight wolfess didn't car if Raissa like her or not, for she had no affect on her.

"Kick my ass hmm, why would perfect little Raissa want to make such a horrible mistake" she asked in a sad tone, but it was clear this was fun for Bindi, due to the smirk still on her face. As for the annoying bitch part, well Bindi already thought she made it clear, that she was like all the time.

RE: Imma Boss Ass Bitch - Raissa - February 14, 2015

She stopped her forward movement and looked at the shadow-furred she wolf, the irritating smirk still on her face as she replied. Raissa widened her eyes in a fake innocent way and let out an airy laugh.

"Oh honey, it wouldn't be a mistake." she said, talking deliberately, as if she was speaking to a small child.

And it wouldn't. Raissa felt that showing Bindi that she couldn't treat everyone like shit would be an amazingly helpful thing to do.

RE: Imma Boss Ass Bitch - Bindi - February 14, 2015

If you do agree to the spar, it would be a friendly one, since they are only working out their differences, and not aiming to do permanent damage. If you want them to cause more drama and verbally argue it out, i'm cool with that too.

How Bindi wished she could make Raissa eat those words. She wanted to show the tri-colored wolfess, who would be making the mistake. Bindi didn't care if Raissa was Fitz mate. "How about we test those little words, that is if your up for it" she said, clearly challenging the tri-colored wolfess. The obsidian female did come to injury or fight with Raissa, but if that's what the tri-colored wolfess wants, Bindi wouldn't pass the offer up.

RE: Imma Boss Ass Bitch - Raissa - February 18, 2015

It was a long match, Raissa had to say that Bindi wasn't a bad fighter at all, but she still came out on top. She quickly shoved Bindi to the ground and stepped back, smirking at her. She had been confident when she went into the fight, but near the end she had almost lost. Thank god she hadn't, that would've been overly embarrassing.

That should show her to mess with Raissa. Serves her right, she shouldn't disrespect anyone like that, no matter what their rank was.

"Was that adequate proof for you? Or are you still smug enough to think that you are better then me?" she sneered, her bright orange eyes sparkling.

RE: Imma Boss Ass Bitch - Bindi - February 19, 2015

It wasn't a big surprise that Raissa won, she was more experienced than Bindi. The midnight wolfess was happy to have almost won, and that was all she needed. From Bindi remembers, she never said she was better only that it would be a mistake to fight her. From what the obsidian female could tell, it certainly was a mistake. Bindi was sure she left Raissa with some fresh cuts, and bruises.

"I never said I was better than you" Bindi said with a smirk on her face. She didn't think she was better than anyone. "However just because you have defeated me once, does not mean you are better than me." If Raissa thought she was better than Bindi because she won, a spar with her, she was mistaken.

RE: Imma Boss Ass Bitch - Raissa - February 19, 2015

Last post for me, ty!

Raissa knew Bindi had never said she was better then her, but she had implied it. She didn't care what Bindi said, she was satisfied that she had proved her wrong beat her fat ass in the process. She met the dark she-wolf's smirk with a smirk of her own, her orange eyes sparkling smugly. "Oh honey, I don't care what you say, I know I'm right." she purred in her thick southern accent, flicking her tail and turning away.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have more important things to do then deal with people like you." she said with a nonchalant shrug, padding away from the dark wolfess, a sway in her hips.

RE: Imma Boss Ass Bitch - Bindi - February 19, 2015

Thanks for the thread ;)

What Raissa said upset Bindi even more. Did she really think she was better, when everyone is equal. The midnight wolfess had avoided Raissa specifically to get along with her. In fact, the only time Bindi every communicated with Rassia after their bad encounter was at the meeting and hunt. Then the very first thing Raissa says to her after not talking to Bindi for sometime is "you looking for someone to beat your ass or are you just being an annoying bitch?"

How the hell could Bindi upset the tri-colored wolfess if she hadn't even talked to her? Bindi thought their relationship was getting better, but clearly it was not. The midnight wolfess had not even come looking for a fight, but given her stupid personality, she of course challenged Raissa. For some strange reason it started to hurt having people treat you like your worth nothing. Bindi had never met anyone willing to stand up to her, but Raissa wasn't one to back down, and Bindi was starting to feel the hurt she caused so many others.