Wolf RPG
we won't let them break our spirits - Printable Version

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we won't let them break our spirits - Onyx - February 15, 2015

for @Kesuk !

Onyx had spent some time thinking about a certain feeling she'd felt... It had only happened around two wolves, one more so then the other. Her heart had fluttered excitedly in her chest like a caged bird, and she'd felt drawn to them.
It was sort of like what she'd felt for Mama, but somewhat different. And she wanted to cuddle with them, and watch the stars, and spend time together. What was it?!
Now, Onyx had been taught of love. But when she had asked Mama, what is it? Raven had told her it was what drew one to another. There were three kinds- family love, friend love, and romantic love. Family love was what Onyx had for Mama- but Mama had explained the other two. Friend love was made you want to hang out with them, someone you could trust with your secrets who trusted you with theirs. And romantic love was what drew a man to a woman. She hadn't gone much deeper than that- love was a hard concept for such a little girl. But now she did not recognize it, partly because Raven had said man to a woman- and Onyx was not attracted to men.
Her heart longed to see the two she had felt like this towards. The one she liked best was Leila. But Leila was far, far away. Onyx imagined up her beautiful minty eyes, then reminded herself of the other. The other she hadn't thought was as pretty as Leila, yet still beautiful. Kesuk, who was closer, in Blacktail Deer Plateau. Although she had spoke of a mate, Onyx was still drawn to her. So today she reached the borders. She thought about howling, but that would bring too much attention to her. Instead she backed up several feet and waited till Kesuk would happen to find her.

RE: we won't let them break our spirits - Kesuk - February 15, 2015

I love that Onyx likes girls!! <3

Since Kesuk had earned her Outrider trade, she had been staying closer to home, deciding to work towards her Warden trade. Today she had decided to do a quick round of the borders before heading up to explore sheepeater cliffs. She hadn't been up to them before and they certainly looked like a fun place to explore. But she didn't get that far.

As she padded around the borders, she caught a familiar scent. At first she couldn't quite place it but then she remembered. Onyx! Her friend from the coast was here! A smile lit her face as she picked up her pace and trotted towards her look alike. "Onyx, you're here! I'm so glad you decided to visit." she exclaimed, greeting her friend by bumping her nose to her cheek. It had been a while since she had suggested that Onyx visit and she had started to think she wouldn't actually come. She was completely oblivious to Onyx's feelings as she padded out of the borders and took a seat next to her friend. "So how are you doing? she asked, still smiling.

RE: we won't let them break our spirits - Onyx - February 15, 2015

Yeah, I wanted to try a character who likes the same gender, and Onyx needed some interesting things about her so I decided it could be her. :)

As a young teen, Onyx was very awkward around her crush, trying to look pretty and be cool so that Kesuk would like her too. But instead as she caught sight of Kesuk, she trembled nervously. She told her self to get it under control, and after a moment or two, she kept still and tried not to act too ditzy or giggly. When Kesuk just gently bumped her, Onyx's heart fluttered and her cheeks heated up as she looked up into Kesuk's blue eyes. There was a strange scent about her... It made Onyx feel different. What was that, too? But she didn't want to insult Kesuk by saying she smelled different. Yes, I thought it was about time I visited you.. I've been okay. What about you?

RE: we won't let them break our spirits - Kesuk - February 19, 2015

Onyx looked a bit awkward and Kesuk, not knowing about her friends feelings, gave her a concerned look, her head tilted to the side as she studied her. "Are you sure you're okay? You look a bit worried." she commented, hoping her friend was okay. She would be upset if something had happened to Onyx.

An idea then hit her, she should give Onyx a tour! Not of the actual territory of course, but maybe of the surrounding area. Maybe they could even check out sheepeater cliff together. "Hey, I got an idea! Why don't we do a little exploring. There's this one place I've been meaning to check out." she suggested, getting to her feet and shaking her pelt.

RE: we won't let them break our spirits - Onyx - February 20, 2015

She knows! She knows I'm nervous! Calm down. Act normal. Onyx smiled, though her blue eyes did look worried. Why would I be worried? I'm perfectly fine! She said with a small tail wag. When Kesuk suggested exploration, Onyx nodded. Whatever she wanted to do was okay with the dark teenager. Sure, lead the way. She said, ready to go. Her blue eyes looking ahead for whatever place they'd be checking out.

RE: we won't let them break our spirits - Kesuk - February 22, 2015

Nervousness flickered through Onyx's eyes once more and Kesuk regarded her carefully before pushing it to the back of her mind and heading of towards the cliffs, her eyes sparkling. Maybe if they were lucky, they would be able to bring down a mountain goat. Plenty of them inhabited the steep walls, the hard part was catching one.

Kesuk stopped and looked up at he cliffs, dotted here and there with little white blobs. She wagged her tail and looked back at her companion. "Wanna try for one?" she asked, her eyes shining with excitement.

RE: we won't let them break our spirits - Onyx - March 08, 2015

She followed quiet and timid behind Kesuk, letting the chocolatey girl lead the way. Onyx smiled as she turned to Kesuk. always. I love hunting! I am going to be a gamekeeper eventually. She told Kesuk with a white-teethed smile, her diamond eyes shining in excitement. She was ready to make a plan, but only if Kesuk didn't have one. If Kesuk had a plan already in mind, she would gladly follow. Or if she didn't want to use a hunting plan, just hunt on the spot, that was good with her as well.

RE: we won't let them break our spirits - Kesuk - March 22, 2015

Kesuk saw the sparkle of excitement in her eyes, as well as a calculating look, letting her know Onyx had an idea. She stopped and looked up at the cliff before back at Onyx.

"Got anything in mind?" she asked with a knowing smile. If Onyx had a plan, she would be happy to hear it. It was always fun to try new hunting styles.