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Duskfire Glacier You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Printable Version

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You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Adlartok - February 16, 2015

Artok stood firm with three feet on the ground. His fourth leg, his right front. He held it tight to his chest. He could walk now for a bit, before he had to rest. However, he would not be able to go very far. He planned on leaving as soon as he could walk further. Perhaps in the next few days, he would tell Scarlett and he would find Malachi. He still had much to say to the leader. Tell him what kind of fool he was, and then he'd be gone. Just as quickly and quietly as he had come.

He tightened his jaw, a rebel gaze in his face. He was tired of conforming to what was expected of him. He had manners and morals, but he also was tired of taking the licks that the world saw fit to give him. He was a fatherless son, a motherless child. He had no ties, and he would make none. He was better off alone perhaps, though a part of him cared deeply for his caretaker.

RE: You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Scarlett - February 18, 2015

This seemed lonely so I am claiming it for their escape :P

Scarlett rushed forward after she talked with Malachi. She needed to get out this place since frankly she was really scared of Tuwawi. She wasn't afraid for her own life, she was mostly afraid for Adlartok's life. Her light body rushed to her own den and instantly got inside. She nosed thought the youngster's grey fur. It was clear that the red eyed female was upset. "Ad.. Ad we need to go," she nudged him. "C'mon I-" A sniffle interrupted her speech. "...will.. help you." Scarlett looked around her den if there was anything worth taking, she had ran out of most of the supplies. It was Adlartok's own body that was currently doing all the healing.

"I.. I got kicked out. I am not leaving you okay? We.. We just find another home. I might know someone and I have a den in Emberwood. We should go there for now, yes?" It was only a very brief explanation of what happened and what she was planning. Very brief. She wanted to get on neutral grounds because she felt like Tuwawi would have her revenge. "Can you get up?"

RE: You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Adlartok - February 18, 2015

Adlartok was surprised and almost bowled over, when Scarlett came rushing in. He looked at her for a moment, trying to discern what she was saying. Frankly, it was difficult between the sniffles and the sobs. He tilted his head, and cut his eyes, hissing between his teeth.

What? I told you Malachi was not to be trusted. He growled lowly in his throat.

He vowed right then and there, he'd be back some day. Some day when he was bigger and stronger, and he'd rip a chunk out of Tuwawi's hide for the way she was treating his Miss Scarlett. A wolfess who didn't deserve the shit she was given. He'd make Tuwa see how wrong she had been, when she had taken her anger out on an orphan boy. Maybe he could steal Maera away, wouldn't that just be the ultimate act of revenge. He snorted, but got to his feet again. He was young and foolhardy, and nothing he was thinking of would probably come to pass. But he could imagine it, right.

Yea I can stand. Lead the way.

And even if he couldn't stand, he was determined to make himself stand. Overcome the crippling realization that he would always limp. However, if he could manage he'd make sure no one questioned his worthiness.

RE: You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Scarlett - February 18, 2015

Scarlett shook her head when Adlartok started about Malachi. She ushered the grey youngster out of her den, sad to leave it. She had dug it together with Néa. Poor girl. Scarlett hoped she wasn't in pain. The pale woman made sure to support Adlartok while walking. She wouldn't want him to trip and open his wound again. "Malachi stopped me. He-- He-- Tuwawi wasn't nice to him either," Scarlett explained. "He was very troubled about what happened. It doesn't matter now. They aren't our family. Just us and maybe Kove." The albino kept moving, but made sure it wasn't too much for Adlartok.

"Tell me when you need a break," she spoke more softly. "You were right all along Ad. I should have listened to you. We will find a good new home. A home that accepts us both." Adlartok had spoken out his worries before and she hadn't listened to him. She thought that Malachi was on her side but not even he could go against Tuwawi.

RE: You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Adlartok - February 18, 2015

As far as Adlartok was concerned, Malachi didn't deserve pity. The emotion that Scarlett so willingly gave him. He shook his head, forcing himself to calm down. He had learned young, emotions got you no where. Revenge got you everywhere, he'd make sure to remember this, and it would color his actions as he grew.

It doesn't matter that he stopped you. He's the leader, and he let her walk all over him. How can he demand respect, when he doesn't give it. No, I won't forget this. Whose Kove?

Artok was on guard then, the thought of another wolf coming into his life, filled his mouth with bitter ashes. He didn't trust anyone at this point, no one except for Scarlett.

He tilted his ears forward. I won't need a break. I'll get there.

It was with renewed determination he walked. His limp there, but he forced himself to step past the haze of pain. It hurt like a curse word, but he wouldn't quit. He wouldn't back down, and he wouldn't tell anyone that it did. It was his own silent cross to bear.

RE: You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Scarlett - February 18, 2015

It is official. Lone wolves!

Scarlett stepped forward over the border. They were lone wolves now, and they made it out of Duskfire Lands without much trouble. Her heart sunk. It made her sad to go. She was humiliated by what happened. She believed fiercely that the pack liked her. They didn't, since no one stepped up to defend her. She only had Adlartok, who wasn't that little anymore. Scarlett was a small wolf, Adlartok would probably be bigger than her in the end. "You're right. He didn't do anything," she let out bitterly.

"Kove is a wolf I met. He saved me from a cougar and from the members of his pack that wanted to attack me. Not to worry. I will go see him by myself I think," she explained. She didn't want Adlartok to worry about Kove. "Okay, we will. You are really strong, Ad. And one day. One day..," she didn't finish that sentence. It wasn't like her to speak out her revanche. But one day they would hear about her again and her life would be so much better.

RE: You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Adlartok - February 18, 2015

Artok breathed a silent sigh, of relief once they passed the border line. He'd be back some day, but not right now. He couldn't promise he would be kind if he met any at any other time. Sen maybe, he'd be nice to Sen. She had done nothing to him, granted she hadn't really done anything for him either. Except, one gamekeeping day.

He nodded his head, I know.

Artok knew his size would rival many, he'd be fully grown in just a few months. He imagined he'd tower above Scarlett, all the more to protect her. He listened as she explained Kove, and he begrudingly gave the male credit for saving her, but that didn't mean he would trust him yet, if ever. He imagined he wouldn't trust anyone, ever again.

He sniffed One day i'll make them rue the day. why would a pack attack you? Were you in their lands? Or are they just nasty?

It didn't speak well for the other male, if his pack wanted to attack just because. What was to say he wasn't the same way, Artok was even less sure of this Kove now. He'd keep a weather eye on him for the time.

RE: You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Scarlett - February 18, 2015

Scarlett regretted adding that last part. Maybe that wasn't convenient to make Adlartok see Kove in a better light. "Ah well, you know.. His pack has a reputation. They only trust their own. But Kove isn't like that and the female in charge also isn't like that. I think that male just wanted me away from their border. Kove ran after me to make sure I was okay." Scarlett wanted Adlartok to see Kove in a good way. But that would probably take a while. The young grey had suffered by Tuwawi's attack.

Once they went down into the Rising Sun Valley Scarlett was getting a bit less tense on the situation. She focussed on getting them to the right location for now. "Do you know any packs that we might get some refuge from? Maybe Blacktail Deer Plateau? Or do you want to be on our own for awhile?," she wondered what the young male's opinion was.

RE: You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Adlartok - February 18, 2015

As far as Artok was concerned, Scarlett could tell him that Kove was the greatest wolf that ever lived. That he saved babies, and had rainbows come out his ass, he would still not trust him. He already had shaky trust to begin with, then Tuwa. She broke something inside of him, and Malachi added fuel ot the fire, and now Ad was on a slow burn.

Artok frowned, Well, I guess that's alright. If the female surrounds herself with other wolves like that. Then there is something dark inside her too. It's just that simple Miss. Scarlett.

Artok shook his head. He had gone straight to the glacier, never been around any others around here. He had always been a lone wolf, except for a few short months in Wintersun, and then here a few short weeks.

I have almost always been a lone wolf, so it doesn't bother me. But I will do what you want.

And he would, he would do whatever she wanted, even if it was just to protect her. He already had plans to get in Kove's face as soon as he met him. And if they started their own pack, oh he would guard those borders as if his life depended on it. Artok, had no designs to be carefree and happy ever again. He was planning on being unapproachable and irritable, maybe it would keep those around him from turning him into dust. As they crumbled whatever good he had inside him.

RE: You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Scarlett - February 18, 2015

Scarlett thought about his words and then had to agree. The female might have been nice to her on that cliff but that didn't mean she was like that when Scarlett would be at her border. "You are probably right," Scarlett hummed softly. This was all so complicated. The only pack she could think of to go to was Blacktail Deer Plateau or maybe even the Sunspire. Jace might put up a good word for her. Scarlett wasn't sure. She would have to talk to Kove first. She wanted to talk to him.

"For now.. lets just stay together. I am not sure if a Pack would be willing to take us in," she muttered. "Plus we trust each other. I don't need another group of wolves who pretend to like me." It was still awhile to the Emberwood. Scarlett hoped her den was sill unoccupied. She could scare away some smaller animals if they housed in her den, if it was another wolf then she wasn't entirely sure. For now she wasn't going to worry about that. She wanted Adlartok safe before nightfall.

RE: You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Adlartok - February 18, 2015

Artok nodded his head, he didn't think, he knew he was right. He had learned to expect the worst, from those around him. Even those who had promised to care for him, the worst always got him. His uncle, had left him. Malachi had refused to keep him safe, for fear of angering Tuwawi. That was cowardly and dishonest.

I know I am, you will find it is easier to expect the worst from those around you. That way you're never surprised, and the good things are better, sweeter. He grew quiet as he walked, pain lancing up his side.

ARtok snorted, he didn't need that either. And he was fairly certain most packs would not take him. He was damaged goods, and who wanted that.

You are probably right, though someone might take you. It's okay if you want to go without me. I've been on my own before.

He wouldn't blame her, if she left. He would miss her, and the like. But he would not blame her.

RE: You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Scarlett - February 18, 2015

Scarlett licked her lips because that wasn't how she would normally think. She would make the best of wolves and try to see the good in them. But after Duskfire's betrayal it was easy to think of all others as bad. Scarlett wondered if she was ever going to get over this. With her family pack she knew they didn't like her, it was worse now. She softly shook her head. Not knowing what to think. She had to be strong for Ad. "We will get through this," she only replied, also to herself because she wanted to believe it.

The albino turned her muzzle to Adlartok. "Don't be so silly. We are a package deal. I won't leave you. We are in this together. If they want me they have to take you in too. You aren't getting rid of me that easily," she joked a bit to keep it light, then her muzzle moved to lick over his cheek and a quick nudge to give him so more courage. "I don't want to be responsible for breaking all your trust. I'm with you."

RE: You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Adlartok - February 18, 2015

Artok supposed it would be hard for Scarlett to think like him. But how else was he supposed to think really? His uncle had cared for him, though begrudgingly and only because he looked like his mother. His uncle had finally left him. Then he had taken residence with a new pack, promised health, safety, security. Only to watch as that crashed and burned, because one lone female didn't like him. And his leader was too spineless to do anything about it.

He tilted ears forward, yea we will.

He had no doubt they would do fine, he would do fine. It would take some getting used too and some change. He blinked golden eyes at her, and dipped his muzzle.

I'm with you too. No one will hurt you anymore, not while I'm around. And he meant it.

RE: You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Scarlett - February 18, 2015

Hahaha, Reminds me of this Toby is also an orphan xD

Scarlett smiled softly. Proud of Adlartok that he was so strong. He seemed stronger than her. Scarlett wanted to be just as strong for him! She straightened her back and held her head higher. In the distance she saw the orange woods that made the Emberwood. Still Scarlett was saddened, she genuinely liked Duskfire until Tuwawi came and ruined it all. Scarlett vowed that she would never talk bad about other wolves but in this case it was very hard. She wanted to vent, rage and cry about what happened but she couldn't now. Later. With Kove.

"Likewise. I will never let you get hurt either. We've got each others' backs."

RE: You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Adlartok - February 18, 2015

Artok, was strong, because he had to be. There was not much else for him to do, but be strong. If he wasn't, he'd bend and break. Then where would that leave him, shattered. So he fought hard to keep that upper lip stiff. Tilting his head he looked around the place, fighting to memorize everything. Though it hurt, had he been human, there would have been a fine sheen of sweat across his brow.

He nodded in agreement. They did and he wouldn't let anyone change that. He would stand up to all that stood in their way, and he would take them down a peg. He would make sure he was a force to be reckoned with.

RE: You broke your oath, you lost your ties - Scarlett - February 18, 2015

Scarlett nodded with Adlartok. Once they reached the orange glow the forest gave of Scarlett felt worn and tired already. She knew the way to her den now. It wasn't that deep into the woods. The female was glad that the settle by a stream, as she always did. As she reached it she early drank a few sips. "Please drink some. I will dust out the den." She got inside of it, it was still abandoned. She started refining the walls a bit so they would be more comfortable with them two together. It had the same structure of the last one, only it smelled different.

The pale female, covered in dirt, exited the den. "All good to go. I shall hunt for a meal for us. I will be back as soon as I can alright?" She trusted him that he would be okay on his own. Even in a strange area.