Wolf RPG
Day or Night - Printable Version

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Day or Night - Phantom - February 17, 2015

Like a chipmunk, Phantom couldn't sit still. She briefly wondered why, but decided then that there were better things to do then sit around and think. Today she explored a wood of massive trees, the biggest she had ever seen. Their width was massive, their height majestic. She had found a hollow tree that she could just fit inside, but after she had almost become stuck she forfeited being inside trees. For now.

As she walked, her mind came up with more ways to annoy and cause fear to DFG, her first attempts having been very fun. The ghost always liked a good fight, but it was much more amusing to watch your enemies tear each other to shreds. It matters of war and strategy, the fae could be quite ruthless, a trait others would not guess of her.

Upon discovering a small stream, the mute lay down by it's banks and began to lap at the clear waters.

RE: Day or Night - RIP Spyridon - February 17, 2015

Spyridon had always been, and always would be, more defensive than aggressive. He had been trained this way, and he was not likely to change unless ordered to attack. With all the hubbub surrounding the Duskfire wolves and their ilk, he had upped his patrol of the borders in hopes of heading them off should they think to bother the sisters. And there was Aella to attend to, who needed food and care whenever he could manage it. She was slowly getting better, but it would be some time before she regained her strength back to what it had once been.

The Epivitoras marched (as was his typical fashion) to one of the many streams that trickled through the sound, only to spot the pristine white coat of a sister he had seen, yet not interacted with directly as of yet. No doubt she was one of Caiaphas's recruits. Knowing part of his duty was to be familiar with the sisters, Spyro chuffed to gain her attention.

RE: Day or Night - Phantom - February 17, 2015

Phantom spun calmly to face the owner of the chuff, it was a male she had not yet seen. He was well built, with a coat that was dark and smooth. She offered him a small smile, and tapped her muzzle while shaking her head to covey the message that she could not speak. She wondered exactly how many males were in this pack of the sea. She guessed not many, but you never knew.

Her face took on a questioning look, she shrugged her shoulders and pointed at the male, her way of saying "Who are you?"

RE: Day or Night - RIP Spyridon - February 18, 2015

She shrugged and pointed at him. Perhaps somebody had already informed her that he did not speak the common tongue. Whatever the case, it was not something Spyro hadn't already dealt with, and he licked his lips in response. If she was expecting him to say something, she surely would have asked him aloud. Assuming that language was a barrier, Spyro rolled his shoulder and gestured for her to follow. He intended to head to the shore and gather some fish for Aella. Many of the sisters enjoyed the fresh taste of the sea.

Since no words were needed, Spyro waited expectantly for her to follow.

RE: Day or Night - Phantom - February 18, 2015

It seemed as if this one could not understand her either. Rather then push it, she decided to simply go with the flow. So the pale fae followed the male to what she assumed to be the coast. She furrowed her brow as she started after him, wondering why he did not at least try to speak with her. Perhaps he had been banned from speaking? She could only guess, but for now went with him, at his side.

RE: Day or Night - RIP Spyridon - February 26, 2015

@Phantom Do you want to continue this?

She followed, and Spyridon glanced occasionally to assure himself that she was still there. When the ground beneath his feet changed from loam to sand, he slowed, eyes seeking out one of the tide pools. They were the quickest and easiest place to acquire some fishy flesh, and he pointed to one of the nearby ones with his snout. “εκεί,” he gestured, then trotted to stand in the chilly water.

Various small fish were here, though no large ones. Assuming that the white girl was watching him, he lowered his head to just above the surface of the water. He waited, waited, watched, watched, waited, watched, then struck out and snapped up one of the pint-sized fish, swallowing it whole. He took a step back, out of the water, then swung his head from the siren to the water. It was her turn to try.

RE: Day or Night - Phantom - March 14, 2015

Phantom nodded, her gut seizing. What is she failed? Carefully, she stepped forward and lowered her muzzle to just above the water, green eyes intently watching the indistinct dark forms. Suddenly, she struck, not straight at the fish but where it would be. Her teeth closed around it's tail, and for a second it almost got away. But she was quick to fling it onto the shore, where it died quickly. She smiled at the consort, before picking up the small fish and demolishing it in a few gulps. It did a little to sate her hunger, but helped none the less.

RE: Day or Night - RIP Spyridon - March 19, 2015

"Πολύ καλή," he said with a smile, "Μπορείτε να μάθετε γρήγορα." In no time, she would be snapping up fish left and right. Of course, even if she had not been able to catch a fish, Spyridon could hardly blame her. Fishing was tricky business, and he had learned over time that those who did not grow up doing it had a more difficult way with it. It was the same way Spyro had not grown up with the common tongue. The sisters had shielded him from learning it, believing that a consort was better off not communicating with the outsiders.

Satisfied that she was doing well with this, Spyridon moved to another, larger, deeper pool a few hundred feet away. Here were larger, stronger, and faster fish, and the water came up to his elbows when he stepped into it. Once again, he glanced to the girl, then plucked a meaty fish from the waters after the waiting game. This one was larger, perhaps a foot from nose to tail, and it thrashed so wildly Spyro feared he might lose an eye. He bit down hard, the thrashing subsided, and he trotted to the side of the tidepool with his prize. This one was to be for the cache, and so he set it on the ground, then motioned toward the fishing pool. It was her turn, now.

The girl did as she was bid, and Spyro nodded approvingly. But either she had grown bored, or she was simply done with fishing, for she soon departed. Spyro's tail waved gently as he watched her disappear, and he went back to work, plucking three more fish from the larger pool.

RE: Day or Night - Pantaleimon - March 24, 2015

Do you mind if we do 3 more rounds, so that it counts for EXP for me, too? :) greek is google translate so slacky :p

It had been some time since Pantaleimon had fished. For some time, Pan watched Spyridon and the white female from afar as he taught her to fish. Pantaleimon envied Spyridon; he seemed so confident as he taught the female, even though she was above him in rank. He managed to show proper respect without losing his own, which was something Pantaleimon had not really managed in all these years, often turning into a blubbering mess in the presence of a female. Part of this was due to Oreithyia's disapproving gaze, which felt upon Pan wherever she went, whatever she did, back in Sirensong Cove. Even in Ankyra Sound, Pantaleimon's feelings of incompetence haunted her.

Quietly Pantaleimon trotted up to Spyridon and asked, Μπορώ να προσπαθήσω; Υπήρξε μια στιγμή." (Can I try? It has been a while.) Assuming that Spyridon would not mind, Pantaleimon started to wade into the water, ready to start fishing.

RE: Day or Night - RIP Spyridon - March 24, 2015

Thanks for hopping in!

Pantaleimon, a consort from another branch of the sirens, had come peddling up behind him, and Spyro flashed him a welcoming glance. Unlike the white male, Spyro had always been quietly confident, though never cocky. He had been taught to respect the sirens, not to fear them. If they had manipulated him, he showed no signs of it, and Spyridon had become rather comfortable in his role among The Nereides. It was the only role he knew, after all, and anything else would have felt out of his comfort zone. Such was the case when he had been traveling from Hippo Tang Cove to Ankyra Sound.

"Φυσικά,"[1] Spyridon replied, taking a step back from the sandy bank of the small pool. It was just big enough that the both of them could have stood nose-to-tail and reached from one end to the other, but he didn't wish to crowd his brother. The Epivitoras shifted into a sit and observed Pan with interest.

[1]: Of course.

RE: Day or Night - Pantaleimon - March 25, 2015

When Spyridon took distance from the small pool, Pantaleimon silently walked past him and into the water. Pantaleimon stepped further into the water while the fish fled away from her, and then halted, waiting in silence. Pan patiently waited, and after a while of waiting in utmost silence, the fish started to return. Pantaleimon liked fishing this way, because she would have tranquility, if only for a little while, while she waited in the water for the fish to return. If she was not tranquil, the fish would not return, after all.

Pantaleimon suddenly snapped forward into the water, and managed to grab a fish. It wasn't as big as the ones that Spyridon had caught, but a fish nevertheless. With a thin smile on her face, Pantaleimon waded out of the water and flung the wildly thrashing fish onto the bank, where it thrashed for a little while before falling dead silent. Pantaleimon was not unhappy with the catch; it had been a while since Pan had fished, due to her travels to Ankyra Sound.

For a little while longer, the two wolves continued to fish, Pantaleimon taking lesson from Spyridon's teachings and recovering her skills in fishing, before each of them went their separate ways again.