Wolf RPG
Waiting is Boring [WWG] - Printable Version

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Waiting is Boring [WWG] - Riko - February 17, 2015

It had been more than a month since Runt had brought her here. Riko wasn't objecting to staying in White Water Gorge, but it seemed as if it were taking forever to get the pack started! Not to mention she still hadn't met the to-be Alpha yet. But even if that had to be done, Riko didn't feel like seeking her out. No. If the Alpha wanted to meet her future subordinates she could come to her. Riko could live here without knowing the Alpha with no problem... At least in her mind.

There were other things Riko did do, even if she was sparse in social settings. Hunting was one of those things. Even if she was pretty stupid, her athleticness made up for it. First and foremost she hunted for herself, but anything extra went towards the (future) pack.

RE: Waiting is Boring [WWG] - Mara - February 22, 2015

Even though the wolves had been living in the gorge for about a month now, Mara still found herself without knowledge of all her soon to be pack mates. With the intent of meeting each and everyone, she dropped what she was doing and headed of in search of the scent of one she hadn't met. Runt had mentioned a wolf name Riko who she had brought into the gorge, and since she seemed to be the only wolf in the gorge the soon-to-be alpha hadn't met, she searched for her scent.

It didn't take long to find it and once she did, she followed it until she came across the wolfess. She barked a hello and padded closer to the she-wolf, a smile on her face. "Hi, I don't think we've met before. I'm Mara." she introduced her self.

RE: Waiting is Boring [WWG] - Riko - February 27, 2015

Coincidentally, the Alpha did show up. Even if Riko didn't like doing it, she knew how to show proper respect, and so her ears slid back while she made sure he tail stayed low. "I'm Riko." She responded, actually taking it upon herself to say her name without being asked. She usually just went with the flow when she didn't have a goal, such as now. The flow had brought her here, so she would make an effort (a very small one) to stay here. However, that didn't change the majority of her dullness.

Riko allowed a silence to envelope them, forcing Mara to make the next move. Riko wouldn't refuse to answer any questions, but she also wouldn't just blurt anything out unless asked.