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Call of the waves - Printable Version

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Call of the waves - Phantom - February 18, 2015

Phantom was, once again, at the sea, staring into it's hypnotizing waves. The was thankful to Mother Sea to leading her to this pack, which was so similar to her own back to when she had been part of Sunrise Coast. But also, with her thanks came the same prayer to the Sea, the plead to be reunited with voice. She closed her eyes, the crashing of the waves and the fading day adding to her tiredness. She stepped closer, the frigid waves washing over her paws, as she finished her prayers.

She stayed there, even after she had finished, simply reveling in the peace and calm after the hectic day plotting and hunting and doing everything she could to please her queen. Phantom desperately wanted to prove her worth, and hoped that one day, despite her lack of voice and song to become an Adept, perhaps even a High Priestess. But her dream was far fetched, but never less worked as hard as she could every day. it was her way, to pledge herself to something, and do all she could for it's cause. Now, it was Ankyra Sound, and she desperately hoped it stayed that way.

As she gazed out to the waves, a large wave brought in a mat of seaweed and grit. She gazed at it for a moment, before something compelled her to rise and walk on over to it. She prodded it with a claw, wondering what about it had drawn her toward it. suddenly, the mat fell apart, and like a pearl in an oyster shell, there lay a crab. Phantoms eyes grew wide as she stared at it, for it was huge, and pure white. Carefully, she picked it up and trotted along the beach, searching for @Caiaphas. This crab could mean something, it could be a sign. For what, however, she did not know.

The siren queens scent was here, and Phantom dearly hoped that she herself was still here. Between her teeth, the crab squirmed.

Note from Peregrine: I increased your text size from 12 to 16 because it was difficult to read.

RE: Call of the waves - Caiaphas - March 02, 2015

o.o when did you tag me this in? on the 18th? i had no idea sorry!! want to bump this up to last night (before they go to DFG?)

along the strand the ruins of some sea-bound wreck had been coughed forth -- dessicated coral here, the long length of rotted kelp-rope there. caiaphas had spent more time rummaging through the marine's regurgitation than she cared to admit. often, her search rewarded her with a meal -- and sometimes, curiosities of the sea-deep's world were revealed to her.

she spotted phantom along the shore, though her attention sharpened when she saw the pale ghost strode with a purpose. between her jaws something was held -- caiaphas squinted in the pale sun as she tried to discern from this distance what the thing was. it was not until phantom drew near that caiaphas saw it was an oddity indeed -- a striking white crab of the likes she had never seen.

RE: Call of the waves - Phantom - March 02, 2015

Phantom approached the siren queen carefully, laying the crab at her paws. She looked up at Caiaphas wonderingly, hoping she might be able to interpret the omen, if that was what it was. The crab, still alive, instead of scuttling away lay still, it's claws opening and closing slowly. She pointed at the sea, then to the crab, and shrugged. Did it mean anything?