Wolf RPG
Rising Sun Valley Things you can't outrun - Printable Version

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Things you can't outrun - Scarlett - February 19, 2015

Scarlett was currently chasing after a big horn sheep on her own. She knew there was some danger in it but this one seemed to be limping. Scarlett had been living of vole and rabbits the past few days. Her hunger was driving her after bigger game on her own. She knew that being alone was difficult but now she also had an injured youngster to take care of. Scarlett had to feed two mouths. Today was not her lucky day. She was tired from her hazy sleep last night and she had been spotted to early. The gamekeeper wondered what this prey was doing so low into the valley, she thought it was meant to be, Scarlett would need to hunt it.

The sheep kicked and Scarlett had to dodge in order to stay free of injury. She lost speed and the prey ran away from her clutches. Well now she felt like even more of a failure. Her heavy panting filled her air. She slowed down into a trot and eventually in a walk. Her red eyes watched the pray run off. Her dry mouth forced her to find a stream to quench her thirst. The snow that was currently melting fast wasn't helping her case. Now some snow would have been nice. Maybe tomorrow she would have better luck...

RE: Things you can't outrun - Outcry - February 19, 2015

Ever since the encounter with the wolf at the mountain, Outcry as been putting as much distance between them as possible. That wolf was to much like all those that hated her, and her hostility toward the young wolfess was not helping. She had decided to start drinking again, and had found a stream that would cure her thirst. The young wolfess's dry mouth gladly accepted the cool and refreshing water, and she felt alive once again.

However when Outcry's gaze fell upon another wolf she tucked her tail between her legs, flattened her ears, and lowered her body completely. She did not want to come in contact with another wolf that could break her down, or remind her of the terrible past she has. This wolfess was white and didn't seem very frightening, but when she saw her blood red eyes, the young female flinched backwards. She had no idea tha Scarlett was an albino, but instead took her as a monster.

RE: Things you can't outrun - Scarlett - February 19, 2015

Way to go, thinking she is a monster. Don't tell her, Scarlett might cry :P

The pale female eagerly drank from the stream to only realize moments later that she wasn't alone at this stream. Her ears perked up and she glanced at the brown female across from her. Scarlett's head tipped a bit as she took in the brown female's stance. She looked frightened. Oh figures. Scarlett quickly shook it off. There could be many reasons why this female was timid. It didn't' mean that her looks were that scary maybe something else happened. "Hello," Scarlett greeted. The light female then stepped forward.

"Oh no, don't be scared. I am not a wolf to hurt someone," she spoke, which might not be smart. What if this wolf was just faking it and would attack her when she showed kindness. Scarlett was so uncertain after what happened at the glacier.

RE: Things you can't outrun - Outcry - February 19, 2015

I'll make sure Outcry says nothing about the monster part ;)

When the pale wolfess noticed a Outcry she backed away, and was about to leave when the stranger spoke. It was a polite hello, and didn't seem like he pale wolfess was being aggressive in anyway, but Outcry still kept herself lowered. That was until she heard that this wolf doesn't hurt others, and hopefully she was telling the truth.

It then became clear to Outcry how pathetic she must look, if the stranger could tell she was frightened. The young wolfess stood a little taller, and let her tail drop to a relaxed position, but kept her ears flat against her head. "I'm sorry, I don't want to cause any trouble" Outcry stated, wanting to make it very clear that she meant no harm. The brown wolfess kept her gaze on the winter ground, but would look into those blood red eyes ever so often.

It was then Outcry noticed two things about this female that reminded her of her home. White and red, mixing together. It was blood and snow mixing together as Outcry's only friend was torn apart. Now the same colors appeared on this female. Red and white. Blood colored eyes, and white as snow fur, and the horrible memory of Outcry's friend appeared once again in the young wolfess's mind.

RE: Things you can't outrun - Scarlett - February 19, 2015

Poor Outcry <3

The white female studied the other in front of her with curiosity. She reminded Scarlett of how she was when she encountered Malachi, so submissive and scared. She had been bullied by her family her whole life for her looks, being called a monster on a daily basis. But ever since she got here, Scarlett had grown into a more confident female. She was talking up and realized where her talents lay. She was doing better. "And I believe you weren't? This is neutral territory, this steam is just as much yours as it is mine, right?," she offered on a kind tone. Her tail gave a friendly sway.

Scarlett sat down, keeping the small stream between them. "I'm Scarlett," she introduced. Her nose registered that there were no familiar scents in her fur. Maybe she was alone like Scarlett was. In Scarlett's fur was now only the scent of Adlartok and Kove. They weren't a pack yet. But hopefully they would, soon. She liked the idea Kove had. They would start their own pack. They tight group that would be each other's family. Protect one another and respect their beliefs. "Do you have a pack to return too?"

RE: Things you can't outrun - Outcry - February 20, 2015

When the pale female said that this was neutral territory, Outcry let out a sigh of relief. The young wolfess didn't want to get in trouble with another pack again. She had been keeping quiet and away from all packs, so when Outcry came across the pale girl, she thought she ran into another territory. It was then the brown wolfess learned the pale female's name is Scarlett, and the young wolfess took it as a chance to introduce herself. "I'm Outcry" she said a little to quiet.

The question Scarlett asked was no an easy one to explain for the young wolfess. What was she suppose to tell her, well i was kicked out of my former pack because everyone hates me, and then I tried to kill myself, so no, I have no pack. Outcry decided to keep it simple for now, but if the pale female asked more about her family the brown wolfess would have no problem telling her the truth. Outcry always thought talking about your problems helped, so perhaps talking to this female about her past will save her. "I have no pack, friends, or family to return to" she whispered, talking more to herself than the pale female in front of her.

RE: Things you can't outrun - Scarlett - February 20, 2015

Scarlett watched the timid female and bobbed her head gently. She almost didn't catch her name but luckily she got the gist of it. "Outcry?," she spoke. "Nice to meet you." The light colored wolf wondered what happened to the female that made her so timid. It could be that it was just her nature but it could also be in flicked in other wolves. A soft smile tugged on her lips when the female spoke about not having a home. "I don't have one either at the moment," she spoke softly in return. Her red eyes fell on the girl. "I got kicked out my last pack. And the one before I ran away from because my family bullied me. But... All will be better now. My M--Boyfriend suggested that we could start our own pack."

Scarlett's kind eyes stayed on the chocolate female. She didn't look bad, just a wolf that needed a boost of confidence and some steady friendships to get her out of her shell. "If you want I could off your friendship and a new home, surely I am just a stranger now, but we can change that if you like," Scarlett offered with a gentle voice.

RE: Things you can't outrun - Outcry - February 22, 2015

Scarlett seemed nice, and Outcry was grateful to have met her. It was when Scarlett explained a bit of her past the Outcry had become fully interested in the pale female. From what Scarlett said, she to as been bullied, and kicked out of her pack, finally someone Outcry can relate to. "I was kicked from my former pack because I wasn't bloody, and cruel enough for them. They would bully me because I was kind and because my fur was brown and not black" she said and looked into those blood red eyes for any reaction.

When the pale wolfess spoke about creating a pack with her boyfriend, the brown wolfess's tail swayed back and forth. A new pack, means a new chance, and possibly a new family. "If your asking me to join your pack, then I would be honored" Outcry spoke happily and gave Scarlett a really stupid looking smile. This could be the brown wolfess's chance, a chance to finally be loved.

RE: Things you can't outrun - Scarlett - February 22, 2015

Scarlett instantly felt compassion for the other female. It seems they had the same background. She had been going through the same. "I know what you feel, horrible. I never wish to have that happen to anyone. It really takes a chunk out of your confidence. I am lucky I have my boyfriend, soon to be mate. He helps," the red eyed female admitted. She liked that Kove was always there to cheer her up.

A gentle smile turned on her lips. "We do need some new wolves. I would be pleased if I could give you a home. We are still looking for a place to settle but we hope to set it up soon." Scarlett always grew a bit more excited when she thought about her pack coming together. "Maybe a new family will make you feel valued. Anything you like to do?"

RE: Things you can't outrun - Outcry - February 23, 2015

Outcry listened as Scarlett explained how she is lucky to have a soon to be mate, and the young wolfess hopes one day she too will find a mate. When the pale wolfess asked Outcry what her interest are, the brown female smiled, happy that someone actually cares what she likes. "A new family sounds amazing" she said and gave a quick nod of her head to say thank you.

"As for my interest, well... my mom, I mean my friend, taught me about herbs, and she was always going about keeping the peace" the young wolfess explained. "So I would probably pursue the healer and counselor trades, and since I would be a founding member, I could also pursue the chronicler trade." The brown wolfess watched to see what Scarlett thought of the ideas, and prayed her answers were good enough to be accepted.

RE: Things you can't outrun - Scarlett - February 23, 2015

Scarlett liked that she made the girl smile. She seemed really nice and a type of wolf Scarlett could be great friends with. Her red eyes stayed politely on Outcry without being too dominant. "I am also excited for this new family," she hummed. Scarlett listened to her ambitions. A healer would be good. She didn't pursue the healing trade or any of the trades she wanted to pursue. She instantly approved of the girl's choices.

"Oh a healer would be super useful! I am a caretaker so if you know about healing I could help you out with taking care of the sickly," she spoke with excitement in her bark. "A counselor would also be good, and a chronicler too. Once we have pups or new members it would be great if someone could tell stories! Well I hereby welcome you to the pack Outcry. Keep your ears out for my howl!"

RE: Things you can't outrun - Outcry - February 25, 2015

Last post from me!

Outcry's smile grew as it seemed Scarlett was pleased by her trade choices. The brown wolfess couldn't imagine actually having a pack that cared about her. It was her dream to finally belong somewhere. The young wolfess nodded her head as Scarlett said to listen for her howl. "I will" she said with a smile and turned to walk away, as it seemed the two had nothing else to talk about.

"If you need any help just let me know" she said. Scarlett was going to provide her with a home, a new start, and hopefully a friendship, the least Outcry could do was lend a little help. With another nod of her head, the brown female walked away with a smile on her face. Yes, everything was going to be ok she thought.

RE: Things you can't outrun - Scarlett - February 25, 2015

Alright I will archive it! Welcome <3

Scarlett hummed softly when she seemed to make the female so happy. They would have great team if they combined their trades. Scarlett felt lucky to find a wolf who wanted to be a healer. Not every wolf liked to be one. The lighter one looked when the female got up to walk away.

"I will. Thank you for offering. See you soon!," The albino returned. Scarlett wagged her tail, pleased that they had another new member for their pack. She hoped she could provide Outcry a great family.