Wolf RPG
Kintla Flatlands A Shadow Awakens - Printable Version

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A Shadow Awakens - Lacinia - February 21, 2015

Of course he would ditch her. It shouldn't have been a surprise but it was. She finally remembered her parents and she actually wanted to talk to him about it. Even though most of her memories are still missing it was great to remember the wolves who rised her. But she also remembered that they've been killed by a different pack, that was the end of what she remembered. Because he left, her sadness was quickly turned into anger. It was clear that he would rather take his chances with that other female. There was no way she would forgive him for this, leaving her without telling where he was going. She had many negative feelings, sadness, anger, loneliness, and of course betrayed.

She decided to search for him wondering how she would punish him this time. A quick hit won't due, A voice in her head suggested paralyzing him and then jab at specific areas with her claw. Surely it would teach him to leave her behind. But at the same time she wanted to play with him a little. She was a bit used to his reaction, there was always a bit of fun in it. That was really the only reason she hasn't decided on killing him, even if the voice in her head keeps suggesting because it would make these negative feelings go away.

Lacinia moved carefully, she did not know the lands but she did know her way back. She didn't find any traces of the male she wanted to find. Did he go this way? She was feeling frustrated but the walk had calmed her down. She decided to take a small break and laid down on some grass. It was chilly but atleast there wasn't that much snow around. She looked around, seeming innocent and lost but really she was just thinking. Trying to remember more about her past.

RE: A Shadow Awakens - Meldresi - February 21, 2015

The warm months were ahead. While snow was constantly dumped upon the Wilds, Meldresi knew enough of the natural world to determine that this frozen wasteland would sure melt away. She was no groundhog however. It could be two weeks, three, a month away. But it was coming.

Intrigued by the prospect of the new plants rising from the frozen ground, Meldresi left Blackfeather and her children, certain that they would be safe within the darkness. The flatlands were no longer blanketed in snow, instead, there were periodic openings where grass and turf were revealed. It was in those patches that she looked for any sign of life.

She did find it, but not in a tiny bud in the ground. Instead, it was a full grown, black female, laying in the grass. Meldresi strode closer, but paused as the wind gently swept the loner's scent towards the queen. It was familiar, to say the least. She remembered the scent, from nearby her lands. Kove's was mingled with it, something that intrigued the priestess. Was she another lover of his? Was Kove not the gentleman she thought? Smirking slightly at the thought of a scandal, Meldresi approached the woman, chuffing softly to grab her attention.

RE: A Shadow Awakens - Lacinia - February 22, 2015

Nothing was coming to mind as she thought. Why was it so difficult to remember events that happend to her. Memories were coming at random, leaving holes and question for her. It was frustrating not being able to get answers, no one knew who she really was. Her own name was still a mystery. The only one she has was the one Kove had given her: 'Aklaq' but the name never really did settle for her, still it was better than nothing.

Her ears twitched at a sudden sound. Turning to see the source the creature happen to look like a wolf she remembered call Nexi. It took a moment, she wasn't sure if it was possible. "Nexi?" She said. In a couple more moments she realised that they don't share the same eye color. "No, that's not even possible. Nexi is dead.." She said as she turned away.

Lacinia wasn't interested in meeting a stranger but that all changed once the scent reminded her of Kove. Although the wolf may not know anything about her, it did turn out that it likely knows Kove. She sprung to her feet now standing before the female. Then she asked "Kove? You do know him right? Do you have any idea where he went?" Her voice may have sounded a bit desperate but she was angry with him and she really wanted to punish him for abandoning her. She just couldn't do so if he wasn't around to receive her punishment which continued to frustrate her, up to the point where she starting walking around in circles, unable to keep still while she made her frustrated growls.

RE: A Shadow Awakens - Meldresi - February 23, 2015

Meldresi's eyebrows raised quizzically, as the loner mistook her for another she-wolf. She kept it aside, since the woman said that 'Nexi' was dead. But the way the black female talked suggested memory loss. Or at least some kind of memory lapse. That was most likely true. She had seen that in many wolves who had suffered amnesia. Cases of mistaken identity were common in those poor wolves.

She smirked at the loner, though her words were meant to be less friendly than her face intended. "I do, but why should I tell you about him? And how do you know him, my dear?"

RE: A Shadow Awakens - Lacinia - February 24, 2015

Lacinia calmed down a bit before she answered. "Well he was helping me out, he wanted to help me recover my memories. But after a while he decides to just leave me behind. So he must be punished for that! You don't just abandon someone without saying anything!" She said.

Then she returned to being frustrated in place. She couldn't understand what went on in his head when he decided to leave. The female before her should understand why Lacinia needed to find Kove. To punish him of course, that was the right thing to do to someone like him.