Wolf RPG
a hollow wooden door - Printable Version

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a hollow wooden door - JB4 - February 21, 2015

Transit thread. Open to anyone that can be quick!

After numerous interactions with the wolves of the plateau, Anselm saw his efforts being in vain. He was chased off far too frequently; no amount of food was worth that much trouble. So, he set about returning north. First finding a route back to the ridgelands, then tracing a path through the trees, until finally departing their shadows. To his left was the coast, to his right, the mountains. With high hopes for the cliffs and hills of the mountainside, Anselm chose to head east - out in to the plains. By midday he had hiked quite a ways, but there was nothing of great interest thus far. If he had known how to track game, then he'd have been more aware of the nearby herd of elk which had taken up residence just north of the mountains - but alas, he wasn't so skillful.

RE: a hollow wooden door - Donna - February 22, 2015

The small sturdy female never really settled before. She wasn't used to the big packs they had here. Donna had only known her family as a pack and she couldn't even stick with them. After two years of being a lone wolf it was almost a routine for her. She would be able to live peacefully with the deer if she settled in one place long enough. But she never did. Her golden eyes studied her surroundings. She watched the flock of deer with interest. Donna didn't see them as prey since they were simply to big for her alone.

Eventually something startled the flock which made the female want to scout for the thing that startled them. Maybe another wolf. Donna wouldn't mind some social interaction. Her nose was quick to find a dark specimen. "Greetings."

RE: a hollow wooden door - JB4 - February 24, 2015

To the north of his position there was a stand of red-tinged trees, but Anselm did not head that way; or if he did, he was unaware. His ambling steps brought him alongside the hills leading south in to the adjacent mountains, and, as he came to realize a moment later, in to the company of a stranger. Her greeting was not startling, for Anselm spotted her as he marched, but the friendliness did. He paused, lifting his head and snout so as to sniff at the wind - curious of her, but also wary, due to previous dealings with strangers. She held no mark of the plateau pack or any other. Another rogue, then. "Hello." He finally slurred.

RE: a hollow wooden door - Donna - February 24, 2015

Donna's golden eyes looked skeptically over the darker individual wondering how he would react to a more dramatic version of her. He probably wouldn't be fond of it. Or at least, Donna wasn't sure if this male was going to be 'fun'. He looked so serious. Her tail let out a wag. Her small and sturdy body stood confidently across from the male. "You give me so much conversation material I don't know where to start," she returned sarcastically. Though it wasn't a mean comment, it was more.. playful.

The golden eyed curl stepped closer to him, making no qualms of been subtile. She sniffed him out. "You're alone like me, I sniff."

RE: a hollow wooden door - JB4 - February 25, 2015

"I was alone, he corrected swiftly, "and no, I don't feel like having a conversation right now." That was blunt, and perhaps a bit rude, but it was the truth. Anselm had no interest in this woman; she was an obstacle in his wanderings, one which he would soon overcome. Nothing against her of course - she was just a bystander to his sour mood and hunger. She showed no signs of leaving him alone, though, and was actually quite close; too close. "Do you want something?"

RE: a hollow wooden door - Donna - February 26, 2015

Donna's ears instantly fell back. "Rude," she instantly returned, her tail rose and her head turned away. She felt offended by the male. Donna was amazing, she thought so herself and for this male to turn her awesomeness away was not what she expected. Frankly the female only wanted a conversation. Wolves around this area weren't very nice. She had been a lone wolf for two years now and sometimes one craved for some social contact. The multicolored female snorted.

"Yeah, there is something I want. But why should I share it with you. And there I had such an important message for you. But fine. Be an asshole." The golden eyed girl sat down and looked at him directly.

RE: a hollow wooden door - JB4 - February 26, 2015

She was right, he was being rude. It wasn't particularly fair either, this rudeness. Her reaction made him rethink things - and while Anselm wanted to be on his way, he chose instead to linger, like a child being made to listen to a geriatric relative or Java's father when he goes on and on and on about how to tie a fishing lure but nobody really cares because oh my god please just stop. He rolled his eyes a bit, adjusted his posture, and gave a little sigh.

"I doubt that." He slurred as a response, finding the very idea ridiculous. But, to humor her, and as an act of apology - along with the subtle lowering of his posture. "But, alright, I'll bite. What message?"

Aside from 'get lost', that is.

RE: a hollow wooden door - Donna - February 27, 2015

Donna looked at the dark male with her golden eyes. Slowly her mouth curled into a pleased smile when the male changed his mind. He wanted to hear what she wanted to tell him. Now she needed to make up her mind quickly what to tell him. She might share some gossip with him she picked up along the way. Unfortunately she wasn't in a pack. Maybe something about the new pack she heard about. She might join herself if she wasn't such a loner. "Since you are so lonely and bitter; I overheard a red eyed female talk about a new pack she was starting."

It was not really a message particularly for him but it would do. Donna found that she was very friendly in mentioning this news item. She often wondered what it would be like in a pack.

RE: a hollow wooden door - JB4 - February 27, 2015

Finish & archive with your post!

That.... that was it? I heard a rumor? Not pleased by her subtle manipulation, nor the message carried, Anselm huffed. He briskly began to march, scowling softly as he retreated from her presence - and towards the east, where this wolf may or may not have been lurking. But as he passed the boy mumbled, "Oh good, gossip. That was worth the wait, thanks so much."

A wolf with red eyes, though? That sounded ominous. And, well, unreal actually. Anselm had never seen a wolf with eyes the color of blood before; would he want to? What if it was some kind of demon? What if its eyes were red because of some sort of hex someone had placed upon it? Could eyes turn red with the more blood a person sees? OKay, stop, this is ridiculous. He thought bitterly, curtailing his racing mind with a quick little shake.

Without another word to the stranger, Anselm parted from her company (hopefully for good).

RE: a hollow wooden door - Donna - February 27, 2015

Alright! :)

The lone she-wolf looked at him with a light shrug. It was payback for him being rude. The golden eyed girl watched the male's mind rattle. She wouldn't have believed it herself if she hadn't been spying on the female with the red eyes. Soon she was bored by her. The red eyed female didn't do anything interesting. Donna turned her muzzle away when another wolf just walked away from her. Well, every wolf she encountered wasn't very friendly. Great.

The girl grumpily moved into another direction. Donna wasn't thinking that it might be her. She was amazing after all. So perfect and hilariously awesome. This male just sucked. She couldn't help that he was a jerk.