Wolf RPG
Rising Sun Valley Sunday Morning - Printable Version

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Sunday Morning - Scarlett - February 22, 2015

Next to Wapun Meadow! @Vega
Edit; Also tagging @Anselm since it has been 5 days now!

Scarlett was starting to realize that the winter was coming to a close. The snow had melted causing small streams to appear since the ground couldn't absorbed more water. It seems logical after most of the snow had been absorbed. It would make a great start for spring, giving the ground the water it needed. Scarlett liked winter since it helped with her hunting, but she preferred the summer. Her thick winter coat was slowly starting to shed for a nice glossy summer coat. It would take a few weeks at least. That reminded Scarlett to look for Keyx, the owl who wanted her shedding fur for his nest.

The albino trotted to higher grounds, she always preferred a look out point. Now she was a lone wolf she had plenty of time to work on her mapping and geography of the rising sun valley. Scarlett was certain that Adlartok was safe and fed in their den. In a few days she would gather all the other wolves and band together in becoming a new family. Scarlett was growing more eager each day since she longed for the safety of a pack.

RE: Sunday Morning - JB4 - February 27, 2015

He had bypassed the river when he came to it; more interested in the way the water fell from the mountainside than the pack which he so clearly scented. It took some doing, but eventually Anselm made his way across - there were a few close calls as he stumbled along the moss-thick stones further upstream, but a narrowing of the river gave him what he wanted. Night fell and he kept on wandering, until the sight of a distant forest made him raise his brows and change direction.

Anselm found himself in a field, exposed for the world to see, when he spotted her. The pale creature was facing away from him, and initially he thought avoidance would be a good idea. But he was also tired, and... Knowing how poorly he had treated his last run-in, Anselm decided he would do better this time around. As he moseyed through the meadow, the stranger's path headed towards a rise in the earth; back towards the southwestern mountains. He paused, thinking that perhaps he had intruded upon some important task - maybe she was a pack wolf? - and was left standing amid the snow with a look of concern upon his tired face.

RE: Sunday Morning - Scarlett - February 27, 2015

The light colored female stopped when she reached higher grounds. Scarlett turned around and looked over the grounds below. It didn't take long before she spotted the darker wolf in the midst of the fields. Her ears picked up in curiosity. Was he a loner? He might be willing to join her pack. The red eyed female would scout for the weather later on. Now she moved her body down the hill again towards the male. Her tail was in neutral stance as she approached him. She stopped at a respectful distance where her tail let out a friendly wag. "Hello," she greeted.

The half albino glanced over the male and let her nose do her job. None of the surrounding packs she knew of were on his fur. The wolf looked tired, but she didn't want to assume anything. That might be rude. "Are you from these lands?," she asked kindly. If this male was planning on climbing the mountain ridge it could be rather dangerous if you weren't sure footed. And Scarlett thought there might be some rain later on. Her red eyes glanced up at the sky for any signs.

RE: Sunday Morning - JB4 - March 04, 2015

Sorry for the delay. Been feeling under the weather.

Her question set him straight - she was no pack wolf, but a wanderer just like himself. It was now that he chose to stride away, to ignore her question and keep on moving, but... Her eyes. That brief glance gave him a look, and he was reminded of the stranger from before. Anselm paused for a moment, stupefied (by the fact a wolf could have red eyes as well as the confirmation of a stranger wandering these parts), and then turned back to regard the girl.

"I heard.. You were making a pack around here. Or something." He grumbled lowly, sounding almost annoyed that she would do such a thing; but really, he wasn't placing any irritation upon her. Anselm was just a bit confused, and groggy from his exhaustion. Like a surly old man. "My name is Anselm. I've been traveling for..." He couldn't remember how long, so that line went stale. "A while. It'd be nice to have a place to rest."

But what was he doing? This was a total stranger - just because some wandering dame told him there was a possible home this way didn't mean there was. Plus, he had run off from his natal pack specifically to avoid the responsibilities of rank; Anselm still did not want those things for himself. Maybe this was just his exhaustion getting the better of him.

RE: Sunday Morning - Scarlett - March 05, 2015

I hope you feel better <3]

Scarlett kept her red eyes on the male. She was slowly getting over the fact that they weren't as scary and monster like as her family made her out to be. Her ears perked up in surprise when the male spoke about hearing about her pack. So the news was spreading how wonderful!!! "Yes I am! I am Scarlett and I will start a pack with my boyfriend Kove." The female wagged her tail in kindness and grinned happily.

"Of course you are welcome to have you future home with us. We gouda a great valley that only has one entrance, not much other wolves trespassing. So much peace and quiet," she explained. She wasn't sure if that was what the male wanted. Scarlett calmed down more. "It depends on what you want." Scarlett was excited to start her pack. The grounds were perfect for her. She liked how secluded it was.

RE: Sunday Morning - JB4 - March 05, 2015

Thoughts of the girl being some kind of demon swiftly evaporated. As soon as he mentioned the potential pack, she was brimming with excitement; her effervescence was mildly contagious, for Anselm could not help but chuckle lightly at her, which made him feel awkward all over again. His tail whisked the air behind him once, but as soon as he composed himself - still unsure of this entire thing - he was intent to listen. Had he passed through a valley on his way here? Not that he could recall. Well, except that the wilds were sort of a.. Massive valley themselves.

"What I want?" He regurgitated, finding the very idea quite strange. What could he possibly want aside from a break? He'd been wandering around for weeks now, and on more than one occasion thought about returning back home - even if it meant to lead a pack he was not invested in. These thoughts darkened his mood somewhat, and for a brief moment the boy frowned; but then the expression vanished, and he looked utterly impassive. "Peace and quiet sounds.. Good." He nodded as he spoke, slow and thoughtful. "Wandering has its own kind of peace, I guess. But it would be far nicer to have a home base." Rather than hoping you can survive the night.

RE: Sunday Morning - Scarlett - March 06, 2015

Scarlett looked at the dark male and tipped her head a bit. "Well maybe you don't like lands who are more isolated than a forest," she returned. "Then this won't be the pack for you. But since you want rest Bearclaw Valley can provide that." Scarlett nodded slowly. She knew what the male meant. She was a pack animal by heart. She hated to be this lone wolf. Scarlett had a youngster to take care of and every time she wasn't with him she worried what stranger might sniff him out and kill the weakling in the process. The female shuddered.

"Whatever you feel is right for you... Only you know that. You are very welcome to join the pack. It will give you a home instantly since we are in the finalizing of the process." Scarlett spoke in a kind yet clean tone. Her tail was in a neutral stance. Her red eyes glanced over the male. He would be a good asset if he was willing to work for the pack.

RE: Sunday Morning - JB4 - March 07, 2015

Wanna spree this out to 10?

He realized as she spoke that, while the idea of a pack was promising, he knew nothing about her or her followers. The land may have been calm and quiet, but that didn't mean her group was - they might have been keen on peace, or they might have been using that as a lure. A group of wolves settling anywhere was bound to stir up some drama, as that was the way of things. Still, Anselm was hopeful. He nodded as she finished speaking, not really catching the tail end of her words until they had faded to silence. Almost done forming? So he would be one of the final pieces to the puzzle.

"What can you tell me about your fellow wolves?" He asked rather boldly, eager for information about these potential allies. Anselm wasn't about to throw himself in with a rag-tag group of strangers; even if it meant a safe haven for himself, and some warm food for his belly. "I come from a small kingdom outside of these wilds, myself. My tutelage was strictly diplomatic and social, and while I can hunt to feed myself -" There was a brief look of doubt upon his face as he continued, "- I would need further training to hunt in a group. There were always others to do that job." Or to protect. He was no protector, despite being fit and young and likely built for such a role.

With that said, Anselm fell silent and regarded the red-eyed girl with a mixture of caution and curiosity; what sort of beasts lurked alongside her? And would his skills - limited though they sounded, to him - be of any use?

RE: Sunday Morning - Scarlett - March 07, 2015

Yes definitely!

Scarlett could imagine that the male wanted to know more about the wolves in her pack. Frankly she was surprised the others didn't. They had been rather eager to have a home instead of checking first it would be a good fit. "I can. You have me and my boyfriend Kove. He is a warden, very loyal to his pack and likes to do good in general. I have the trades, gamekeeper, caretaker and naturalist. The other wolves joining our pack are Adlartok, he is an injured youngster under my care. He was attacked by a packmate of our previous pack. Also the reason why we left. He can be a bit distrusting because of that, be gentle with him. Then we have Outcry and Rhythm. Two ladies who are very nice. Rhthym is energetic and kind. Outcry is timid and shy but has a very good heart and wants to be a healer. Then we have Raziel. He is a strong warrior but always gallant and respectful towards me and Kove. He is basically my big brother. Last but not least we have Carter, he seemed eager to join and wants to fill a place in this pack," Scarlett explained.

Her ears moved on her head and then smiled kindly. "Like I said. I am a gamekeeper, we will go on a lot of pack hunts to get you into the teamwork spirit! But you don't have to. Others might be interested in that trade maybe you like to pursue something else," she returned. Now Scarlett was thinking about it. Out of all the new members it was probably Adlartok who was going to cause the most trouble. "Oh and! There is a black bear in our future territory named Arthur. He is very lazy and is okay with us being there as long as you don't take his berries or disturb his naps."

RE: Sunday Morning - JB4 - March 07, 2015

As she listed off each individual, Anselm was mindful enough to piece together bits of important information for later: Kove, boyfriend, likely Alpha; Adlartok, young male; Outcry, Rhythm, females but otherwise opposites; Carter, warrior-type. He would no doubt be meeting these wolves in the near future, and thus it became imperative that he remember these key facts. Out of all the things Scarlett could have told him about these beings, she chose those words - that was important. As the boy began to wonder about what his future pack mates looked like (as a warrior would be strong in build, while the meek Rhythm was likely petite) Anselm realized just what he was concentrating on. Meeting them. Getting to know them. Clearly some piece of the boy had decided on the next course of action, and he was rather surprised by this.

The most important fact that Scarlett shared came next - as she mentioned a bear, Anselm's ears flicked back against his head in a brief show of apprehension; his eyes narrowed sharply with the knowledge. "Do you think it wise to allow a bear to live with you? Even if it promises peace, it is hardly a beast worth trusting. Especially if you plan on having children in the future, as is the purpose of the pack." He was genuinely curious, and wished to asked these questions as plainly, as monotone, as he could. There was no avoiding the slight surprise in his tone, though. "Bears are especially dangerous when they have their own young. You are sure that your wolves are safe?"

RE: Sunday Morning - Scarlett - March 07, 2015

Scarlett was certain she had everyone. She went past all the members in her mind and realized she had. The red eyed female sat down. She could see the male's worries since it had been her own before meeting Arthur herself. It also helped that Kove had assured her about his bear too. Thinking of her own future young was her main thought when thinking about the bear in their territory. "Do not worry. He is a black bear, much more laid back compared to a grizzly. Black bears actually prefer berries and nuts over meat. I actually met him and he was not focussed on us in the slightest, only on having his nap. As a naturalist I like to keep balance to the valley. He seemed like an older bear. I would not want to kick him out of his home. He is part of that little ecosystem. There is only one bear, we throughly checked. And Arthur is a male. He doesn't participate in the upbringing of the cubs he might create," Scarlett returned with the same kindness and calmness in her voice.

"It was a surprise to me too, Anselm. I want safety as a top priority. I would not settle there if I was not sure about this bear roaming on one side of the valley. I was prejudiced but I've turned around. You might not agree with me, but I believe Arthur brings us no harm," She added. Her red eyes stayed on the male to see what his reaction would be. "So will you join Bearclaw Valley or not?," she grinned excitedly. What would the valley be without at least one bear?

RE: Sunday Morning - JB4 - March 07, 2015

He was not completely assured, but she did her best to ease his mind, and that earned her some points. Thus far in the conversation Anselm had picked up on some aspects of Scarlett's personality; or at least, he liked to think himself astute in that regard. She seemed mild-mannered, even sweet, and had been diligent enough to scour the territory for other potential threats. She was smart, but also.. somewhat naive. To think that the bear posed such a little threat might have been foolish, and Anselm thoroughly thought so, even after she vetted the old beast, as she claims. But he was otherwise content with the meeting, and the prospect of a home.

"It was a surprise to me too, Anselm. I want safety as a top priority. I would not settle there if I was not sure about this bear roaming on one side of the valley. I was prejudiced but I've turned around." Prejudiced? What an odd term to use when describing the safety of her soon-to-be family. Anselm's brow furrowed slightly as she spoke, but he was otherwise silent. The natural order of things included such rules as, kill or be killed, or survival of the fittest; there was no room in this world for acts of charity between competing predators. "You might not agree with me, but I believe Arthur brings us no harm," Scarlett's red eyes locked with his own, although not in a challenging manner, and Anselm nodded before he realized what he was doing.

Her invitation hung in the air, plain as day. And after a final moment of thought, his worried expression melted away. Still rather stoic (as he wasn't the type of person to be so enthusiastic over anything), the boy's tail gave a short wag as he responded: "Yes. I'd like the opportunity."

RE: Sunday Morning - Scarlett - March 07, 2015

Thank you &Welcome to the pack <3

Scarlett always liked to give everyone a chance before she would take actions. She realized that she had been doing that for along time. It didn't always help her favor. Scarlett felt like she should give everyone a chance because she was never given a chance by her old pack. She wished for that one time they would have appreciated her. It never happened and it was the reason why she came to Teekon. In her self reflection Scarlett realized that she had grown into somehow more confident instead of being so timid. She liked that. The female watched the nodding man. Her tail started wagging. When she got his answer she smiled.

Scarlett needed to gather herself, her tail was wagging mildly but compared to the stoic face of the other she was a bouncing ball. "I welcome you to the pack. Bearclaw Valley is located next to Wapun Meadow. I will howl within a few days to call everyone together. I hope to see you then," she spoke more officially. Her red eyes glinted. "I need to take care of some last things. Take care. I will see you later," she bid him goodbye with a good natured smile. Scarlett trotted in the direction of Bearclaw Valley. She and Kove would have some last matters to do but then it would be official.

RE: Sunday Morning - JB4 - March 07, 2015


She seemed pleased with him - and while that was something he often avoided back home, Anselm found a strange energy bubbling within his chest. He was pleased that she was pleased. With a few more words of instruction, Scarlett then departed - and Anselm watched her go, drifting off, likely in search of other potential bodies to add to her number. When he was alone, Anselm let out a soft sigh and began marching on. He'd have to figure out where he was going next, and then worry about this pack he had now signed on with. What if it didn't work out? What if these strangers saw a spark of something inside of him (the way his father did, his mother did, and all those others)? Anselm did not want power; he wanted to live his life free of commitment and responsibility - which meant, joining this pack was quite a feat of accomplishment. With such thoughts clouding his mind, he headed off in to the wilderness.