Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek one last turn - Printable Version

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one last turn - Bazi - February 23, 2015

Set a day or so before the move - for @Tomahawk !

Today was her last day as Alpha of Swiftcurrent Creek. Tomorrow, the pack would strike out for Nova Peak - and 'Bazi Swift' would no longer make sense. Bazi knew very well which name she would be replacing it with, and was spending her last day patrolling the outskirts and pondering her proposal. It had to be heartfelt - but not too soppy. Suggest that she was giving herself over to him - but not in a way that demeaned her, or took away from her position as Alpha. They were equals, and he had to know that.

Bazi meandered the farthest reaches of the pack's claim in silence, brows knitted hard over her eyes as she practiced and re-wrote the speech in her head. The fragile winter sun warmed her back, and she could just about hear the Creek's purling swansong in the distance.

RE: one last turn - Tomahawk - February 26, 2015

Tomahawk had spent the first however long (idk what timelines are) unable to believe that she was not in a dream. Or a trick. Around every corner, Hawk expected some pack wolf to boot her out on her ass and tell her to get lost. Or worse, kill her. Tomahawk actually wasn't sure if the latter option would be all that bad. Put an end to the suffering of a girl who had been born the wrong way.

The coyote wolf was slinking along the outermost regions of the pack's (her pack's) claim when she froze, eyes locked on the white form of some wolf who was not Kaskara. Her heart raced, her eyes widened, and she thought she might be having some kind of panic attack as she began to breath abnormally.

RE: one last turn - Bazi - March 08, 2015

Kaskara had told her about the coyote. Bazi hadn't exactly been thrilled, but with numbers dwindling and a long journey ahead, she admitted that having a sly, fleet-footed pest as friend rather than foe was probably a good thing. There was no telling what they would encounter on the way to Nova Peak.

The spotted Tomahawk out of the corner of her eye, and slowed to stare right back into the girl's narrow face. "I know who you are," she called, tail lashing in the air. "Aren't you going to introduce yourself to your Alpha?"

RE: one last turn - Tomahawk - April 07, 2015

Just going to tack on an ending to this because I am lame and taking Tom in a different direction.

Words fell from the white wolf's mouth, but Tomahawk could barely hear them through the ringing that made her feet feel like bendy twigs beneath her. "I—" she choked, unable to respond to the request in any comprehendible manner. "T-t-tomah-hawk." And she knew when she was unwelcome. After her brief, stuttering introduction, Tomahawk fled the scene. Something about this just wasn't right. Maybe Kaskara could help her.

Unfortunately, being unfamiliar with where they were going, Tomahawk would end up getting lost and subsequently captured by a band of ruthless wolves.