Wolf RPG
Wapun Meadow caught in the undertow - Printable Version

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caught in the undertow - Pantaleimon - February 23, 2015

Pantaleimon had travelled far and was weary on her feet, but she knew that she had a little futher to go. The Consort was certain that she was headed in the right direction; she had not yet caught glimpse of the Ocean, but she knew it was near. She felt it.

Since long Pantaleimon had accepted that her fate was a tragic one. From young age, she had known that she was a strong amazon, a Siren; but it was not to be, for she had been born in the wrong body. As a child, she would ask why she was not included into activities like her sisters, she would question her fate, and she would call herself Leia. Time had taught her that just because she thought herself a Siren, the rest of the world did not have to agree.

Time had taught her that she would always be just a Consort to them.

Lost in thoughts and curious if the Sirens of Ankyra Sound were like the ones she had left behind to come here, Pantaleimon travelled through a presently not-very-colourful meadow in the dead of night. She couldn't wait until she'd reach the ocean, so that she could swim in the salty waters and drape her fur with seaweed and beautiful shells, if time and her new pack mates permitted. Presently, her fur was not very salty and looked travel-worn. It would be nice to sleep somewhere safe again soon.

RE: caught in the undertow - Jamie - February 23, 2015

hi! mind if i pop Jamie in?
Jamie was a bit bored. He decided to venture out of the bypass for a walk. A change of scenery would be nice, but it's not that he didn't love the pack's lands. He had been thinking about his friends, and family. Maybe he could visit his family one day. After hearing that Flash and Creyr were going after trades, Jamie was thinking about earning one himself. It was just the problem of picking one that suited him.
Jamie was so distracted in his thoughts, he didn't notice that he had accidentally wandered out of pack territory. He looked up to see a meadow that was usually vibrant at day. Jamie wasn't the one to wander around at night, but here he was anyway in the middle of the night. He sniffed the air, feeling his fur stand on end. There was a scent of a male wolf nearby. Jamie looked around the dark meadow, and when the cloud covering the moonlight passed, he saw clearly a male figure walking at the opposite side of the meadow. The wolf didn't have a strong pack scent on him, so Jamie assumed he was a lone wolf. Jamie have never conversed with any lone wolves before, not even during his travels. It didn't hurt to make a friend outside the pack, right? "Hey there." The thought that this wolf could be dangerous appeared in Jamie's head right when the words were tumbling out of his mouth. He wasn't even sure if the wolf had heard him.

RE: caught in the undertow - Pantaleimon - February 24, 2015

Not at all, thanks for joining. :)

Pantaleimon had not expected to receive company while she travelled through the meadow, so she was a little surprised when she saw a male approach. It was a male, luckily. Pantaleimon smiled a watery, tired smile as the male approached and bent her head a little, keeping a timid, neutral composure that indicated that she was of no threat to the other wolf.

The other wolf seemed of no threat either, as far as Pantaleimon could tell; he had greeted her, and it sounded friendly enough. "Hi," said Pantaleimon, her deep voice sounding gravelly and unused; she had been travelling for a while. Pantaleimon was not sure she would ever get used to the sound of her own masculine voice.

Pantaleimon considered various questions and small talk, such as 'do you live nearby', 'do you know the way to Ankyra Sound', 'this is such a huge field!', or even 'the weather seems fair tonight, doesn't it?'. Even introducing herself and telling the wolf she was on her way to Ankyra Sound near the ocean was an option. Somehow, though, Pantaleimon had never been very good at small talk and so, instead of finding the courage to ask any of these questions, she looked at the ground and remained in awkward silence.

RE: caught in the undertow - Jamie - February 25, 2015

Jamie smiled at the wolf nearby. He didn't seem like a threat. Jamie could chat with his new friend for a while. He walked over calmly and stood next to him, but not too closely. It seemed like the wolf was crossing the meadow, in a quick travelling manner.
"You doing some traveling? The road is rough sometimes, so be careful on your way. My name's Jamie." Jamie interrupted the awkward silence, because he decided that it wouldn't hurt to start up some small talk.
He couldn't really see the other wolf like how he would in daytime, but it was okay. Looking at each other wasn't required for a casual chat, and it was fine with Jamie. Perhaps this wolf preferred being alone in the dark, but Jamie was like the opposite. He hated being alone in the dark and liked being around other wolves in daytime. Jamie wondered where the wolf was planning to go, and what places would he explore. He kinda liked being a lone wolf for a while. No rules to control him, no responsibilities and no obeying orders. Although it was free in the wild, it also got lonely and rough.

RE: caught in the undertow - Pantaleimon - February 25, 2015

While Pantaleimon remained silent, the other wolf spoke again. He warned her of the dangers of the road, and she smiled awkwardly, though it'd be hard to see in the darkness of the night. It wasn't that Pantaleimon did not wish to be with others in the dark; it's just that she didn't enjoy being around others in general, because they made her feel uncomfortable. Most of the wolves she had met so far did, anyway.

He introduced himself as Jamie, and Pantaleimon nodded. She cleared her throat before saying, "Thanks for the, uh, warning. I'm Pantaleimon." 'Jamie' didn't sound like an oceany name and neither did his pelt seem full of the salty ocean's smell, so Pantaleimon guessed that he was not from Ankyra Sound. She was yet unaware of the many other wolf packs in the area. "I'm on my way to the coast. Do you ah, know if it's far?"

RE: caught in the undertow - Jamie - February 26, 2015

Jamie racked his brain for any mentions of the coast. He hasn't heard much about coast or been to it in his travels. Perhaps Swiftcurrent Creeks' rivers come from it or something. It's probably behind the mountains that looms in the distance of Noctisardor Bypass. "I've never been to the coast myself, actually. But I've heard it's quite a distance away. You can go through the mountains for a shortcut, I think." Jamie told the traveling wolf. He might be going there for personal reasons and doesn't want anyone to know. There were some pack territories around Rising Sun Valley and on the mountains, so Pantaleimon should beware when going through the area. "Um, there are also some pack territories on the mountains that you should take care of when walking, if you choose that path." Luckily, Jamie haven't accidentally stumbled into unknown pack territory on his journeys before, so he didn't know what exactly happens to them. He heard about captives before in more strict packs. Jamie certainly didn't wish that on Pantaleimon.

RE: caught in the undertow - Pantaleimon - February 27, 2015

It seemed strange that there were wolves that had never been to the coast. Pantaleimon had heard of them, and had on occasion spoke with some; however, those conversations were always shallow and, since they had still lived close to the coast, all wolves visited the ocean on occasion.

He suggested she go through the mountains, though Pantaleimon did not like that idea very much. He mentioned there were packs there, too, which made Pantaleimon wish to go there even less so. However, unwanting to offend the other male, Pantaleimon awkwardly said, "Oh, thank you.", even though she had no intention to take his advice of going through the mountains. Well, he didn't need to know that.

"A-Are you from one of the mountain packs?" Pantaleimon asked the male, voice meek and clearly uncomfortable.

RE: caught in the undertow - Jamie - February 27, 2015

how about another round or two and we wrap this up? It was great threading with you! ;)

"You're welcome!" Jamie was happy to help, or at least guide his friend a little. "Nah. I'm from one of the more common packs in the plains. There are a bunch of packs scattered around the mountains and forests. That's why it might be easier to take the mountain path, if you don't want to bump into anyone." The mountains were colder in winter, but there were only one or two packs that currently are mainly living in the mountains. It was kind of a shortcut, but not really by much. There were more packs to be encountered if you took the forest path. Jamie took a closer look at Pantaleimon. He was probably from some where very far away, and he was still going. Hopefully whatever or whoever he was looking for would be there. Pantaleimon probably deserved it because he was so committed to finding this.

RE: caught in the undertow - Pantaleimon - March 03, 2015

yes, that's fine with me :) thank you for the thread, i'll have Pan depart here so you can post once more to wrap it up. ^^

The other male said that he was part of one of the more common packs down in the plains. He mentioned there being even more packs; looks like this was a crowded place, not unlike where Pantaleimon had come from. "There sure are a lot of p-packs out here," Pantaleimon mumbled, more to herself than to her companion.

After that, Pantaleimon grew silent again and awkwardly stood staring at the ground. After a short moment of silence she said, "I should go. I-It was nice to meet you." Pantaleimon nodded hastily and then turned to leave, eager to get out of the awkward position and be on her own again while trekking to Ankyra Sound.

RE: caught in the undertow - Jamie - March 05, 2015

Jamie nodded at the wolf. "Goodbye. Good luck on your journey!" He called out a little at the disappearing wolf. That was interesting. He was like Jamie, travelling from afar to find a place to belong. It was getting really late now. He should leave now before someone freaks out or something. Jamie yawned a little. He was getting sleepy. He trekked back to Noctisardor Bypass territory and curled up under a tree.