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Blackfeather Woods Break your own rules - Printable Version

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Break your own rules - Lotan - February 23, 2015

From the Heartwood, Lotan moved to the southeast. He meandered through a broad plain, admiring the openness all around him. It was as though he could see for miles. At all times, he tried to be mindful of where he had already traveled; the last thing he wanted to do was get lost and be unable to find his way home to Ouroboros Spine.

Gradually, a cryptic-looking forest rose up before him. He stopped a considerable distance from the edge of the dark trees; a single sniff revealed the heavy scent of many wolves. This was a claimed area, and he certainly didn't intend to trespass.

He was intrigued, however, by the creepy appearance of the shadowy trees. The Ostrega lingered perhaps longer than he meant to, watching as a large group of black birds merged into the sky.

RE: Break your own rules - Morgana Wolf - February 23, 2015

Morgana hurried along the boarders of her pack, in deep thought. She had been plotting a way to get back at Crescendo for the little stunt he pulled between her and Kove. She pitied any wolf that crossed her, for she was in a foul mood. She suddenly stopped, now very alert, for someone was lurking near the boarder

She ran swifty towards the scent of the stranger, mood already set. She was curious to see what someone would be found near the dark pack's boarder. She jumped from the small cliff type land that seperated itself from the rest of the ground, right I from of the stranger. He was a medium sized male with a pelt of various Browns/creams/whites. He didn't seem to be the type of wolf fit to be in the dark pack she belonged to. She could take him. She bared her teeth at the stranger, For what purpose to you wander near the dark pack' boarders, she questioned.

RE: Break your own rules - Lotan - February 24, 2015

Lotan started to turn, planning to change his course and give the apparent pack lands a wide berth, when there was movement from within the trees. A dark-colored female approached him, moving at a fast clip with teeth bared in an unwelcoming manner. Immediately, the Ostrega lowered his head and tail, even going so far as to crouch; his first thought was to show that he meant no harm.

"I am just passing by," he said, averting his eyes from the stern she-wolf. "I didn't mean to wander so close." His words were apologetic; some wolves were more territorial about their homes than his family had been. His parents had been stern but kind. Briefly, he wondered if all members of this pack were so hostile, and was thankful that he and Wyvern had found their way to Ouroboros Spine instead.

RE: Break your own rules - Morgana Wolf - February 24, 2015

Morgana nodded respectively at the male, acknowledging his respect towards her. He almost looked like he was trying to avert her gaze in him, it wasn't unusual. Morgana did seem to give if a stern and scary effect to those who didn't know her.

She listened to the male's excuse, he seemed like he was telling the truth. Not some intruder, here to stir up problems. Morgana was VERY territorial, she believed that it was her responsibly to make sure that no-one got away with defy the boundary laws, ultimately defy the great Alpha, Meldresi. . She thought, for his sake, he was very luck. For if he had placed one step over the line, he wouldn't go back. At leased not the way he had entered.

She was about to let him go, with a warning, but she figure she could talk this wolf up, figure out a few things. You are from a pack, yes? She tried. She knew of a few neighborig packs, but not many of the wolves it habiated.

RE: Break your own rules - Lotan - February 26, 2015

She seemed to be pleased by his display of subordination; Lotan was no stranger to the mechanics of pack hierarchy, and as an outsider, he was the low man on the totem pole in this situation. He wasn't afraid of her, necessarily, but he was a peaceable wolf and would take the actions required in order to prevent a scuffle.

His ears pricked when she asked a question, and he relaxed his stance just slightly. He allowed his joints to straighten so that he stood at his full height once more, though he kept his head and tail lowered. "Yes, I'm from Ouroboros Spine," he said, prepared to answer any other questions she leveled at him.

RE: Break your own rules - Morgana Wolf - February 27, 2015

She recognized that this wolf realized that he was the minority in the situation and was prepared to answer any questions she had. She had heard about the pack Orobourous Spine, but she wasn't aware what stand her pack had with theirs. She assumed they were neutral to each other, no defined alliance but no confirmed enemy. She had a feeling that like her pack, they shared similar beliefs, but unlike, Blackfeather Woods's version was much more malevolent. Interesting pack, she said aloud. But the question of why he was wandering was still unanswered.
What is it like? She asked, referring to OS. She wondered if it was more of a spy type pack, working off of secrets as their weapon.
Oh how that would be interesting.

RE: Break your own rules - Lotan - February 27, 2015

Her demeanor changed subtly as she expressed interest in learning more about Ouroboros Spine. Lotan hesitated before answering. He didn't know what Cara and Kaname's thoughts were on inter-pack relations; there seemed to be a lot of other groups of wolves living in the vicinity, but he was unaware of the way they interacted with each other. Did they all keep to themselves, or were there tensions and friendships?

As far as he knew, though, the Spine was a relatively normal pack. There were no strange beliefs or crazy rules; in fact, that was what he and Wyvern liked about it. They were territorial, yes, but what pack of wolves wasn't? "We are a fairly traditional pack," he said carefully. "We live in the mountains to the northeast. The pack used to reside at Silvertip Mountain, but they moved -- before I was a member." He decided that when he had an opportunity, he would press the female for some information about her own pack -- but it wasn't the right time. Not yet.

RE: Break your own rules - Morgana Wolf - March 02, 2015

Morgana frowned. So it was just a normal pack. How boring.
Turning her attention to the matter at hand, she spoke to the male. Well since technicaly you're out if the boundaries, it don't have a motive to hurt you. But then again, I really don't need one. So, let's have a chase. She smirked, driving the male away from the territory would be fun. She hadn't had a proper chase in a while and she couldn't just walk away from the wolf. She barred her teeth and prepare to run, only waiting for the male's response.

RE: Break your own rules - Lotan - March 05, 2015

Last post for me! One more from you will bring us to 10; thanks for the thread!

Lotan frowned as the female essentially threatened him, though on second thought, he couldn't necessarily fault her. Any territorial wolf would be concerned about an unidentified loner lingering too close to their borders. He hadn't meant to impose on any pack's outskirts, but in such a highly populated area, it was bound to happen. For Lotan, it occurred sooner rather than later.

He flicked his ears back, unsure of how to respond verbally to her words, and then turned on his heel. Swiftly, he picked up a trot, then accelerated to the faster three-beat gait, his paws churning the wet snow as he loped away from the wooded area. He only looked over his shoulder once, to see how far the female would follow him, before setting his sights on the mountain range in the distance.

RE: Break your own rules - Morgana Wolf - March 13, 2015

[size=x-small]Here you go, Sorry about the wait ;)[/size]

Morgana chased after him, feet thudding silenty across the snow. She didn't have any need to chase him after he was farther away from the border. Skidding to a stop, she smirked, See Ya later! She called out to him. If he was in the right mind, he wouldn't return, then she would have a motive. At lease he was smart enough to stay behind the edge, then he wouldn't be running right now. At leased not with all limbs.