Wolf RPG
Where darkness sings - Printable Version

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Where darkness sings - Lucius Mortis - February 24, 2015

The roman slowly made his way north, to where he had a gut feeling his brother was. His heart had leaped that morning when he woke to see an eagle overhead, fixing him with a stern look before soaring northward. It had had to be a sign from Jupiter, a sign that would lead him to his brother. So when he had set north that morning, it had been with an unusual lightness in his step, a contrast to the tiredness the roman had felt the past few weeks.

Along the way, he had encountered many packs, a few of which he had been tempted to join. But he had to find his brother first, and then...
He had an aspiration, an ambition in mind, but that would have to wait. Where he to one day lead his own pack, he would first have to prepare, to find the perfect spot and the right wolves he could trust. Not yet. But soon, or so he hoped.

It was later in the afternoon when he came across the dark forest, it's eerie stillness punctuated by the ominous cawing of ravens. The dark birds glared at him, giving him the feeling he was not welcome on the threshold of this dark pack. But he persisted, and simply gave the birds a glowing glare that sent them back into the darkness. Blue eyes masked behind a cold formality, he gave a call that requested for the company of those of the darkness.

As the howl faded from the tense air, Luc wondered what kind of wolves inhabited these parts. Not good ones, he supposed.