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Redhawk Caldera bloom to the sky - Printable Version

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bloom to the sky - RIP Dove - February 24, 2015

@Jaws maybe? Or AW!

The children were here, and as much as Dove wanted to meet them, she felt... Out of place. As if her transgressions towards the individuals of the pack had worn away a level of relationship with her own sister. To make up for this, Dove headed to the fields outside of the heart of the territory; she remembered seeing patches of flowers dotting the landscape where the snow had started to thaw. Maybe Fox would enjoy a nice bouquet? They'd surely smell better than the little poop machines in the den. There were tiny buds popping through the ice, some even trying to flower in the shadows of some trees, and those were Dove's first targets.

RE: bloom to the sky - Jaws - February 24, 2015

When Jaws had saw the white shewolf at the meeting he was unconcerned - and still was for the most part. But as he found himself settling into the pack and enjoying his stay, the thought crossed his mind should the female become pregnant as a result of their affair, his new life could be in jeopardy. The coywolf was displeased with this. He hadn't considered the possibility that she might have been a pack wolf when he first met her; and it also did not matter then. He was a loner passing through, and as far as he knew she was too - like every other female he had met before. Besides, what were the odds that if she were a pack wolf, she would wind up being a member of the same pack he joined?

Apparently, pretty good.

Jaws had just finished restocking one of the pack's cache with a rabbit and a couple squirrels when he spotted her again. Quietly, he followed her for a short while as she made her way into the fields immediately surrounding the slopes. He watched as she nosed around the first flowers of the upcoming season. Jaws was about to call out to her when he bit his tongue, and instead approached without a word. He came to stop a few feet from her, his face expressionless as he looked upon her. What would she say?

RE: bloom to the sky - RIP Dove - February 24, 2015

A few thin stalks held buds which, if left unpicked, might flourish; so Dove left them alone. She sought the flowers that were already mid-bloom, even though they were more likely to dry out in the den, or simply rot from the excess moisture around them. At the very least Fox would know she was there. That she was trying. She was careful as she pulled these flowers free, realizing by the third floret that her dainty face was the perfect size for this kind of work. It was relaxing too - meditative.

Perhaps that was why she remained oblivious to the man's approach, until the crunch of snow at her flank made her lift and turn her head - destroying the cluster she had been carefully weeding through in the process. For a moment Dove was too perplexed by his very presence to do anything, and what errant petals remained, now fell to the snow at her feet. In the next second she was regaining some level of control over herself.

"You." The girl muttered, her voice controlled and level. She licked her lips and swallowed nervously, then turned her attention back to the cluster of shoots. But while she was looking through them - knowing they were ruined and she should just move on to another patch - she muttered, "Did you want something?"

RE: bloom to the sky - Jaws - February 25, 2015

Jaws was not expecting a warm greeting; one night stands such as theirs were not supposed to have a second meeting at all. Under most circumstances the coywolf would have left her to her business if he had seen her again, having no reason to approach her. But he knew attempting to avoid each other would be a futile endeavor now that they shared a pack.

"Well I guess those flowers weren't for me then," he commented dryly with a roll of his shoulders. He knew she was nervous of him, she had always been until her body took the reins away from her mind allowed him full access. For this reason he held back a snarky remark about having already gotten what he wanted (he was having to bite his tongue quite a bit these days). "I did not figure you for a pack wolf," he stated, raising a brow as he stared at her.

RE: bloom to the sky - RIP Dove - February 25, 2015

His quip about the flowers prompted Dove to snatch up the collection she had already made, and with a brief look back at him, she stated, "No, they're for Fox," through her carefully clenched teeth; her tone was a bit lighter there, but still quite sterile. As she hurried to the next patch of tiny flowers, she heard his second comment, and paused. Dove placed the bouquet down carefully, and with a small snort, turned to regard him - but for only a moment. "You either. But we're all full of surprises aren't we."

Her promise to Fox - of behaving, of pulling her weight - was still in effect, but that meant she needed an outlet for her sass and her attitude. Jaws was just the unlucky recipient - yay for him. "I guess you make a habit of that.. behavior." Dove slurred as she picked through some more shoots, trying to make light of their situation but finding it difficult. She wasn't about to come out and lambaste him for his choices; they had made the choice together - granted, her's had been fueled almost exclusively by her raging hormones at the time.

She was testing the waters in her own way; judging him, of course, because she couldn't help but do that. A rogue who wandered in search of hot little ladies - and here he was, trying to ingratiate himself in to a family she had just rediscovered. No, this wouldn't do at all.

RE: bloom to the sky - Jaws - February 25, 2015

When the white shewolf threw his remark back at him, he shrugged again. "Well I wasn't then," he stated humorlessly. He had no interest in engaging in that conversation further, and would not have to, for she changed the subject to his 'habits'. Jaws furrowed his brows, fixing her with a hard unblinking stare, a straight-lined mouth, and utter silence. The coywolf had come across this mentality before and had never been able to comprehend it.

"What? OF having sex?" he sad, his tone strong and hard. "Why wouldn't I? It's pleasure. You know that yourself." Jaws twitched his ears, not bothering to go into detail about how there was generally nothing wrong with such a natural, rewarding behavior, figuring he had a better chance of convincing one of the flowers she was picking. Most seemed to condemn it outside a few special circumstances, but for Jaws it was the opposite - there was only a couple reasons not to engage.

RE: bloom to the sky - RIP Dove - February 27, 2015

The brute - for that's what he was to her, now - was an undignified child next to her; his voice grated in her ears, which fell back as soon as he mentioned their little taboo moment in no uncertain terms. His voice was too loud for her ears. She turned a heated look upon him then, tempted to bare her fangs if such a barbaric expression would make him stop talking - if only so nobody heard him.

"Are you stupid? Not so loud." She practically hissed, voice rising in pitch and volume (which was, by chance, louder than his own). But then she calmed herself as best she could. She still looked at him though, scrutinizing, judging.

"I wasn't..." Wasn't what? Interested? That wouldn't have been the truth. Dove had been very interested when they first met, and practically throwing herself at him the second time. But she swallowed her thoughts, forcing composure and a level, quiet tone to her voice. "I wasn't myself." With that, she turned back to the flowers, but didn't start picking them again.

"If Fox ever finds out, we're dead. You're dead, I mean, and I'd likely be chased out." She took a step around the flower patch and lowered her head to inspect a bud, but her heart was no longer in the activity. The bouquet lay haphazardly across the path behind her, near Jaws. "She cannot know."

It had been a mistake - one which could cost her everything.

RE: bloom to the sky - Jaws - February 27, 2015

oh the dramas!

Jaws flattened his ears when Dove questioned if he was stupid, the slightest of snarls wrinkling his nose. He did not take kindly to insults especially when he felt they were undeserved. In his eyes he had done nothing wrong. It may be a different story for her, as she was already a pack wolf when she roamed outside the safe boundaries and got herself laid (how terrible, thought Jaws). But he had been just a lone wolf, with no rules to follow.

"Then why don't you leave," he grumbled, flexing his toes and digging his claws into the snow, allowing some of his irritation to flow out and into the ground. If she feared the consequences, feared she would no longer be welcome, then why stay? Why live your life worried that your lies may be found out, as lies tended to be? It made no sense to him, but he was unattached and had left places many many times when they no longer suited him, all without so much as a glance back. "I have done nothing wrong."

RE: bloom to the sky - RIP Dove - February 27, 2015

He didn't understand (and likely would not, being a rogue, despite having pledged allegiance to her sister). What followed his first statement was another huff, and then when he concluded with innocence, she truly rose up and glared at him. "First of all - no, I can't leave. Fox is my sister, and I promised her I would be here. For her, for the kids, everything. I don't break promises." She was many things, but an oath-breaker was not one of them.

"If she finds out I did anything like... Like what we did together," She couldn't even say it. "She'll no doubt think we are plotting against her. I will not lose my sister just because of a man - no, a boy, who decided to take advantage." Her tail lashed behind her as she spoke, and while Dove resisted baring her fangs, she was evidently trying very hard.

Finally, the girl returned to the flowers in earnest. Her expression was rather plain; lips drawn in a line and brow pinched by a slight frown, while her eyes roamed from bud to bud. Hopefully he would just leave.

RE: bloom to the sky - Jaws - February 28, 2015

Jaws was fast losing patience, of which he had little for dealing with others. He could sit all day at the edge of a bank waiting for his next meal to pop its head out of its burrow, but he could scarcely stand a minute of what he believed to be utter foolishness. Although he was surprised to hear that Dove was Fox's sister, it still did not change his opinion on the situation. True, if she got pregnant, the Alpha's may be angry, but he was adamant that he did nothing wrong and furthermore, there was no point in worrying about it now.

"We fucked. Get over it," he snapped. He would have left without a word but his patience broke and he could not contain the comment. It bothered him that she was making mountains of molehills, not to mention the ongoing tirade about plotting against Fox and then insulting his maturity. Jaws could hardly believe how foolish she was acting. His logical thinking clearly did not match her more emotional one. Shaking his head, he turned and left, leaving her to rant to the flowers - his ears had enough.