Wolf RPG
Kintla Flatlands When Signs have no Arrows - Printable Version

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When Signs have no Arrows - Lacinia - February 25, 2015

[size=x-small] @Morgana If you ever wanted to thread, here is a chance![/size]

After a long day the sun was setting. Lacinia may appear more alone than ever but that was false. The voice in her mind still remained and has gone much louder. It claimed that it was right and that Lacinia should have listened. It keeps saying that she should have killed them instead of walking away. But would she do that to wolves who didn't deserve death? Only after a moment of thinking she figured that taking lives was a good thing. It would keep the pain away from them and they could be together forever in peace. If they were happy then Lacinia could be happy too.

With that said she suddenly remembered all of the lives she had taken. It came with a shock as she realised the number of wolves. She had killed males, females, and several pups alike in cold blood. She believed that she was saving them, she remembered that feeling. Lacinia was a murderer but she couldn't desire killing Kove or Scarlett. They've.. helped her, they were useful.. but not anymore. At the very least she was glad that they were there to help recover some of her memories. She had mix feelings about not being able to find a place with them. She continued to hesitate on weither killing them was right or wrong. She understood what the voice would say but there was something else making her hesitate.

Lacinia was walking slowly through the plains, her mind spilt in two. It was getting harder to focus clearly. She still hadn't decided what was right. She was heavily drawn to killing was a good thing but there was something small saying that it was wrong. Lacinia wanted to ignore that feeling, the voice was right. But what if she was wrong for taking those lives? That was something she did not want to be told. She was terrified of being wrong about it. She did it to save them right? No one could blame her for that right.

The sane bridge she was standing on was cracking. She still has her awareness but she was getting slightly frustrated. She wanted to harm something, maybe toy with it, or something. She just wanted some quiet time. Being alone didn't help at all.

RE: When Signs have no Arrows - Morgana Wolf - February 25, 2015

She walked silently through the snow covered forest. Despite her silent footfalls, there was a war raging in her mind, like always. Her bloodlust temptation had worsened, the feeling of ripping her claws into a living thing, echoed in her mind. It had been too long. Smelling a badger nearby, she stopped. Pacing around, the mind war raged on.
And as her demons took over, she didn't really mind.
Jumping on the creatures back, she tore it open, furiously attacking it.
She could feel the occasional scratch and nip from the creature, desperate to get her off its back, but she continued. As if she had no feelings. One last swipe, and it was dead. She gave it one last clawing, completely gutting the unfortunate creature. Stepping back, she looked at the creature, it's own blood. She licked he muzzle briefly and walked away leaving the carcass to the birds , and leaving a trail of bloody paw prints behind her.

Still drive by the bloodlust, she caught the scent of another creature, bigger than the badger. Following the scent, she came to a clearing: Spotting a wolf, she scowled. She had hoped it was at leased a deer. But it just just had to be a wolf.
She slowly approached the female wolf; who looked a little estranged. She had the same look Morgana had after a kill. Morgana growled loudly, knowing that this wolf was not going to play friendly.

RE: When Signs have no Arrows - Silverfeather - February 25, 2015

The silver fae had wandered away from her home, in search of herbs she could not find in the fir woods. Her eyes sought out a bunch of thick green leaves, but noted with disappointment that they were not the ones she had been looking for. With a sigh, she shoved through a thick bush, only the end up only a few feet away from two very hostile looking females.

Uh oh.

She trembled for a moment, in a fight she was probable to lose. Never less, she managed to squeak out a tiny 'hi'.

RE: When Signs have no Arrows - Lacinia - February 25, 2015

Finally something showed up. A dark female appeared with hostile intentions, or that's what she showed. Lacinia looked up at the female. Growling? That must mean she wasn't happy. The best way to change that was to send her to a happy place. The voice agreed with her on this one. Yes, a quick death is a suitable death for her. Lacinia was poised to strike. She lowered herself and took a few steps to the side, wanting to see if the female would expose her flank.

That was until a soft out of place sound was heard. Lacinia only glanced towards the sound, barely able to see the white female. It was quiet suddenly, in Lacinia's mind. She no longer felt the desire to kill and was now only on her guard. The dark female may be hostile but now she wanted to know why. It wasn't possible to know that if the person was a complete stranger. The be on the safe side, she decided she would not engage for any reason but in defense.

Lacinia took cautious side steps towards the white female, keeping her guard up at all times towards the dark one. "There's no need to be shy here, we are all females right?" She said with a grin. If there was a male here things may go alot differently. Right now all Lacinia wanted was to have peace and quiet, here and in her mind. It's been a long dark day.

RE: When Signs have no Arrows - Morgana Wolf - February 25, 2015

A quiet voice broke the trance.
A small white female cowered not to far away from her. Whist the dark female said not to worry, Morgana thought, Run, run while you can before I find you. The dark female seemed to want to kill Morgana, as she wanted to kill her. There is no point in killing something that wanted to kill you while there is something perfectly good to kill that ha no chance killing you. Morgana quietly stalked forward, hunched, ready to lunge at the small, white wolf.
Then she lunged, aiming for her teeth on its neck.
It wouldn't be enough to kill it. but to knock it to the ground.
She still planned on hurting the dark female, only after she had her fun with the small one. What's the saying? Save the best for last? Yes, yes that's it. She knew she would have more fun with the black one, she seemed to have the spirit of a wolf worthy of being in the Dark pack.
Oh what a great day to be blinded by bloodlust...

RE: When Signs have no Arrows - Silverfeather - February 25, 2015

She relaxed at the first females words, and begun to let her guard down. Sadly, a huge, costly mistake. Almost as soon as she relaxed and stepped forward, the yellow eyed one lunged, straight for her neck. Her eyes widened, and she only had time to twist slightly before she females lunge sent her sprawling into the dirt. She was to shocked to scream, but batted at the female with small paws as she tried to twist under her weight. Luckily, no blood had been spilt...yet.

But that was destined to change.

RE: When Signs have no Arrows - Lacinia - February 25, 2015

Lacinia being on guard was surprise to see the dark female attack the other. She was tempted to stop her but there was something pleasing about it. Having control over another was actually a good feeling. Lacinia approached them carefully a bit cautious about the attacker but she wanted to have some fun too.

Once near enough she placed a paw on the white coated female. Stroking her with a claw up until it was place on the side of her stomach. A sensitive spot she knew that would only cause pain without any injuries. She pressed down on that spot. She was looking forward to hearing some kind of scream. Lacinia imagined that it would be cute and adorable so she couldn't wait to hear.

The dark female may be delaying that sound with her rough attack. "If it's fun you wanted then your way isn't going to last long." She said, wanting the female to, at the very least, back off for now. Killing too fast didn't work that well when fun was wanted. Honestly killing was just a job, but playing can be forever.

RE: When Signs have no Arrows - Morgana Wolf - February 25, 2015

Morgana growled at the dark female, watching her slide a sharp claw down the pale female's body. Back off! This one is mine!! She snarled, desperate to toy with the pale one. The fright on the weak female's face was all too enjoyable. Morgana was doing a good thing, ridding this world of this weak thing. She put more pressure on the pale she-wolf. She wouldn't let this one go. Not to the dark female, only hers.
She wanted blood spilt
She wanted suffering
She wanted a fight
She let go for the pale female, to launch herself at the dark female, knowing she wanted the pale she-wolf too.
And only one could have her.

RE: When Signs have no Arrows - Silverfeather - February 25, 2015

A light claw slowly traced it's way down her side, and then...PAIN.
Terrible, mind numbing pain raced through her side and she screamed, feeling sick. Yet there was no blood, no wound. How? Silver didn't hear the next words the fae spoke, and didn't care. The other soon presented another onslaught, the pain pale in comparison to the single claw, but still fierce. This time, blood flowed, staining her pelt crimson.

Her ankle was bent under her body the pressure of the dark one adding pain to it, with a morbid cry it snapped, hanging at an unnatural angle from her leg. Strangely enough, the dark one then leaped of her, charging at the other. She didn't care why.

Shakily, painfully she slowly stumbled toward the undergrowth, hoping the two females would somehow forget she was their. Unlikely, for they were fighting over who could play with her. Her paw was tucked up against her chest, she whimpered with the pain. She whined pitifully as she slowly inched away, trembling. As she glanced back toward the two, a scent hit her. Blackfeather woods. Those wolves that dwelt in shadows and killed without mercy. She needed to go. Now.

If any of you want to deal out injuries, these are the ones I'm good with:
Any slashing on side, flank, ect.
Slash on muzzle
Anything else minor you can think of
: )

RE: When Signs have no Arrows - Lacinia - February 26, 2015

Things didn't go the way she wanted of course, which made the fun short lived. The attacker switched targets, lunging at Lacinia. It was clear that she didn't have the strength of a fighter so she needed to depend on hitting special points where ever she could. It was all about positioning, Lacinia rolled onto her back and attempted to hit pressure points at the dark female's chest with her claw. Lacinia was tought these key spots as well as having the chance to try them.

Hopefully the attacker will want to back off after feeling the pain, if she kept moving in for Lacinia. She counted on the dark female's reflex to avoid injuries so that she could get back up and then face her head on. There was no time for talk here, Lacinia needed to focus on landing her claws on the pressure points. There was always a difficulty since these points were rather small, but she was capable of success.

Lacinia noticed the white female making a small escape attempt, but it didn't look like it would go far at this rate.

RE: When Signs have no Arrows - Morgana Wolf - February 26, 2015

Morgana landed on the female, only to feel an immense pain, unnatural to her. it was different then the wounds she inflicted, the real ones, that leaked blood. This...

She snarled a warning to the other, back backed down. "Fine. We can share. But I get the final blow" Not listening to whether the female would respond or not, she whirled to face the girl, who was limping toward the underbrush.

Her eyes sparkled with a deadly light, and she pounced on the female, pushing her down. "You didn't really think you'd get away that easy, did you? No, not without some more pain." She held her down on her side, oblivious to her screams. She locked eyes with the female, and with a smile gave her a nod. Let her do her voodoo shit, and then she would spill red.

RE: When Signs have no Arrows - Silverfeather - February 26, 2015

Words were spoken, and once again the fae felt a sudden weight on her side. She looked up with wide eyes at the first, pleading silently, her voice not yet come to her. Her injured paw was stretched out in front of her, but the rest of her body felt as if it was slowly being crushed into the ground.

When the one on top of her nodded to the second, she trembled. "Please" she whimpered in a small voice, her bi-colored eyes full of fright and pain. She tried to shove herself farther away from the female who hurt without cutting, but was unsuccessful in her endeavor. She wished it was only one, then she would have a better chance of getting away.

RE: When Signs have no Arrows - Lacinia - February 26, 2015

Her defense worked well enough to the point where Lacinia believed the dark female understood not to take her lightly. The attention returned to the fleeing female as Lacinia got up. That female didn't have to run or crawl away. It wasn't like she was going to get killed. Lacinia just wanted to play a bit and then she would let her go.

"Don't worry, death is no fun." Lacinia said while moving towards them. There was no purpose in taking a life here, Each one wasn't really in danger or really suffering. But there was one who might not think the same. Eyeing at the dark female "Let's see what kind of tone she has, and I don't want you breaking her." Lacinia wanted bit of control over the other. Keeping a toy in good condition for a long time suited her better.

She place a paw on the white female's side claws barely touching. She moved them slowly at each key point and pushed light at each one until she reached the side of the hind leg. But it wasn't pain that she was giving, it could be taken as a pleasing massage. She was eager to see how the female would react to that before switching methods.

RE: When Signs have no Arrows - Morgana Wolf - February 26, 2015

Morgana growled slightly, she didn't take directions from anyone but her dark alpha, Meldresi. Fine, she bitterly agreed, she just wanted to have some fun. She contemplated attacking the dark she-wolf again, to show her who's boss, but she figured she could always do that after.
The dark female had a different approach at breaking the pale female, not one that Morgana preferred, but she went along with the experiment, learning new ways of the interesting torture. After watching the dark female toy with the pale one, she could use those methods against its creator, a taste of her own medicine.
Morgana tried out the trick the dark female had used on her, unleashing her claw and pressing it on that very specific spot, wanting a scream from the pale one.
She desired to have the same effect on the dark one, but she would wait, wait to show that Morgana would NOT be underestimated as she was too this dark female. She would show her what happens when you cross Morgana.
And it would not be pretty.

RE: When Signs have no Arrows - Silverfeather - February 26, 2015

Silver, against her will, closed her eyes tight when the first paw kneaded her prone figure, expecting terrible pain, but instead felt the opposite. She slowly relaxed, the pleasure leaving her no other choice. Her sounds of pain stopped, and she lay limp, mind whirling, trying to figure out what was being done to her. Suddenly, a claw was placed on the spot, and pressure applied.

Silverfeather withered and screamed, eyes wild. Her spine arched, lances of white hot pain coursing through her whole body. The tiniest bit more pressure had a whole different effect then the first time, and this time silver felt a drop of blood ooze from the tip of the claw. Her screams echoed through the dark wood, a group of ravens winging away with angry caws. Screams, that where all to familiar in the area.

RE: When Signs have no Arrows - Lacinia - February 27, 2015

The reaction was delightful. The white female had relaxed and nearly calmed down in an instant. Of course it was interrupted by the other who actually manage to land a pressure point hit. Lacinia would consider it as beginner's luck. Landing hits like that takes training to be able to do it. With the help of Nexi she learned and felt what most points can do. She had to learn quickly in order to defend her self at the time, the fastest way she learned was to feel what was dealt and then to try and test it on others. In reality it was impossible to learn while watching since these points were quite small. In this case the dark female must have remembered and then was lucky that the white female didn't move. Pressure point hits a very hard to land if the wolf is able to move.

Lacinia didn't really enjoy screams that much. Having this dark female around wasn't fun so she lost interest. "Try landing that when everything moves." She said as she turned and began to walk away. "I can't have my fun when you are around. I'll be going now."