Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau will o' the wisp - Printable Version

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will o' the wisp - Lasher - February 25, 2015

for @eilidh! some daddy/daughter bonding?

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he swept the creamy girl into his embrace, glancing up to smile at blue willow. his sons were asleep; casmir did a lot of that, as his small body attempted valiantly to match its growth with that of his siblings' own. let us go explore, he suggested in his faint trill, standing to his paws and slipping from the den, before turning to see that dainty eilidh was at his heel.

RE: will o' the wisp - Eilidh - February 27, 2015

Everything was so boring when Constantine and Casmir were asleep! Sure, there were many things she could do by herself, but it just wasn't the same as when there was someone else. Roughhousing with (read: beating up) her brothers was by far one of her favorite activities, but others things did come to a close second, if not surpassing it. One such thing would be spending time with her daddy. "Yes! Yes! Ehpore!" Eilidh agreed, the word 'explore' rolling off her tongue incorrectly.

RE: will o' the wisp - Lasher - March 04, 2015

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her little trills warmed his heart, and he found himself chuckling. yes, explore. before long, he had led the girl into the heart of the territory, and, tail moving catlike behind his haunches, lasher regarded eilidh fondly.

look. using his paw, taltos gently brushed snow from a small patch of frozen grass. spring is here. the snow is melting.