Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest one million fish - Printable Version

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one million fish - Grimm - February 25, 2015

The forest was a tomb.

Despite her best efforts, Grimm could find no living thing within it. She slithered among the twisted roots like a shadow, stalking ghosts of long departed prey. The silence was complete. The carpet of threadbare moss muted even her own footstep, rendering the dark wolf almost invisible - save for the regular flash of a white hind leg.

Before long, Grimm had forgotten thst she had come to hunt. She tugged at roots and picked up sticks that were way too large to be transported, ferrying them from one location to another, equally adequate one. Bliss.

Until something rustled nearby.

RE: one million fish - Bindi - February 26, 2015

Bindi had come down from the mountian once more, she decided since she will be staying at Silvertip, she would become an outrider. There was a fresh scent near by and the midnight wolfess tracked it. A wolf, that looks like they are collecting sticks? There are some really strange wolves in this area, the obsidian female thought. Bindi got low to the ground and hid behind a bush, when she stepped on an extremely sharp rock, that sent a wave of pain shooting through her left front paw.

Before the midnight wolfess could stop herself, she was rolling through the bush and close to the stranger. When Bindi tried to stand she realized the rock was still stuck in her paw, so she held it off the ground. Even though her paw hurt like hell, Bindi still offered the stranger a painful smile. "Hi" the obsidian female sqeaked out, before ignoring the stranger an looking at her paw. After a few tries the rock finally fell to the ground and Bindi focused on the stranger once more.

RE: one million fish - Grimm - February 28, 2015

Someone fell out of the bushes. Grimm scuttled back, staring wide-eyed at the strange wolf as she righted herself, squeaked Hi, and shook something sharp out of her paw. ".. hi?" Grimm returned, creeping forwards with cautious steps, curiosity replacing shock in her dark, bright-eyed face. "Do you live here? I thought it was totally deserted - I've been here for hours," she babbled, peering over the other wolf's shoulder to see if she had any friends.