Wolf RPG
Let my thoughts surround me - Printable Version

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Let my thoughts surround me - Wynter Wolf - February 26, 2015

It had finally stopped raining so Wynter decided to talk a walk in the woods because she had some free time. As she padded among the sequoia's she let her mind wander to the memories of her old home.

The wide open fields where she used to run and play with her pack mates. The small caves deep with in the pines where her brother and her used to explore. She missed that place but it was long gone now. She swore to herself that if she ever ran into that pack again she would not flee. She would stand up and fight. Something she should have done. Instead of running away like a scared mouse.

Wynter came to a stop as she reached the edge of the forest that opened onto the beach. She sat down by one of the large trees and looked out over the ocean. This is my home now.

OOC/ Anybody welcome. Maybe some of the newer wolves. Since I haven't had a chance to meet them yet.

RE: Let my thoughts surround me - Reek - February 26, 2015

If he earns his keep. The phrase looped over, and over in Reek's head. Introductions last night were... less than ideal. The not so welcome welcoming committee may have let him stay, but in no way, shape, or form did Reek feel welcome among the women's ranks.

If he earns his keep. Reek walked through the sequoias with the intent of making himself useful. The trees loomed high above him, creating a dense canopy. Winter was drawing to a close, but still, few plants grew... and the medicinal ones were hard to come by. Most of the plants laid dormant due to the cold. The search seemed useless, but Reek still scanned the dirt, looking for the smallest signs of life.

It was no use. Reek collapsed at the base of a giant sequoia tree in defeat. How was he supposed to prove himself to a pack when there's nothing he can do? The beach was close, at least he had that. He could hear the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. He sat and listened for a while... blocking out the rest of the world and his troubles.

The wind shifted, carrying with it a familiar smell. One he smelled for the first time the night before. The ginger wolf with hints of black sat at a sequoia not far from his.

"Excuse me," he smirked as he approached the she wolf. "I don't believe I got your name last night. I just wanted to thank you, for, you know... bringing me back."

RE: Let my thoughts surround me - Wynter Wolf - February 26, 2015

Wynter was deep in thought when she heard paw steps behind her. She flinched slightly when the wolf spoke "Excuse me" muttered a male voice. She recognized it as that of the wolf she had encountered and transported into their territory last night.

Her head swung round as she glanced at the young male. Something was bugging him. Perhaps he too was thinking about his past.

"Wynter. Your welcome?" she tilted her head slightly then glanced back out over the water. "Don't you have something better to do than sneak up on other wolves?" She asked with a hint of humor in her voice.


RE: Let my thoughts surround me - Reek - February 26, 2015

How things had changed from the previous night. Was that humor? It had to be, based on her tone. The wolf went from looking like she was going to tear him limb from limb last night... and now she's cracking jokes? Reek had been under the impression that the women of the sound were born without a sense of fun, or that it just wasn't allowed within the territory. Who knows?

"Oh, absolutely!" Reek bantered back, shooting her a sly grin... oh, how he missed banter. "But, I'm just not feeling it today."

The unkempt wolf plopped down beside her with a heavy thud. Stretching, and sprawling out under the great sequoia tree, he finally found a comfortable spot in the shade to lay.

"I think I'd rather lounge out, have some fun, and piss the day away," he chortled lazily. "I would love it if you'd wish to join me."

RE: Let my thoughts surround me - Wynter Wolf - February 26, 2015

Wynter smiled slightly at his joke and watched as he plopped himself over under the tree. Wynter looked at him. "I know how you feel. Ive just been sat here for a few hours thinking. You startled me when yo showed up because i wasnt paying attention. First nights in the sound are fun eh. Everyone hates you because your new. I haven't been here that long."

Wynter stretched then lay down under the tree as she reflected on her embarrassing entry into the pack. Not the way she wanted to be discovered having face planted into a tree. "Sure you can stay. I wouldnt mind the company, I often come here alone. I can spend hours just staring at the water. Weird huh." she stifled a small chuckle.[/i]

RE: Let my thoughts surround me - Reek - February 26, 2015

"Not weird at all! This is a beautiful place," Reek stated in wonder of the waves. The pack was lucky to have such a prime location.

Another newbie? The news came as a shock to the disheveled wolf. She seemed so well adjusted to life at the sound. The way she carried herself, that air of importance. Surely, that cannot come from a fellow new arrival. She even spoke their language at their meeting at the beach.

"You're new here? How long?" He mused inquisitively. "I could have sworn you had been here for quite some time. You even speak their tongue!" He cocked his head to the side and pawed the earth in front of him nervously. He licked his lips in envy of her skill. "C-could you teach me?"

She had been the first friendly face at the sound. The first wolf to speak kindly to the decrepit bastard. And she wanted him to stay. What a nice gesture.

RE: Let my thoughts surround me - Wynter Wolf - February 26, 2015

Wynter glanced over at him "I've been here about a month now. I made quite the entrance though Ill admit." Wynter smiled slightly almost as if laughing now at the memory. Who would have thought after that entrance Id be Delta in such a strong pack "As for the language, its taken me a while to pick up on it aha. I dont know much myself. You kind of just have to listen. Carefully. I dont know that I would be much help"

Wynter stood slowly. "What's your name? I realize I don't know it." Wynter began to pad onto the soft sand then glanced back at the young male. She swung her head back round as if to say follow me if you want.


RE: Let my thoughts surround me - Reek - February 26, 2015

The ginger wolf beckoned for Reek to follow her out to the beach. The soft sand filled the gaps between the calloused pads on his feet.

"It couldn't be worse than my entrance," he laughed. Besides the fearing for his life, the experience was quite comical. Reek had never floundered so hard in conversation in his life, usually keeping his head. But, the words came out like vomit. No matter how hard he tried they wouldn't stop, leaving him to ramble.

A name. Reek never paid much attention to his name... or, to be exact, his lack of name.
He turned his head to Wynter, catching her eyes with his. "I'm a bastard Wynter, I was never given a name," he began. "Where I'm from, wolves like me are given a title," he explained with a drawn out sigh. "Reek. It's meant as a mark of disrespect."

RE: Let my thoughts surround me - Wynter Wolf - February 27, 2015

Wynter smiled as he stood up to follow her. She wasn't sure if he would or not. " I have to admit watching you flounder trying to get back to the shore was amusing last night. Although I don't think it beats being mid hunt tripping over a tree root and slamming into another tree. Let's just say by that point they were very aware of my prescence." she laughed slightly.

He then proceeded to reply to the question about his name. To Wynter's surprise. He didn't have one. "So you mean to say when you were born you weren't given a name?" She asked pausing for a moment. "That's kind of sad. So what do you suppose I call you?"

She had so many questions now. What had he done or someone else done to deserve him that title. She knew that in some packs that was the rule if you were a disgrace to the pack. Though she couldn't comprehend to what extent the packs went on those wolves.

RE: Let my thoughts surround me - Reek - February 27, 2015

Probably the last post for me for the weekend... unfortunately, real life has to be attended to!

The raggedy wolf chuckled lightly at the agouti's humorous story. "Fine, you win!" He conceded with a smile. He may have made a fool of himself, but Reek had concluded that his entrance wasn't that bad; only being a minor embarrassment... but head meeting tree, that would be mortifying.

"Nope. No name, but you can still call me Reek," He declared, raising his head in pride. The skeletal wolf was proud to be a bastard. Just simply breathing was an act of defiance to his old pack, and the thought of that tickled his fancy. "I quite like my name!" he added, face contorting into a wide grin. "It just fits!"

RE: Let my thoughts surround me - Wynter Wolf - February 27, 2015

OOC/ Thats alright i think ill be busy too XD

Wynter smiled when Reek called defeat on who's entrance was worse when they ran into the wolves of the sound.

She nodded when the male said i could still call him Reek. He seemed very proud of his accomplishment as a bastard wolf. Which was fine with her. "Reek it is then" she said with a final nod.

Wynter's stomach growled. It had been a little while since she had eaten. Maybe it was time she found something to eat. "Hey I don't know about you but I'm hungry. Mind if we try find something to eat?"

RE: Let my thoughts surround me - Reek - March 10, 2015

Sorry for the wait! Forgot all about it! Think I'm gonna slap and ending on this one and get it archived! Maybe we could use this as a segue into http://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=7990 which takes place, like, directly after this one.

The murmur coming from the agouti's gullet was audible. The low, guttural rumble was a familiar sound to Reek, yet, those loud reprimands from the stomach usually came from him, and would regularly rattle his skeletal frame. The fact that others could be hungry too had eluded the ragged wolf who, up until now, believed the pangs of hunger would only come to seek him out... like some sort of Reek seeking missile.

"I would love to Wynter," enthused Reek, mouth salivating at the thought of a fresh meal. "But, I do have to finish my rounds before we go on a hunt. I can't come back to the rest of the pack empty handed. How 'bout you meet me in an hour on the beach in the middle of the sound! We'll figure something out."