Wolf RPG
Bearclaw Valley Greetings - Printable Version

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Bearclaw Valley Greetings - Arthur - February 27, 2015

Set in Bearclaw Valley. All Welcome but maybe one of the new BCV members? :3

The fairly large black form moved through the grass of the valley. His thick coat was starting to shed since spring was coming up. For once his lazy self wasn't looking for a spot to nap since he recently woke up from one. A yawn sounded through the valley, which ended up more sounding like a roar. Arthur was pleased. His small tail wiggled a bit before he stepped in the the cold lazy river that calmly got from one end of the valley to the other. First his thirst was quenched. Second the bear moved to the other side and sniffed out some berries and nuts.

His keen nose soon found a bush but the berries were unripe to eat. He continued his way upstream in a slow pace. He was back at the riverbank to maybe spot some fish. Although he was lazy to hunt. Arthur wondered if that white wolf couple would settle here. Not that he had anything against wolves, as long as they didn't bother him too much. Arthur sat down by an oak tree which had left some great acorns on the ground. The black bear started to pick them up and munch on the nuts.

RE: Bearclaw Valley Greetings - Kesik - March 01, 2015

So absorbed was he in his thoughts, that one moment he was walking along, staring at the sky, and another he was only a few tail lengths away from an adult bear. He gave a yip of alarm, and was quick to take a couple steps backward. "Hello Mr.Bear. You won't eat me, right Mr.Bear? Please?"

The little fox's eyes were sparked with worry, but he held his ground. If this bear decided to chase him, there were a number of small burrows and other such hiding spots that he could fit into. As he told himself this, the worry in his eyes was less so, but his stance and eyes were still alert.

RE: Bearclaw Valley Greetings - Arthur - March 01, 2015

His large paw grabbed a few of the acorns and popped them into his mouth. The crunch of the nuts being crushed between his jaws sounded loudly. The fluffy bear hummed. He liked how the snow had vanished and spring had come. Soon there would be an abundant amount of berries for him to eat without needing to go through the effort of finding them first. The bear had to look up when he heard a small voice address him. His vision wasn't that good but he could clearly seen the black and white fox across from him.

"I wish to be called Arthur. I am not some common bear," he returning instantly with some air in his deep voice. Then he tipped his head. "You must mistake me for a grizzly. My subspecies is a black bear. Far more approachable." The bear snorted. This tiny fox was disturbing his quite adequate lunch. "What is it you want from me?"

RE: Bearclaw Valley Greetings - Kesik - March 01, 2015

Kesik stayed were he was, but relaxed when the bear said he was approachable. "Greeting, Sir. Arthur." he said, his voice strong. "Sorry for disturbing you, sir, but have you seen any wolves around here?" He wasn't sure about how he would feel if he learned that there would be wolves near his little territory. Wolves regarded him as a snack. This bear seemed much more refined.

He had to admit that there had been a couple wolves that he deemed respectful, for the regarded him as a fox, not lunch.

RE: Bearclaw Valley Greetings - Arthur - March 01, 2015

The bear's round ears popped up when he heard the word 'sir' from the little critter. He liked that. The big bear stopped eating and regarded the fox with a curious brown eyed glance. "You haven't told me your name. Are you forcing me to call you 'Fox', Fox?," he asked with a thick hum of his voice. Arthur was always keen on someone's name. He would try to remember.

The bear turned more to the fox. "There haven't been wolves here in a long time, until recently. A couple found the entrance of this valley, recently. Two white ones. I was just about to sleep so they sort of disturbed me, but they seemed very respectful. The one with the red eyes was talking a lot about nature and ecosystems. They told me their names but I forgot," Arthur corresponded to the fox. He was rather okay with wolves as long as they wouldn't eat all his berries and take over his napping spots.

RE: Bearclaw Valley Greetings - Kesik - March 01, 2015

Kesik was quick to answer the bear's query. "So sorry sir, I forgot. I'm Kesik" He offered the bear a small smile, he was beginning to warm up to the huge beast. His heart fell a little when the bear mentioned that there would be wolves coming, but at least the were respectful. "Sir Arthur, would you do me a great favor? If the wolves come here, would you ask them not to eat me and my friend? I would be forever in gratitude, Sir" He asked him hopefully, but with respect. He sat, curling his tail over his paws as he looked up at Arthur.

RE: Bearclaw Valley Greetings - Arthur - March 01, 2015

The bear nodded his big head courtly and then started to pull some nuts from the ground again. He chewed on them with quite some noise. They were so tasty. He loved them. "Kesik. Alright," he pointed out. The bear stopped chewing when the fox asked a favor of him. He would probably not be too bothered by these wolves or walk up to them again. Arthur frowned lightly. That was quite a task.

"Frankly they didn't seem like the type of wolves that would eat foxes. But how do I know, right? If I haven't forgotten and I see them again, well then I will tell them. Both seemed very approachable. The female seemed kind. Don't know about the male. He seemed respectful and protective of that female of his in a good way I guess." The bear shrugged. "Such possessive creatures... wolves. Always with their claiming."

RE: Bearclaw Valley Greetings - Kesik - March 02, 2015

"Thank you sir!" he said brightly. He listened for a moment as the bear spoke, then piped up again. "Yes, they find a nice place and keep it from everyone else, and pee all over it. They are strange creatures, though some are all right"

RE: Bearclaw Valley Greetings - Arthur - March 02, 2015

The bear bobbed his head once more then the fox thanked him. He couldn't say anything about the politeness of this fox. He might remember to tell the white couple about this fox because he left such a good impression on the bear. If only Arthur would know that the sly little critter would send a wolf to his clutches with the hope he might injure her. If only he would know. For now the bear saw the fox as a friendly fellow.

Arthur then frowned. "Aren't foxes the same? You smell strongly to me too, Mr. Kesik. Aren't you a canine like them only smaller?," the bear returned with curiosity.

RE: Bearclaw Valley Greetings - Kesik - March 05, 2015

Kesik glanced up, thoughtful. "Not quite, Sir. Arthur. All the foxes I know are more adventurous, rarely staying in one place for long. I do suppose, however, that some parts of our lives could be comparable to that of a wolves" Just then, his stomach grumbled, and he was reminded of his hunger. "I fear, Sir. Arthur, that I must go satisfy my hunger. However, I hope that we do meet again, for you are a truly kind bear."

With those words, Kesik trotted back the way he came, disappearing into the woods.

RE: Bearclaw Valley Greetings - Arthur - March 05, 2015

Arthur looked at Mr. Kesik and slowly nodded. He never really conversed with a fox before. The fluffy bear found it quite nice. "If you say so I will believe you." Arthur picke dup a few nuts and chewed on them. The crunch satisfied his ears. "Alright. Have a nice meal, Mr. Kesik,' he returned.

The bear watched the fox leave. He ignored the fact that the fox called him nice. Arthur saw himself as an okay fellow but overly friendly? Friendship was like effort. He disliked too much effort.