Wolf RPG
Rising Sun Valley Waiting on the day - Printable Version

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Waiting on the day - Scarlett - February 28, 2015


The white female moved her way through the valley. The snow had vanished over the course of the last few days. It was growing warmer and warmed. Scarlett's thick winter fur was slowly becoming unnecessary. A soft panting came off her lips. After her run she had grown quite hot. She needed to let all her heat out. The pale colored female made her way to the other side of the valley. She was planning on returning to Adlartok. She had been at Bearclaw Valley today once more. The pack was so close to becoming a realization that the white wolf was becoming more proud of herself.

Scarlett stopped to drink at a stream to quench her thirst and to make her body cool down with the cold water. Her tail was in a neutral stance when she looked up from the water. She thought she heard something.

RE: Waiting on the day - Rhythm - February 28, 2015

Rhythm padded down the hill towards a small stream. She saw another wolf there but the wolf seemed friendly enough. Plus she was parched. Rhythm stepped on a small twig and it snapped under her paw causing the beautiful white wolf to look up. Rhythm looked worried for a moment as she knew there was a chance this wolf could attack, but the female's tail remained neutral so she decided it was ok to approach. "Hey" Rhythm muttered as she bent down to take a drink of the water.

She glanced up after taking her fill to see the wolf still standing there. "Sorry if i startled you." She smiled slightly. "Nice day now that a lot of the snow is melting huh?" she commented almost as if to lighten up what appeared to be a very awkward meeting.

RE: Waiting on the day - Scarlett - February 28, 2015

Scarlett tugged her lips into a friendly smile when the grey female approached. Her white fur reflected the sunlight like the snow that laid on the ground all winter. Her red eyes fell on the female, looking kindly. "Hello," she greeted with a smile. She watched the female drink. In the meanwhile Scarlett sat down. "Oh you didn't don't worry," she returned. Scarlett had caught the snapping of a twig but that hadn't startled her. She wasn't afraid or insecure about herself anymore. Kove probably helped with that.

"It is quite a nice day indeed. Unfortunately I liked the snow since my fur matches it. But on the other hand I really like warm weather. Hm. Always a bit conflicted about those weather changes," she chuckled. Her nose didn't register any pack on her. Maybe she was new in these lands. Her grey fur and blue eyes reminded the female a bit of her friend Crëyr.

RE: Waiting on the day - Rhythm - February 28, 2015

Rhythm smiled as the white female smiled at her. Rhythm too sat down. "I could see why you would like the snow. I wouldn't be able to see you against it. Probably makes you a good hunter," she commented. No scent of pack wolves. Perhaps this white wolf was lone like herself. Rhythm's ears twitched as she listened to the sounds of nature. "Name's Rhythm, and yours?" she said as she lay down on the ground.

RE: Waiting on the day - Scarlett - February 28, 2015

Scarlett chuckled. "Yes. I do like the snow. Well, I am not the one to brag but for my precious pack I was a gamekeeper. And as a naturalist I do need to know about wildlife. There are probably wolves who are better than me. But for now. I can sustain myself and an injured youngster that I have under my care," she returned modestly. Scarlett was pleased that she could feed two mouths without the protection of a pack. Hopefully she would soon have a home again.

"My name is Scarlett," she returned with a fond smile. "Nice to meet you Rhythm. Such a nice name," she complimented. "Are you all on your own?"

RE: Waiting on the day - Rhythm - February 28, 2015

Rhythm listened quietly and slightly in awe. She was a great wolf. She can feed not one mouth but to without the aid of a pack. Not alone per say but now pack. "Yes i am alone. Have been travelling alone for quite a while now. Although lately i have met a couple of lone wolves like me. You. and a black wolf by the name of Nanuk. I'm thinking. I may stick around in the area for a while. Provided there aren't many hostile wolves around," she paused for a moment. She was always worried about the constant threat of a fight or challenge from other wolves for she knew alone she stood no chance.

RE: Waiting on the day - Scarlett - February 28, 2015

Scarlett watched the laying down female. "I am not entirely alone. I have the youngster to take care of. Plus my boyfriend and I will start our own pack soon," she returned with some pride. But the female didn't look arrogant while saying it. It was a more modest pride. "This is a great valley to stick around. But I can imagine that you might long for the safety of a pack. If you want you could have a spot in the pack I am creating?," Scarlett offered kindly.

"Most hostile wolves are on the other side of the mountain rage. Don't go near the dark forest of Black Feather Woods. Or the Caldera of Redhawks Caldera," she advised with a hum in her tone.

RE: Waiting on the day - Rhythm - February 28, 2015

Rhythm listened carefully and her ears perked as she mentioned she was starting a pack of her own. Its almost like this wolf was reading her mind. She did not enjoy being alone. Especially with packs around. "Thank you for the advice about the hostile wolves. I would love to join your pack with you and your boyfriend and i'm guessing this young one you keep talking about," She couldn't help but smile as she realized she finally had some new friends. Potentially even pack mates.

RE: Waiting on the day - Scarlett - February 28, 2015

Scarlett knew that being a lone wolf could be terribly lonely before she got to this place and joined Duskfire she had been lonely and begging for a home. After being kicked out she had Kove and Adlartok. It make her less lonely and they gave her a purpose. Kove did that by supporting her and giving up his own pack for her and Adlartok because he was a child and needed food. "You are very welcome. Well, welcome to the pack. We decided on settling in Bearclaw Valley. It is a great place!"

Scarlett was a bit skeptical about her little warrior being nice to other wolves. "Adlartok can be a bit distrusting. He was attacked in our precious pack by a pack mate. His trust in strangers is a bit lacking because of that."

RE: Waiting on the day - Rhythm - February 28, 2015

Rhythm stood and nodded her head in respect "Thank you for letting me join you and your pack." She said as she stretched. Rhythm was shocked to hear that someone from the young wolves pack had attacked it. It was devistating hearing of a wolf being killed in battle. But being injured by a wolf of the same pack. That was just cruel. "I can understand why he would be nervous around strangers then. I shall be careful. Hopefully he will learn to trust me. I would never do that to a packmate." Rhythm yawned and then stepped into the stream. It wasn't very deep and she liked the feeling of the cool water running over her paws.

RE: Waiting on the day - Scarlett - February 28, 2015

Scarlett bobbed her courtly and smiled kindly. "I bet you will be an asset and good packmate to others," she returned. Scarlett licked her lips and lowered her head to drink some more. She smiled sadly. "Yes it was horrible and the reason why I left, or well, we left. The female that attacked him was quite crazy," Scarlett returned. Her white body turned towards Emberwood where Adlartok was currently now.

"I think it will take a while, but it will be such a reward when he does trust you," she hummed. "He would do anything for me."

RE: Waiting on the day - Rhythm - February 28, 2015

"I promise I wont let you down uh wait I don't know your name." Rhythm looked down at the ground. She had met this lovely wolf and yet she had forgotton to ask her name. How could she be so foolish. "I look forward to the day when he does trust me then," Rhythm would do what it took to gain the trust of this young one.

RE: Waiting on the day - Scarlett - February 28, 2015

Scarlett told her name! :3 Last post from me <3

Scarlett tipped her head in question. "Oh I thought I did! I'm Scarlett," she introduced again with all the kindness in the world. The pale female felt like the conversation was coming to an end. "I hope so too. I will howl once we head to the valley. It is next to Wapun meadow," she explained. "I should return to this rebelling youngster," she chuckled softly. She got to her feet and greeted the female goodbye. "I will see you soon, Rhythm!"

RE: Waiting on the day - Rhythm - February 28, 2015

Rhythm smiled Scarlett suited this white wolf. "See you again soon too ill be listening for that howl. In the meantime I bid you farewell." she nodded as she padded off to find some food to hunt or other wolves to socialize with. Although she swore she would not go near the places with the hostile wolves Scarlett had mentioned previously.