Wolf RPG
I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am. - Printable Version

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I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am. - Ayita - February 28, 2015

The soft light of the grey dawn snuck through the thick bank of clouds, reflecting off the powdery white snow that littered the ground. The snow was light on the ground, the soft light of the grey dawn permeating the air with a frisson of heat but to the cold frozen ground of the valley, it tried but to no avail. The ground was frozen in the depths of the winter- and what a winter it had been. The snow had fallen thick since she had entered this place, her soul a desolate wasteland of grief and sorrow and sheer frustration. She was alone for the first time in her life, totally and completely alone.

And she was afraid, terribly afraid. So many things could kill her out here. Bears and such, other wolves even if she had the misfortune to travel through their lands. She was still young and inexperienced and on the whole? Definitely not ready to meet the real world.

And she was here, on the edge of a pack territory across the mountain but even now, she was terrified. She had no energy left to be brave, for she had been brave for almost six months. Ayita had never lived without a pack before and now she wandered, hungry and alone and confused about what the hell she was going to do now.

She bordered on the edge of a life both achingly familiar and excruciatingly painful in her memories, to belong to a pack and a place. She wanted to be accepted, above all else and she would try her damned hardest to find her place in this pack's hierarchy. The winter was harsh after all and prey on the short side of existence. There were hungry mouths to feed but so little to feed them with and any smart alpha needed all the wolves they could get. Ayita assumed she'd be accepted for the winter but who knew what spring would bring? It was a season of life and renewal.

What if they drove her off? Would she starve? Would she die from exposure, trapped in the open winter with no shelter from the inevitable snow storms? She didn't want to think about what would happen if she was left out here, broken and refused entrance to a pack that could give her most anything she could ever want.

But it seemed all her worries were for naught. The alpha had so easily allowed her in, with a gracious gesture of welcome and that was it. She was over the cusp of loneliness into the warmth of the pack once again. The mountains were cold and she had yet to see another wolf but it was good, once again, to be part of a system.

RE: I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am. - Bindi - February 28, 2015

The was no way I was going to match your length, but I'll write a more detailed post next time ;)

Bindi had been hunting, when she caught scent of the newly accepted female into the pack. She need to hunt in order to pay Crescendo, but meeting a fellow pack mate was more important to her. She was glad to have another wolfess in the pack, as it seems all that have joined have been males.

She trotted along until she caught sight of the female, light brown color fur, with it seemed honey colored eyes. Bindi approached the female, head held high. "Hello" she said happily and smiled at the the female.

RE: I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am. - Ayita - March 04, 2015

The snow was powdery and white as it crunched under the paws of the approaching fae, signalling her approach long before Ayita's eyes could pick her out from among the white expanse.

This wolf, her head held high and dominant in posture, was the only fellow female she'd met as of yet, a welcome sight in contrast to the steady stream of males that seemed to make up the pack.

She tucked her head down, deeply then lifted it up to just a little lower than the fae's own posture. " Hello to you too. I'm glad to have finally found another female, so many men around. I didn't know what to do with myself." She allowed her jaw to curl into a smile.

RE: I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am. - Bindi - March 07, 2015

The wolfess seemed kind and appeared to be happy when she saw Bindi. When she spoke the midnight female was a bit confused. There where not that many males in the pack, but she ignored her thought and focused back on the new member. "The more males the better" she said sarcastically. "I'm Bindi" she said and returned the pale female's smile with one of her own.

She wondered if this female liked to hunt. Bindi and Jace seemed to bond over hunting, perhaps she could do the same with this female. The day was nice enough and there were plenty of ram to hunt, but Bindi would offer later, for now she wanted to learn about this new female.

RE: I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am. - Ayita - March 07, 2015

The ivory wolfess just grinned sharply at the sarcasm just dripping from the dark fae's words and huffed in amusement, though she could see a lingering confusion, perhaps at her words. "Yes, males are exceedingly useful. My old pack was matriarchal, so to see such a strange dynamic of a few fae and many males is strange to me. There were very few males in my old pack, so it's just a little strange to me. And I'm Ayita, Ani'-Wah' Ya. Don't bother trying to say the last bit. Don't know why my mother gave me such an insufferably annoying name." She smiled gently and looked around, seeing the tinges of spring working into the landscape.

"So what do you folks do around here? Haven't been in a pack for a while, I've almost forgotten what it was like. What about you? Has the pack been around long?"
