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Wapun Meadow le romantic scene - Printable Version

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le romantic scene - Autumn - February 28, 2015

for @Kesik ! Let's do this! Making some assumptions about so far, hope you're okay with 'em. Please tell me if not.

Autumn had traveled with Kesik for the rest of the day, persisting closer to the shore but heading south. Soon they'd be taking a turn towards the west. They had exchanged some pleasant unimportant talk about the weather recently and such, but no personal details about family and home nor large pieces of information. She was tired of walking and as soon as she arrived in le romantic flower field she glanced back at him. You wanna set up camp here for the night? I'm tired of walking for now, my legs are killin' me. She chuckled, though she really did wanna sit and rest. It would be night soon anyway- le romantic sunset was low in the sky as the top of the sky turned deep shades of deep blue-indigo and colors that neared purple.

RE: le romantic scene - Kesik - February 28, 2015

Kesik gazed in awe at the beautiful 'le romantic' scene. The sky was turned equally beautiful colors, indigo and deep blue. He nodded, awestruck, and turned his eyes back to Autumn. She looked more beautiful then the meadow and the sky combined, he noticed with an odd twinge in his gut. "It's beautiful. All of it. Lets stay here"

He lay down in a spot clear of the thin layer of snow, hoping Autumn would join him. He let out a sigh of admiration for everything here right now, and turned to her. "Please, tell me a little about yourself. All I know is that your name is Autumn Juniper Berry, and that you are kind and happy and pretty."

RE: le romantic scene - Autumn - February 28, 2015

I just saw what you put in relations ^u^ that's adorable

When Kesik agreed, Autumn smiled and sat down, settling comfortably in a bed of daises that would soon begin to bloom in the spring. When he asked about her, she thought about how she would describe herself and her life. Well, I wasn't born here, but when I was a few weeks old we moved to here in the Wilds, me and my family. We lived on Silvertip Mountain. Me and my two cousins, Storm and Vulpis, were the youth, while the adults were my mom and dad and my cousins' mom. We all lived in the same big den so my cousins were like siblings to me. My dad taught me to deceive, but I rarely use that skill... It seems mean. I was raised a lot on the legends and lore of spirit foxes and their fights against demons. When I was a year and a month or two a decided I wanted to adventure. Ever since then I've been wandering and exploring the Wilds. I have many friends, who I only saw once, but one enemy who I've seen four times. A coywolf, whiteish-grey with a black head and yellow eyes. She's a liar, holding children captive, and mean. But at least I have lotsa friends. She concluded her biography with a broad grin and a wag of her fluffy flame tail. Then she pointed at Kesik with a jet-black little paw. But enough about me! Tell me about you, Kesik. Autumn said in a friendly and interested tone.

RE: le romantic scene - Kesik - February 28, 2015

Kesik stared intently at her as she spoke, gobbling up all of her words. "Well, it's nothing too exciting." He admitted, but went on anyway. "I was born north of here, very far north, with 3 sisters and 5 brothers. My mother was completely exhausted from taking care of all of us, so she took one of my brothers and all of my sisters and left, leaving us alone. We learned to hunt, and made our way south, to these lands. Along the way we got separated in a snowstorm, however, and I have been alone every since." He carefully considered her words before giving a little shudder. "That coywolf seems to be a nasty piece of work. Best not go anywhere near her." he mused, looking around the little meadow again. It was fenced in by trees, and had a small stream gurgling happily down one side of it, and a small burrow that could be enlarged to make a perfect little den. He waited for Autumn to reply before going on about his suggestion.

RE: le romantic scene - Autumn - February 28, 2015

Autumn listened to his story intently as well, drinking up his words like water in the desert. She frowned thoughtfully. Personally she thought his was more dramatic than her. I'm sorry your mom left. That must of been hard, to survive alone. And I'm sorry you got seperated from your brothers. She said. She wouldn't know what it was like to even miss one parent, it must be hard with none! She'd always felt bad for her cousins who never knew their father. But Kesik was an orphan of sorts. When he mentioned the coywolf again, she nodded as her eyes narrowed. I always seem to run into her. I'll try to keep away. She said, her tone speaking her dislike towards Caiaphas very obviously. But she decided to leave behind the topic of that jerk and move to something more pleasant. She glanced into Kesik's blue eyes. Sometimes it was easy to tell when someone had an idea, and she could tell. You look thoughtful or something. What's up? Autumn asked Kesik with a curious tilt of her head.

RE: le romantic scene - Kesik - February 28, 2015

"I was thinking..." he began carefully. "This meadow would make a perfect home. It's sheltered, has a den, and a little stream. Why not stay here for a little while, and wait for the weather to warm before going to the coast?" His eyes roamed the space, then settled back on Autumn. "What do you think?"

He hoped she too wanted to settle, at least for a little while, before setting out again. Truth be told, adventure had made him weary, and he longed to settle his paws somewhere. This was the perfect opportunity. But, he didn't think he could bear losing company as soon as he got it.

RE: le romantic scene - Autumn - February 28, 2015

Autumn listened, reminding herself to stay open-minded to his ideas, as he explained why Wapun Meadow would be a nice place to live until the weather warmed up and they headed to the coast. She thought it over deeply for about twenty seconds. She had done a lot of adventuring. She could take a short break, right? It would probably be only a month or two. Sure. Sounds good! She said, with a grin and wag of her tail. She thought it over again. Sheltered, One nice stream, one nice den... One nice den. One. Sharing a den? Sharing a den? Sharing a den?!? She didn't bother to ask, just hoped it was big enough for them to each get some personal space.

RE: le romantic scene - Kesik - February 28, 2015

The fox leaped to his feet and grinned. "Great! Let's check out the den." It took only a few steps to reach the entrance, and he slipped inside quickly. It opened into a big chamber, with two smaller tunnels branching out. "It looks like on of these tunnels is a back entrance, and the other" Kesik squeezed himself through the small space, popping out on the other side in a large area, not as cold as the first. "Is a bigger den. It's warmer, too" He popped back into the first chamber, pelt slightly dirty. "How about you take the one through there" he suggested, motioning at the bigger chamber.

RE: le romantic scene - Autumn - February 28, 2015

She followed him, and was quickly relieved of her worries. It was big with two tunnels branching off. He offered Autumn the bigger and warmer space, and she smiled genuinely at his generosity. Thanks, Kesik! I think I'm going to really love it here. Everything here. She said with a quick glance at his handsome face before her amber-flecked eyes turned back to her den. Without a word she squeezed through the tunnel into the big warm chamber. Her head turned and she observed her new home in awe.

RE: le romantic scene - Kesik - February 28, 2015

Last post for me, unless you want to continue!

With a final ,happy glance at his friend, he settled down in his chamber. He gave a small yawn, exposing rows of tiny sharp teeth, before tucking his tail over his paws, laying on his side, and drifting of to sleep almost instantly. He was content, for he had finally found a little home...and with a good friend. Almost nothing could make him more happy.

Above their burrow the sun finally set, taking with it the rich purples and blues that had been there moments before. But they would return, he was sure.

RE: le romantic scene - Autumn - March 01, 2015

ty for the thread, I'll have it archived :)

Soon she heard silence. Autumn glanced into his chamber just as he fell asleep, and couldn't help but think about how cute he looked while he slept. Turning away, she curled up in her own chamber. Goodnight, Kesik... She murmured quietly as she drifted off into dreams. The sun finally set on their first day together, marking an end to a very important day for both of them.